Man, my parents forced me to walk across that stage during my HIGH SCHOOL graduation. I don't even want to think about the death threats I'd get if I didn't walk during my college one. If I had a choice, though, they would mail me my degree so I can go home already
Damn that thing is big...
Why would you spend $1500 on a ring you weren't sure you'd want to wear? Should've just gotten a cheap one with cubic zirconia or whatever.
Also yeah, I've always thought wearing a class ring is tacky as hell, so I never got one. Always thought it screamed "living in the past" like Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. But, that's me.
They also told me not to go cheap, and a good half of the ring was paid off with $75 added to my tuition each semester, so there's that. I really liked the tuition billing, because I'm not gonna notice $75 added in with $5k - $8k for the other school stuff.Well my parents kinda forced me to get one. My dad really wanted me to get it for some reason. I'm the first in my family to really go to college, so I guess it's a big deal to them, even though I don't particularly care that much
It didn't pay it all off, just $600+ down pretty were in school for 20 semesters?
A few examples of ties from dutch universities from a google search.
Basically a nice keepsake to wear at alumni gatherings and such.
you were in school for 20 semesters?
I'm not American so this concept of wearing rings to show off from what college you graduated seems so foreign. Around here no one even wears those terrible college/university hoodies.
The ones posted in this thread are the most gaudy pieces of metal I have ever seen. I'd feel embarrassed for the people wearing them.
Surely not all of them are this bad?
Eh, fuck it OP. I say wear it. You designed it yourself (I assume) so I'm guessing you like it, and it seems like a big deal to your parents.
Do you.
only if you've won a respectable championship.
And shouldn't you have considered this BEFORE spending fucking 1500 bucks?
There were literally no real choices to choose from. Either 10k, 14k, or 18k gold, White Gold or Yellow Gold, and Diamonds/no Diamonds....
There were literally no real choices to choose from. Either 10k, 14k, or 18k gold, White Gold or Yellow Gold, and Diamonds/no Diamonds....
There were literally no real choices to choose from. Either 10k, 14k, or 18k gold, White Gold or Yellow Gold, and Diamonds/no Diamonds....
On the topic of rings from college, how many engineers would actually wear the iron ring? It's pretty low key so I'd probably get one.
Your school didn't go through Jostens or whatever? I thought they were the only ones in the class ring game at this point. When they did our high school rings we could choose everything from the type/size/shape of the stone, to what color/metal the ring was, to the design of the ring itself.
My high school ring was actually pretty understated/cool looking and cheap as hell but it didn't look it. Think it cost like $200. Still didn't wear it after the "ring dance" though haha.
couldn't you have just said no?
The iron ring (ring for graduated engineers) only costs $20.
It's not particularly striking:
This is the ring that Texas Tech offers (for men) through Balfour:
Is this only a Canadian thing, or do most US engineers wear it too?I wear mine every day.
By the way, there's a reason why it's worn on the pinky finger of your working hand, and you figure this one out pretty quickly as you wear it. The reason is that as you're writing with your working hand, the ring drags on whatever surface you're writing on, so it's a constant reminder about your commitments as an engineer.
Is this only a Canadian thing, or do most US engineers wear it too?
I don't know what it's like for other schools, but A&M does NOT mess around with their class ring stuff. It's an ingrained part of student life. I don't know a single person to have graduated without their ring and all the people I know who have one wear it even after graduation to their jobs. It signifies you're a part of the Aggie Network. It is a deeply-rooted part of the Aggie culture here at A&M. There are traditions associated with your ring (people who get their rings do a "ring dunk"), the ring stands for the highest code of ethics and honor, etc. It's something every senior does pretty much. Thousands of families come into town on ring weekend to celebrate their relative reaching their final year at A&M and earning their ring. People usually take their picture by the giant ring when they pick it up: Ring Day.jpg
There are even scholarships you can get to afford your ring if you don't have the money. It's that big of a deal to A&M students.
Aggies taking pictures on Ring Day with the traditional "Gig 'Em" thumbs up pose and their new rings:
Aggie Ring Dunk:
I don't even have my ring yet although I'm a senior (getting it next semester hopefully since I couldn't afford it this semester and didn't try to get a scholarship) but whether I like it or not I'm basically required to be a part of this ritual lol.
US engineers wear them as well, but it was adopted recently (70's). When I was still in Engineering at TTU I saw a few and asked what they were about. Since then I notice more and more.
