Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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How was vita after the ps meeting and leadup to E3.

Best to think of the PS Meeting as a sort of E3 lite for Sony. That is, if we're going with the reasoning it will play out the same way the Vita conference did.

Hardware reveal, a live demo, tech demos and developer feedback and a sizzle reel. Then E3 the floodgates open and you get your big announcements, release info and pricing ect.
They have a 2.5M number for the PS4 in 2013.

That has to point to a end of Q3/early Q4 release.

I guess we'll see something like the WiiU last year (at the latest) where they get it out at lest b Black Friday.


I'd be in the dick
They have a 2.5M number for the PS4 in 2013.

That has to point to a end of Q3/early Q4 release.

I guess we'll see something like the WiiU last year (at the latest) where they get it out at lest b Black Friday.

That's huge. I wonder if they can even manufacture enough to ship that many.

Which site was it that said Orbis was aiming at October and Durango was aiming for November? I can't remember if it was a credible site or not.


2.5million in 2013, is it even possible if fall?

If they launch in October and don't have serious shortages in November/December and if the price isn't 600$ (LOL), it is possibile.
Btw I wouldn't read too much about it, it's just a forecast made by people who aren't directly involved with SCE.
US+Jap release in July, EU release in September confirmed.

Nice find tho. But I doubt they care at this point when everyone knows the event they will be hosting is about PS4 and its releasing this year in the states.

AMAZING! Thank you!
No one launched in summer :D
Late september is the earliest, but I would be suprised if it's anything sooner than November for Japan/Usa and February/March for Europe.

Buh buh buh buh ;_____________________________________;

If it HAS to be 2014 for EU it needs to be in the first week of January or there will be hell to pay I tell ya!
Well I know WiiU hardware sold like 3M+ in 2012.

Again that is worldwide too.

Question is production issues if any. They should have adequate ramp up time though to be fully ready.

2m sold worldwide (3m shipped) that slide is predicting 2.5 million PS4 in USA only, so over 2.5x a many WiiU's for the US
They have a 2.5M number for the PS4 in 2013.

That has to point to a end of Q3/early Q4 release.

I guess we'll see something like the WiiU last year (at the latest) where they get it out at lest b Black Friday.

Actually it looks like the figures on that slide are just from Futuresource Consulting. Doesn't look like that data is from Sony, so maybe it means nothing at all. The guy with his name on the presentation is a big Blu Ray/Sony guy though.
2m sold worldwide (3m shipped) that slide is predicting 2.5 million PS4 in USA only, so over 2.5x a many WiiU's for the US
Good catch on that. You're right, it only applies for US sales. That seems bullish...

Actually it looks like the figures on that slide are just from Futuresource Consulting. Doesn't look like that data is from Sony, so maybe it means nothing at all. The guy with his name on the presentation is a big Blu Ray/Sony guy though.

Yeah this stuff might not have a lot of weight behind it.
This is a whole different beast. Vita is an afterthought in comparison.

it definitely is an afterthought considering it's state right now.

i hope the ps4 games stay around 60 dollars lol. or else i will be part of the problem and wait for price drop. but there is place like neweggs that may help lessen the blow.


Junior Member
They have a 2.5M number for the PS4 in 2013.

That has to point to a end of Q3/early Q4 release.

I guess we'll see something like the WiiU last year (at the latest) where they get it out at lest b Black Friday.

Whoa, where did you get these numbers? Sony aimed to ship four million PS3s by the end of 2006.
That's huge. I wonder if they can even manufacture enough to ship that many.

Which site was it that said Orbis was aiming at October and Durango was aiming for November? I can't remember if it was a credible site or not.

aegies on the last RebelFM said he has a hunch Durango is August, I think basing it on the trends of software releases for the 360 - GTAV being the exception.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Oh god hulk smash just made me laugh till I coughed... haha... the faces. The pause. haha
Well, looks like Witcher 3 will be coming to PS4. GameInformer says its coming to all next gen consoles.

Will probably get it on PC :p
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