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DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod

Nix (Texas 8 "manager") didn't manage to get the ArmA2:OA Beta Patch on the server (required to run the 1.7.0 version of DayZ). Since the 1.7.0 version doesn't bring that much to the experience, Texas 8 is still running (dayz) and 1.6.0 (ArmA).

TX8 is actually running the newest patch for OA. It's just not running 1.7.


Three lives on Dallas server:

1) most eventful. I spawn on a beach, see some cabins on a small island in the ocean. Nothing in them, kill a zombie or two. Then I go back to land and start walking toward the nearest town when suddenly a zombie pops out of the trees. I take aim to fire and I hear more screaming and realize I've got bigger issues. I get hit twice by a zombie and I turn and run back down the highway away from them. Suddenly I'm being fired upon and take a shot in the chest from a player. Am I seriously getting PKed while running from zeds?

I keep running and see him kneeling down. He's actually helping me, instead of trying to kill me. He takes out the group of six or seven while I fire a few poor shots into the mass. I can't remember his name, but he did me a solid and gave me some food. I bandaged myself up and ate the food and we decided to hang together for a bit. Instead of walking right into town, we walk along one side of the town slowly along a hillside. But the bandages and food didn't work - I'm still dying.

I'm not losing blood, but I barely have any left. Things are getting black and white. I start seeing flashes of white. I try and follow my new friend, but as I see him climbing up the hillside I lose him. I keep getting blinding flashes of white and I try and look around while climbing the hill, but I never saw him again. At the top of the hill I just start running toward a small house and shed I see. I know I aggroed a zombie along the way, but when I run into the shed I can't see him outside. He's growling and gnashing though.

Motherfuck, I'm about to die and I find a crossbow and two or three bolts.

I run out of the shed and into the woods and lose my direction again. Suddenly I'm bursting out of the woods on a highway with six bodies - I went in a circle. I'm being chased by four or five now, though, so I return to the sea and decide to see if zombies can swim.

Doesn't matter...start passing out once I start swimming and the third time I pass out I'm struck by zombies and die quickly.

2) I spawn on the same beach and decide to try and find my body. I'm hoping the zeds got bored and maybe go off somewhere else or maybe they're stuck in the water. I go toward where I swore my body was and I see a body lying on the shore. I come up to it and it doesn't look like me. I loot it and there's nothing on it. Was it my body?

Three shots from somewhere and I'm dead again. My first PK and I have no clue where it came from.

3) I spawn again on that same beach and just go forward. I skip the house and shed I saw earlier and travel from field to field, along the fence line.

I kill only one zombie and never get chased, but this is easily my longest session. I'm being careful now. I walk along the fence lines, crouched and stick to shadows when I can. I stay away from large towns.

I find a tower and a van and what looks like a communication station, but just some flares for booty.

Then I'm back in the woods and I find something I don't want to: an army station. FUCK THAT. There's gotta be tons of zombies and probably some bandits hanging around this place. Oh fuck it, you only live a million times, so I go and explore. Don't see any zombies, just a large lot full of dead soldiers and a hangar full of body bags. I find some crossbow bolts in the hangar and I'm about to explore the HQ when I'm disconnected.
I finally gave up and bought the ARMA Collection and installed this mod.

Spent my first session running up this hill to get my bearings, only to find that I was in the extreme south-west corner of the map. (>_<)

My second session ended quickly after bumbling into a town and upsetting its residents. After making a not-so-heroic attempt to flee, I bled out on a desolate road, surrounded by my zombie interlocutors.
Can I get some help getting this to work? I bought the game and expansion from Amazon a while back during the sale. I tried using the WORROM updater, but every server has a red X next to it. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

The M.O.B

So earlier on the Gaf server Dallas 19, every player got turned into a zombie..........We weren't actually zombies but we had zombie clothes on. We couldn't attack anyone either......


I ran back to where I last was and in my place was my character but turned into a white guy.


And then Wedge later got impaled by a chair...

Also, a week back or so we got a boat working.........but it was incredibly slow so we ditched it.

Day Z, where even the glitches are part of the experience.
This sounds fantastic. Would love something like this for the 360, but of course, Microsoft has deemed that I'm more into Bro-Blaster 2000: Modern Murderwarrior.