I don't know what it's like for other schools, but A&M does NOT mess around with their class ring stuff. It's not just a ring or an accessory, it's an ingrained part of student life. It's part of your identity as a student. I don't know a single person to have graduated without their ring and all the people I know who have one wear it even after graduation to their jobs. It signifies you're a part of the Aggie Network. If you get caught cheating at this school, one of the consequences is being ineligible to get an Aggie Ring and it's considered very shameful. It is a deeply-rooted part of the Aggie culture here at A&M. There are traditions associated with your ring (people who get their rings do a "ring dunk"), the ring stands for the highest code of ethics and honor, etc. It's something every senior does pretty much. Thousands of families come into town on ring weekend to celebrate their relative reaching their final year at A&M and earning their ring. People usually take their picture by the giant ring when they pick it up:
There are even scholarships you can get to afford your ring if you don't have the money. It's that big of a deal to A&M students.
Aggies taking pictures on Ring Day with the traditional "Gig 'Em" thumbs up pose and their new rings:
Aggie Ring Dunk:
I don't even have my ring yet although I'm a senior (getting it next semester hopefully since I couldn't afford it this semester and didn't try to get a scholarship) but whether I like it or not I'm basically required to be a part of this ritual lol.
you can get college degrees from cults now?
I think it's fairly rare to wear them in most other states. At most, I'd imagine someone would buy it as a keepsake.Shit, they don't wear rings like that everywhere else? Moving to Cali in a few months, and I don't want to make it THAT obvious that I'm from Tx
Getting your Aggie Ring here at Texas A&M is practically a coming of age ritual. People are obsessed with it. Lol.[img]
Yeah, I was at Sam's recently and some dude was trying to sell me some knives. I got a free one for listening to his spiel but he couldn't help but show his Aggie ring (even though I'm in Austin) and talk about how his son was engaged to a girl whose dad was a Yell leader (I think that's the term) and how he was so proud of that. Aggies have serious pride, I'll give them that. He also mentioned how he was watching Fox News a few days before and that they were the best source of info.. I had to stifle a laugh at that.
jostens and balfour need your moneyI find it pretty fascinating that I have never heard of this. I knew about the championship rings and such, but I thought it was limited to sports. Wondering where this tradition stems from.
Was hoping for a more interesting history lesson.jostens and balfour need your money
I don't know what it's like for other schools, but A&M does NOT mess around with their class ring stuff. It's not just a ring or an accessory, it's an ingrained part of student life. It's part of your identity as a student. I don't know a single person to have graduated without their ring and all the people I know who have one wear it even after graduation to their jobs. It signifies you're a part of the Aggie Network. If you get caught cheating at this school, one of the consequences is being ineligible to get an Aggie Ring and it's considered very shameful. It is a deeply-rooted part of the Aggie culture here at A&M. There are traditions associated with your ring (people who get their rings do a "ring dunk"), the ring stands for the highest code of ethics and honor, etc. It's something every senior does pretty much. Thousands of families come into town on ring weekend to celebrate their relative reaching their final year at A&M and earning their ring. People usually take their picture by the giant ring when they pick it up:
There are even scholarships you can get to afford your ring if you don't have the money. It's that big of a deal to A&M students.
I don't even have my ring yet although I'm a senior (getting it next semester hopefully since I couldn't afford it this semester and didn't try to get a scholarship) but whether I like it or not I'm basically required to be a part of this ritual lol.
My son got his class ring for high school this year in his junior year(not sure why they do that here) . Designed it himself etc. I don't understand it as I know it will just go in a box somewhere.
But it seemed a big deal and I figured it is just me being a dumb European not understanding it all...And I still don't , but hey if it makes him happy then I am happy.
Yeah, is this an American tradition? And $1500?Wtf is a class ring?
I don't know what it's like for other schools, but A&M does NOT mess around with their class ring stuff. It's not just a ring or an accessory, it's an ingrained part of student life. It's part of your identity as a student. I don't know a single person to have graduated without their ring and all the people I know who have one wear it even after graduation to their jobs. It signifies you're a part of the Aggie Network. If you get caught cheating at this school, one of the consequences is being ineligible to get an Aggie Ring and it's considered very shameful. It is a deeply-rooted part of the Aggie culture here at A&M. There are traditions associated with your ring (people who get their rings do a "ring dunk"), the ring stands for the highest code of ethics and honor, etc. It's something every senior does pretty much. Thousands of families come into town on ring weekend to celebrate their relative reaching their final year at A&M and earning their ring. People usually take their picture by the giant ring when they pick it up:
There are even scholarships you can get to afford your ring if you don't have the money. It's that big of a deal to A&M students.
Aggies taking pictures on Ring Day with the traditional "Gig 'Em" thumbs up pose and their new rings:
I don't even have my ring yet although I'm a senior (getting it next semester hopefully since I couldn't afford it this semester and didn't try to get a scholarship) but whether I like it or not I'm basically required to be a part of this ritual lol.
This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever read.
Yeah, is this an American tradition? And $1500?
Buying a college hoodie or blazer is about as far as people go here.