I've tried that you just get spotted and the zombie train appears.
I crawled through cherno yesterday for probably an hour, passed by alot of zombies only a few feet away and they never saw me. Crawling makes you practically invisible to zombies.
I've tried that you just get spotted and the zombie train appears.
No.I am having a hard time figuring out the instructions to play this game. Is there anyway to play this for free? the guide in the OP says ARMAII free and Operation Arrowhead fully patched. OA cost money.
if thats the case ok but someone told me you could play for free. is this true?
thanks I will purchase ArmaII:CO
This sounds fantastic. Would love something like this for the 360, but of course, Microsoft has deemed that I'm more into Bro-Blaster 2000: Modern Murderwarrior.
Why's that?I don't think a game like this is even feasible for consoles.
I don't think a game like this is even feasible for consoles.
Why's that?
Why's that?
Too many buttons, it's too complex to handle with a controller. Although BIS made the first OFP work with the first Xbox, I'm not sure which sacrifices they made.
this game isn't feasible on the current gen due to bandwith and memory restrictions. For example the server starts lagging heavily when there are a lot of players killed because their bodies stay. If somebody dumped a lot of effort into optimization and MS + Sony lifted bandwidth restrictions then it might be possible with some cutbacks.
it will be possible next gen and there WILL be some games like that.
That said, how do you make this in to a single-player experience
You don't; making a single player experience would kill the entire point of the game.
Not sure the world at large is ready for perma-death zombie land.. also console fuckers would grief beyond belief.
If this comes to consoles it won't be for the current generation.Well, yes.. but speaking of on consoles.. it'd have to have "something" or it'd probably never happen.
Not sure the world at large is ready for perma-death zombie land.. also console fuckers would grief beyond belief.
Well, yes.. but speaking of on consoles.. it'd have to have "something" or it'd probably never happen.
Not sure the world at large is ready for perma-death zombie land.. also console fuckers would grief beyond belief.
MAG was online only, IIRC. I agree, the game probably isn't well suited for console gamers.
They would be better off building their own. I don't think many people realize that. The Arma engine is 50% of why this game is so good and I'm not sure they could recreate that in UE, not to mention the server backend that runs this all.Yeah, and MAG'S failure has pretty much assured that ain't happening again soon.
..btw I loved MAG.
If this was to be made ground-up, what engine?
1. Open inventory, mouse over item, right click, left click. For flares/empty cans, have them in inventory and hit F to equip and use.
2. Abort, Disconnect, and then OK at the server lobby screen.
Bonus: Go into Player Profile at the Arma 2 menu.
Protip: Play the Arma 2 tutorial. Game isn't exactly simple. Using the backpack for storage can also take some getting used to.
I've tried that you just get spotted and the zombie train appears.
They would be better off building their own. I don't think many people realize that. The Arma engine is 50% of why this game is so good and I'm not sure they could recreate that in UE, not to mention the server backend that runs this all.
I honestly think putting this on consoles would be the decision that kills it. It wouldn't succeed in its current design with the player base that currently makes up the console market.
I have a lot of problems with 1.7.01. patch. First, the server often tries to retry authentication and fails. Then it gets stuck at loading screen. Then when I enter the server I can't move.
Standing here on a shore of the GAF server somewhere and can't move.
Said something about the mod missing "CBA Main"?
Edit: oh, you guys are running 1.6 and I'm on 1.7.
That missing CBA Main thing is a common thing that doesn't really affect anything at all. The version difference is what was causing that problem though. Better to just stay off the 1.7 patch until the hotfixes get released.
I used the Worrom thing and that was what it gave me by default. Do you know how to downgrade?
That missing CBA Main thing is a common thing that doesn't really affect anything at all. The version difference is what was causing that problem though. Better to just stay off the 1.7 patch until the hotfixes get released.
Standing here on a shore of the GAF server somewhere and can't move.
Said something about the mod missing "CBA Main"?
Edit: oh, you guys are running 1.6 and I'm on 1.7.
For anyone playing with 1.7.0 just add "1.7.0" (w/o quotes) to the server filters and "DayZ" (w/o quotes) on the mission filter and you're all set. Currently I can't think of any reason not to play 1.7.0 other than wanting to play on your favorite servers. But since tents don't work at all and vehicles don't spawn on GAF servers, I don't mind playing on other servers.
Is TX8 supposed to be night right now?
I thought it was intentionally set to be 12 hours behind.
Just download the thing that says from here.
Then, copy the dayz_code_v1.6.0.1 PBO and BISIGN files into the @DayZ addons folder.
Dallas 19 has 1.7!
And join us on mumble!