Check out Class 3 being developed by Undead Labs and published by MS. Its the same concept as DayZ almost but only supports 2 players (online or split screen). Its using CryEngine 3 too. I'm anticipating it being fully revealed at E3. Depending on its success, they want to make Class 4 which will have the same game play mechanics as Class 3 but will support thousands. Its one of my most anticipated games tbh.

More here including ingame game play teaser: www.undeadlabs.com


So, I tried to join the GAF server (TX8) and after starting the game I couldn't do a thing and I got an error message telling me that I have to update to 1.7. That means I have to install the arma2 1.6 patch and then update to dayz 1.7 right?
So, I tried to join the GAF server (TX8) and after starting the game I couldn't do a thing and I got an error message telling me that I have to update to 1.7. That means I have to install the arma2 1.6 patch and then update to dayz 1.7 right?

No, it just means you need DayZ 1.7. Not sold on 1.7 yet, so I may revert TX8 to


Do any of you stream while you play? I can't join zombie survivor gaf, but perhaps I could live vicariously through your exploits.


When will 1.7 be official ?

Why isnt it ? Why are there 2 versions now ?

It wasn't quite ready to go; it just needed testing. People kinda jumped the gun on it.
It's pretty janky, and being able to say that is something considering the game we're talking about here. Loot spawns are a bit whacked, for instance.

For now as long as you're getting decent performance from in terms of framerate I would stay on it as long as possible. (and decent performance means 40 fps or higher with vsync turned off)

Unfortunately I'm forced to use 1.7 because gaf server.

Do any of you stream while you play? I can't join zombie survivor gaf, but perhaps I could live vicariously through your exploits.
Nix (I think?) used to, but due to the game's nature, having people know where you are in real time is a Bad Idea&#8482;


It wasn't quite ready to go; it just needed testing. People kinda jumped the gun on it.
It's pretty janky, and being able to say that is something considering the game we're talking about here. Loot spawns are a bit whacked, for instance.

For now as long as you're getting decent performance from in terms of framerate I would stay on it as long as possible. (and decent performance means 40 fps or higher with vsync turned off)

Unfortunately I'm forced to use 1.7 because gaf server.

Nix (I think?) used to, but due to the game's nature, having people know where you are in real time is a Bad Idea™

Do you really have to worry about people ghosting when you only have like 50 people on a server?


Do you really have to worry about people ghosting when you only have like 50 people on a server?

Well, yes.

I know for two reasons. One, people were indeed following him; apparently one even tried to crash an aircraft into him while he was airing.

Two, I have on several occasions gone after people who put up their location and server somewhere, and I am santa claus compared to most bandits.


Come now, Mik. You know exactly why 1.7 isn't really worth it considering we spent most of our time gearing out on the servers before changing back to 1.7 for the better performance/loading times.

C'mon now bro you should know Rocket fixed backpacks and car parts not spawning on 1.7.0 like two nights ago :-D


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I just re-downloaded ARMA II and OA at home and it won't even launch OA at all anymore, if its not something about my CD Key being missing it's weird missing files even after verifying the cache through steam.



Well, yes.

I know for two reasons. One, people were indeed following him; apparently one even tried to crash an aircraft into him while he was airing.

Two, I have on several occasions gone after people who put up their location and server somewhere, and I am santa claus compared to most bandits.

That sucks....

I guess youtube then...


I just re-downloaded ARMA II and OA at home and it won't even launch OA at all anymore, if its not something about my CD Key being missing it's weird missing files even after verifying the cache through steam.


Try reinstalling battle eye,it should be there if you right click Arma 2 OA in you steam library.
Played for a while last night, and did pretty well for my first time out. Survived about 4 hours even though I made countless beginner mistakes including jumping off a ledge that was way to high and shattering my legs. Finally met my end when I attempted to make it into a small village with only four rounds left and alerted a horde of zeds.

Second respawn I managed to find a corpse with an AK, map, ammo, watch, knife, matches, hatchet, basically everything I had been searching for my first time. Looted the booted and booked it into the woods. Came into a small farm house and proceeded to get shot in the face by someone waiting for me in the barn.

Hope they are now enjoying my gun....

In game name is Xaric if anyone is interested in teaming up on TX8.


I think I found a pretty interesting way to play last night.

