The Dutch Slayer
Member full video at link is started later, right? Any link to see the full conference?
Not optimal but better then nothing. full video at link is started later, right? Any link to see the full conference?
Thank you. Glad I didnt sit through this.
She told everyone the truth, David Hayter is Snake.Can someone fill me in on what I missed with Jade Raymond?
The hall was empty, lots of unfilled seats. Hopefully 2015 isn't the last TGA![]()
It was like that last year. It's all about streaming audience not live.
SquidsWho won best shooter?
How many viewers it got on Twitch?
As a Shakespeare mark, I just wanted to say that you're a awesome dude.
Saw it up at around 140k, but then who knows how many of those could have been Bots.
Also was on many other platforms I believe.
Someone mentioned the posts during the Iwata tribute were bad, so I went back to look and
hoo boy
I knew some of these people were malcontents, but seriously. Imagine being the kind of person that can't put your video game preferences aside long enough to keep from brain vomiting bile into GAF posts for four minutes.
Just woke up here in europe. Any full video with a decent bitrate? Only got 144p or where the comentary ruins it by talking over everything.
Edit nwm IGN replay is where i gave up on 144p.
I just woke up.. It feels like this was a little lacking in announcements compared with other years sadly.
Those retweets too.
I feel like I'm dreaming.
The one night that could unite all game lovers and we're all meh about it.
What a let down. Worst than last year. The 10 world exclusives were lame and not news worthy. I will not follow this show next year, the "unveilings" are not worth it, clearly the industry has to business/interest in making big announcements in December.
How could Hamill not win best performance.
Yes, Her Story was carried by Seifert's performance, but heck, Arkham Knight was carried by Hamill's.
SPOILERS FOR ARKHAM KNIGHT, DON'T HIGHLIGHT if you have not played the game yet!I don't mind spoilers but i'm out of the loop on Arkham Knight. I remember Mark Hamill saying he was done doing voice over for the joker in the batman games at one point? I could be wrong on that but I just remember it being reported before Arkham Knight was released. Was that just a ruse to keep people wondering if he would ever appear in Arkham Knight?
Any summary of the announcements and non-award stuff showcased?
Just woke up, nothing from Nintendo?
Edit: Just saw the Iwata tribute, very emotional.
Hmm, Best Art Direction should have gone to Bloodborne, FROM created a greatly disturbing, truely lovecraftian world with Yharnam, the Nightmares and the dungeons.
I had to check twice for Splatoon winning best shooter, unexpected. Splatoon winning two awards is even more unexpected.
I love the game, and it's the best attempt at a new IP from Nintendo since Pikmin (imo), so i'm fine with the game being awarded.
Although in those categories, it's always a hard decision. I guess from all nominees, Splatoon certainly was the "freshest".
GotY Witcher 3 and Best Dev CD Project Red ... well.f*cking.deserved! My personal GotY, too!
Since i wasn't around for the show or the discussion here due to living in Europe and having a job so no staying awake, what's about that discussion about the Iwata tribute?
I've never really listened to DeadMaus or whatever, but that was so bad.
I was watching the event on my xbox one with my friend and his brother through group chat and he was telling me that a lot of DeadMaus' music takes forever to build up and do anything that is crazy. So we were just kinda joking like "well, it did seem like it was going to be some game-inspired music for a minute there...remember when Bowser popped up at the beginning? And now there's Boos." And as it went on " he's been laying ground work for a beat for like 5 minutes now. Is he gonna do something cool?" And it just sort of abruptly ended and we kinda just started laughing and were like wow...we were just in shock. I don't understand how he was getting so hyped in his music when it was pretty slow and it sounded like something you could create on Fruity Loops in a few minutes.
But anyway...I think I enjoyed the previous year's awards show more. And the only reveals I thought were really cool was the Tomb Raider DLC, Psychonauts 2 reveal, and Far Cry Primal. Never played a Far Cry game before, but this one looks like one I'll definitely want to try out.
And lastly, the whole Kojima not being able to attend because of a contract thing was dumb. I've never hated a gaming company so much before. I really hope that when he's finally released from Konami completely that he'll really break out and do what he wants to do. But of course never go crazy like Inafune. lol.
My suggestions as posted in the other thread:
I think the template is pretty good, it's just the execution that needs work.
- Musical acts should be gaming related, at the very least a band should show up and perform a song from a video game. Ideally we'd have the original game composers and/or artists performing music from a game that was released that year. Audiences are going to like music from MGSV over Chvrches and Deadmau5 every single time.
- Get a venue to match your audience size. A small full house always looks better than a half empty stadium.
- Shilling doesn't have to be so obvious. We are fine with sponsors, we're fine with Geoff saying "thanks to AMD and Bethesda etc" and playing ads between the awards and acts, but things like devoting a whole "green room" to AMD and Battlefront and having Justine ask all the guests "Hey have you played Battlefront?" was predictable and brought down the class level of the whole thing.
- Here's a great way to merge advertising and awards: Why not make certain awards sponsored by advertising partners? As long as they avoid obvious conflicts of interest it would be a way to make sponsorship more genuine, more relevant, and have more time to present awards.
- Make the ending memorable. Endings are so important and leave the final impression with viewers. Deadmau5 was a terrible, anticlimactic way to finish and left us confused after Geoff said there'd be one final surprise.
- Have a dress code. People dressed nicely will act nicely. I'm not saying black tie but shirts, jeans, and jandals are definitely not Game Awards material.