I think I found a pretty interesting way to play last night.
After fixing up a vehicle and taking it up to the GAF guys to fool around with, I dumped my entire inventory into the trunk (ALICE pack, tools, and weapons included) for them to use thinking I would just log off at that point. Well, I decided I might as well loot the airfield since I was so close to it and there was not a whole lot of people on the server at the time. I run into the control tower after accidentally gaining some zombie aggro and manage to find a PDW with a single clip. I take out the few Zs that are following me and loot the top of the tower netting me some Pepsi, a couple cans of food, and two bandages. As I walk back down the stairs in the tower, I see another survivor who had clearly just spawned in looking right at me. I do the friendly dance and immediately get blasted in the chest with his Remington. I quickly sprint back up the staircase, head to the corner, and bandage myself. The pellets and subsequent bleeding sure did a number on me as I was left with only 4000 or so blood after bandaging. Well, seeing as how I was dead anyway, I decide I should at least try to take out that rotten bastard with me when I go. I switch my PDW to full auto (even though I only had about ten rounds left) and wait patiently for my enemy to walk up those steps. My hands tremble, whether from pain or anxiety, I know not. Nothing I carry will cure me anyway.
A few seconds pass without any indication of him coming into my domain. Fearing the flank, I head outside to the ladder and take a peek towards the ground. Still nothing. Losing my will to die, I climb down the ladder and just start booking it towards Krasnostov. The horde gathers behind me, but I don't have the time nor resources to stop and shoot. My eyes linger forever behind me as my body bulldozes forward. The undead hunters still follow, but the living one can not be seen. I burst through the general store's glass doors and am greeted with a bountiful feast, but nothing to defend myself with. Nonetheless, I quickly devour every item of food in sight save for a few that are to be kept on my person and then exit through the back of the store towards a long barn, still in search of a weapon. My luck remains on a downward spiral all throughout the town of Krasno. I find many tools, but not a single thing to defend myself with. The zombie horde is relentless, forever in tow.
Scavenged compass in hand, I make my way towards Black Lake to see if the rumors of there being a UAZ sunk into the shore bed at the lake hold any truth to them. The sound of hunger accompanies me throughout the entire trip. Once I finally reach my destination, I vault onto an outcropping of rock to get a better view of the lake in safety, knowing that the undead can not follow me here. Unfortunately, the rumors about the UAZ proved false. As I turn around to see just how many hungry have gathered behind me, I see a lone zed stumble down the steep incline that I had just traversed and meet its final death at the edge of the lake.
Just like the ancient men from history unrecorded, I have have used the greatest tool at my disposal to vanquish my enemies- Endurance. I was not the prey as I had originally thought. No, I was the fiercest of predators, built to outlast all. Just as the men of old hunted by wearing out their prey through sheer exertion, so have I.
Anyway, it is a lot of fun to immediately drop all of your starting equipment as soon as you spawn and then just scavenge from that point forward.