After fixing up a vehicle and taking it up to the GAF guys to fool around with, I dumped my entire inventory into the trunk (ALICE pack, tools, and weapons included) for them to use thinking I would just log off at that point. Well, I decided I might as well loot the airfield since I was so close to it and there was not a whole lot of people on the server at the time. I run into the control tower after accidentally gaining some zombie aggro and manage to find a PDW with a single clip. I take out the few Zs that are following me and loot the top of the tower netting me some Pepsi, a couple cans of food, and two bandages. As I walk back down the stairs in the tower, I see another survivor who had clearly just spawned in looking right at me. I do the friendly dance and immediately get blasted in the chest with his Remington. I quickly sprint back up the staircase, head to the corner, and bandage myself. The pellets and subsequent bleeding sure did a number on me as I was left with only 4000 or so blood after bandaging. Well, seeing as how I was dead anyway, I decide I should at least try to take out that rotten bastard with me when I go. I switch my PDW to full auto (even though I only had about ten rounds left) and wait patiently for my enemy to walk up those steps. My hands tremble, whether from pain or anxiety, I know not. Nothing I carry will cure me anyway.

A few seconds pass without any indication of him coming into my domain. Fearing the flank, I head outside to the ladder and take a peek towards the ground. Still nothing. Losing my will to die, I climb down the ladder and just start booking it towards Krasnostov. The horde gathers behind me, but I don't have the time nor resources to stop and shoot. My eyes linger forever behind me as my body bulldozes forward. The undead hunters still follow, but the living one can not be seen. I burst through the general store's glass doors and am greeted with a bountiful feast, but nothing to defend myself with. Nonetheless, I quickly devour every item of food in sight save for a few that are to be kept on my person and then exit through the back of the store towards a long barn, still in search of a weapon. My luck remains on a downward spiral all throughout the town of Krasno. I find many tools, but not a single thing to defend myself with. The zombie horde is relentless, forever in tow.

Scavenged compass in hand, I make my way towards Black Lake to see if the rumors of there being a UAZ sunk into the shore bed at the lake hold any truth to them. The sound of hunger accompanies me throughout the entire trip. Once I finally reach my destination, I vault onto an outcropping of rock to get a better view of the lake in safety, knowing that the undead can not follow me here. Unfortunately, the rumors about the UAZ proved false. As I turn around to see just how many hungry have gathered behind me, I see a lone zed stumble down the steep incline that I had just traversed and meet its final death at the edge of the lake.

Just like the ancient men from history unrecorded, I have have used the greatest tool at my disposal to vanquish my enemies- Endurance. I was not the prey as I had originally thought. No, I was the fiercest of predators, built to outlast all. Just as the men of old hunted by wearing out their prey through sheer exertion, so have I.


Anyway, it is a lot of fun to immediately drop all of your starting equipment as soon as you spawn and then just scavenge from that point forward.



Anyway, it is a lot of fun to immediately drop all of your starting equipment as soon as you spawn and then just scavenge from that point forward.

it would be interesting if this was implemented in a patch, and tested at least for a couple of days by the Day Z devs. It would fix a lot of the deathmatch troubles at the beaches.


I've found two Coyote Backpacks in the Eastern fire station (power plant) in Elektro in the past three days. Lost both of them ofc.


So it seems that streamers have now resorted to covering their names to avoid stream snipers. Right now I'm watching a guy that put bears all over his screen. All it does it make me want bears in Day Z.

EDIT: Oh, so that's how you get a tag...


No bald cap? Lies!
So it seems that streamers have now resorted to covering their names to avoid stream snipers. Right now I'm watching a guy that put bears all over his screen. All it does it make me want bears in Day Z.

A little bit of RDR style animal types would be sweet, we already have boars, sheep, cows and rabbits, some bears, mountain lions and deer would be ace, especially further up north. When I get back next week and jump back into this I would love to just play the grizzly man but the game still requires you to venture into towns for everything.

You should be able to, albeit difficultly, survive on your own in the wilderness. It might take a long time to find prey and obviously health wise it'll be harsher, but it should still be a viable option. And a badass player skin thats all animal skins and furs would be awesome.


Just installed this. 3 servers so far say they're running 1.6.something and i'm running 1.7something, how do I use 1.7 servers?


