This is without a doubt, an incredibly brutal and unforgiving tale on the seemingly nonexistent difference between man and beast. The very first scene in this film starts with a town ravaged with the aftermath of a famine and a fire from the uprising due to it. This is when we see a pregnant woman walking along a street filled with decomposing corpses, she later ends up giving birth in an abandoned temple. Due to starvation and the need to give sustenance to her child, she ends up resorting to eating rotting corpses and eventually
Eight years later, we see a small little "boy" carrying a huge axe whom roams the lands killing families for sustenance. It's not long after his latest feeding he comes across a priest whom after a fight with the "boy" gives him food and the name Asura. It's here that this tragedy truly begins.
Visually speaking, this CG movie looks really, really good thanks to not only the filtering that gives it this really nice ink washed look to it, but also the fantastic use of colour contrast seen constantly throughout the film. This is easily the best use of CG I've seen yet in any Anime production, even BRS TV. It's a must watch just for that reason alone, though thats not to say the soundtrack's no slouch either.

This is without a doubt, an incredibly brutal and unforgiving tale on the seemingly nonexistent difference between man and beast. The very first scene in this film starts with a town ravaged with the aftermath of a famine and a fire from the uprising due to it. This is when we see a pregnant woman walking along a street filled with decomposing corpses, she later ends up giving birth in an abandoned temple. Due to starvation and the need to give sustenance to her child, she ends up resorting to eating rotting corpses and eventually
throws her baby into a fire to cook it for food, only to run away screaming when she finally realises what she's done.
Visually speaking, this CG movie looks really, really good thanks to not only the filtering that gives it this really nice ink washed look to it, but also the fantastic use of colour contrast seen constantly throughout the film. This is easily the best use of CG I've seen yet in any Anime production, even BRS TV. It's a must watch just for that reason alone, though thats not to say the soundtrack's no slouch either.