Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Waiting in the Summer 1

Nagai is a much better director when he's not doing overly-serious drama. The art and animation are great, as expected. The cliched and lame fanservice at the end of the episode was dumb, though. Hopefully the show doesn't go too far in that direction and focuses on the actual character interactions.

Who names their daughter "Lemon"?

Fangirls who write fanfiction?


Fate/Zero 13

Rider buying
strategy video games
You know, have I told you guys..., you know what, I needn't say it anymore.

Ryuu having his usual picnic.

Waver doing some
whining, but I can see where he's coming from at the same time.
With that lil' conversation the duo further takes my heart!

D'oh! Dat cliff hanger!

Quite glad I decided to pick this up in time for Season 2. Like the concept, enjoying character interactions and battles. Not bad at all, in fact, I like! I hope the overall pace picks up with more bloodshed development!
I'm pretty sure it's a fake name.
They should have kept her name as Ichigo.
Fate/Zero 13
D'oh! Dat cliff hanger!

Quite glad I decided to pick this up in time for Season 2. Like the concept, enjoying character interactions and battles. Not bad at all, in fact, I like! I hope the overall pace picks up with more bloodshed development!


I just wish they gave Ryuunosuke more screen time and more dialogue between Kirei and Gilgamesh, that was fun.
Tenchi Muyo Ryo-ohki OVA 3 was a pretty big disappointment. I almost wish I hadn't watched it.
I heard pretty similar things, which is ultimately why I've decided to never buy it. I was so excited the first time I saw it on shelves, because I thought it was a rerelease of the original Tenchi. Oh well...


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Tenchi Muyo Ryo-ohki OVA 3 was a pretty big disappointment. I almost wish I hadn't watched it.

It had shit directing and pacing. Episodes 4 and 5 had an absolutely shit budget as well, some of the character expressions were downright offensive in how bad they were, and a bunch of shit at the end was thrown in a way that made no sense.

This could also be due to the fact that Masaki Kajishima, the series creator, wrote some books after the completion of OVA 2 but well before OVA 3 in Japan that explain a lot of this stuff called "Shin Tenchi Muyo" (no relation to Tenchi in Tokyo TV). The OVA reeked of writing and directing based on the assumption that the people watching had read this supplementary material. Unfortunately, many hadn't. Especially in the west since as far as I'm aware, these were never translated.
Announced at Tokyo International Anime Fair:
New Toei "original cinema project" collaboration with Nitro+ called Rakuen Tsuiho

Director: Seiji Mizushima
Script: Gen Urobuchi
Original Work: Nitro+ and Toei Animation
Production Studio: Toei Animation

Since this is a theatrical project, I assume this is distinct from the original anime starting in October Urobuchi said he would be writing for. The guy's been getting a lot of work since Madoka.


Fate/Zero 13

Rider buying
strategy video games
You know, have I told you guys..., you know what, I needn't say it anymore.

Ryuu having his usual picnic.

Waver doing some
whining, but I can see where he's coming from at the same time.
With that lil' conversation the duo further takes my heart!

D'oh! Dat cliff hanger!

Quite glad I decided to pick this up in time for Season 2. Like the concept, enjoying character interactions and battles. Not bad at all, in fact, I like! I hope the overall pace picks up with more bloodshed development!

I may not be a Nichijou bro, but I can be your Fate/Zero bro.


Since this is a theatrical project, I assume this is distinct from the original anime starting in October Urobuchi said he would be writing for. The guy's been getting a lot of work since Madoka.

Did he say it was a new TV anime starting in October, or did he say it's simply something which will be coming out in October? If the latter, it could well be this. Miyaji also put on his Twitter profile that he was working on a new anime which would be due in "June 2012 (?)" earlier on, and that turned out to be the Fuse theatrical project which is now due for Fall 2012.
Did he say it was a new TV anime starting in October, or did he say it's simply something which will be coming out in October? If the latter, it could well be this. Miyaji also put on his Twitter profile that he was working on a new anime which would be due in "June 2012 (?)" earlier on, and that turned out to be the Fuse theatrical project which is now due for Fall 2012.

This is his Twitter comment. It doesn't mention TV, just the October date, so I suppose this could be it.
Mawaru-Penguindrum 15

That marks the second time they interrupt a cool moment to show a flashback. Geez.

The flashback was much better than whatever dumb nonsense was going on at the hot springs. I do broadly agree that the show's structure is clumsy.

Waiting in the Summer 1

Nagai is a much better director when he's not doing overly-serious drama. The art and animation are great, as expected. The cliched and lame fanservice at the end of the episode was dumb, though. Hopefully the show doesn't go too far in that direction and focuses on the actual character interactions.

There's a few fanservice moments I could have done without, but for the most part the show does a good job of keeping that from becoming distracting.
Announced at Tokyo International Anime Fair:
New Toei "original cinema project" collaboration with Nitro+ called Rakuen Tsuiho

Director: Seiji Mizushima
Script: Gen Urobuchi
Original Work: Nitro+ and Toei Animation
Production Studio: Toei Animation

Urobuchi means I'll give it at least an episode.

Since this is a theatrical project, I assume this is distinct from the original anime starting in October Urobuchi said he would be writing for. The guy's been getting a lot of work since Madoka.

He's always had a ton of work. He's just now venturing outside of visual novels. Can't say I'm disappointed.


I have no idea what Medaka Box actually is except Nisioisin is involved so I'm expecting lots and lots of words.

There aren't many banter bouts in Medaka, surprisingly. Definitely nothing on the level of the Monogatari's.

Epic troll character that makes early Medaka tolerable. She and Kumagawa need to interact more.

Her hilarious quirps with Zenkichi is what kept me going through that series. real talk.


Milky Holmes 1

Okay, the one insult the classmate told the gang got me (not sure if I can say it). Besides that, it was a vanilla intro episode.


Waiting in the Summer 1
The cliched and lame fanservice at the end of the episode was dumb, though. Hopefully the show doesn't go too far in that direction and focuses on the actual character interactions.
Much to my disappointment, Waiting in the Summer's skin exposure doesn't even reach Please Teacher levels, much less Please Twins.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Mawaru-Penguindrum 16


Ahahaha. You're cool, crazy penguin princess hat thing... person.

Also, ultra-surprise maid moe.

"Hey Mr. Pressunant, watchaaut!"
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