Sonic handles my blue balls
Here you go:

Left Click = Fire/Select
Right Click = Aim down Sights
Right Click (Hold) = Zoom in (w+ Iron sights or not.)
Alt (Hold) = Look around your head/view without turning your character
Shift = Walk/Run (Depending on your already set.)
Shift (Double Tap) = Toggle Walk/Run
Alt (Double Tap) = Toggle view looking
G = Gear
; = Switch to secondary/primary
Numpad Enter = Third Person
Page Up = Zero In
Page Down = Zero Out
\ = Salute
< & > = Switch between chat groups
/ = Chat through text
Caps lock = VOIP
P = Player-list
Z = Prone
X = Crouch
C = Stand

Additionally, everything you do to yourself (eat, drink, painkillers, morphine..etc) must be done from the Backpack/Gear (G Key) menu. If you're giving someone else blood, painkillers..etc, then you can just use the context menu, which should prompt you when you look at them or when you hit middle mouse and look at them.

Thanks! Finally got to play for about 30 minutes after fixing my controls. Was a hoot.

Any reason why when I hit "use action" when opening a dead character's inventory it just opens my inventory instead? Like, I can't see their stuff. Is this normal?

Just ran for 30 minutes from zombies after wasting clips trying to save someone. Found a ladder and began climbing (everyone knows zombies can't climb), then tried to figure out why I couldn't go from the ladder to the platform, thinking it was a glitch. Finally managed to get onto the platform and immediately fell. Realized that as I began climbing, the zombies broke my legs. :-|
Thanks! Finally got to play for about 30 minutes after fixing my controls. Was a hoot.

Any reason why when I hit "use action" when opening a dead character's inventory it just opens my inventory instead? Like, I can't see their stuff. Is this normal?

Just ran for 30 minutes from zombies after wasting clips trying to save someone. Found a ladder and began climbing (everyone knows zombies can't climb), then tried to figure out why I couldn't go from the ladder to the platform, thinking it was a glitch. Finally managed to get onto the platform and immediately fell. Realized that as I began climbing, the zombies broke my legs. :-|

You always open your inventory no matter what when you use the gear option. It can be a little confusing, but if you see a 1 next to anything on the left, it means you can take it, if not then they were most likely just picked clean already.


Well, yes.

I know for two reasons. One, people were indeed following him; apparently one even tried to crash an aircraft into him while he was airing.

Two, I have on several occasions gone after people who put up their location and server somewhere, and I am santa claus compared to most bandits.
I feel like the map is so big, your chances of running into people are low otherwise, unless you stick to high traffic areas (airfield, cities, hunting stand spawn areas, beaches). So if you want to stalk someone, you kinda need to know where they are, otherwise you may wander for 2-3 hours straight without ever seeing them (especially if it's a hardcore server where you wouldn't know it was them if they were right in front of you).

it would be interesting if this was implemented in a patch, and tested at least for a couple of days by the Day Z devs. It would fix a lot of the deathmatch troubles at the beaches.
How would it prevent bandits from simply camping spawn locations knowing that the survivors will not have any way to defend themselves at all? Or is your argument that since the survivors have no equipment, people won't want to grief them? I feel like taking the equipment is only part of the reason people grief survivors.


Sonic handles my blue balls
You always open your inventory no matter what when you use the gear option. It can be a little confusing, but if you see a 1 next to anything on the left, it means you can take it, if not then they were most likely just picked clean already.
Makes sense, thanks!
I am getting a little too good at killing survivors in this game. I wait in my sniper perch for any signs of survivors. I am actually starting to crave murdering survivors and then taking their beans.

Best part is taunting them afterwards.


Confirmed Asshole
So I had a ghillie suit, right? Thing is fucking magic. It's like cheating.

Anyway, so I accidentally hit the respawn button in Berezino. And I was decked out. Seriously decked out.

Spawned in Kamenka. "Fuck you video game", I thought. Started trecking towards Berezino because that's where God created man and all that.

Keep in mind that going from Kamenka to Berezino pretty much means running once across the island in a straight line - it's like you'd paint a forward slash across the map. Provided you have your bearings.

So after what feels like an hour or so (didn't check the watch when I set out for the treck), I arrive in Berezino; saw some dudes in Stary Sobor along the way fumbling with torches at the church and all that.

Run up to my spot (I don't tell you my spot, it's my spot, dummy). Turns out my character was still there!

So now I'm decked out again, I guess. Unfortunately, the suits are glued to the bodies or whatever, so I couldn't retrieve my magical cheater suit. I suppose I have a new quest: Find a new ghillie suit. Accept

I thought rocket had nerfed the body despawn timer so that dudes despawn after 15m? Well, if he did, it's not working right.
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