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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Subete no aware
Haha! I observe that Nafe is first on the year-long "Community Birthdays" case per usual. I believe I told you a while back, but I didn't think you'd note it. The thought's appreciated. And yes, it is exhilarating indeed to indulge Sakamoto-style on such an anniversary!

Don't worry, you don't see too much of him. The focus will soon start to drift away from him. You'll see.

Does this mean I'm a magical man now?

I hope you have a song about how you're magic.... and that the background music sounds like something that could be used in an artistic porno.

Episode the Fourth

Well yeah, kiddo. Maybe next time you'll think a minute before making a deal with something so obviously demonic. It's like Japanese school girls have never once seen anything where a wish went wrong. Maybe its just recent events in my own life, but Madoka having a hard time explaining the loss of her friend to others around her is pretty poignant to me.

Also I don't know what Christmas Cake and the Present Participle have to do with one another. Madoka's grammar teacher needs fired like yesterday. Kyube's "Everyone wants to get paid" line is pretty significant if you apply it directly to him. What does Kyube get out of this? I can't believe he's just doing it out of the goodness of his heart, since Kyube seems utterly unaffected by Mami's loss, and I'd think anyone, God or Demon, who actually invested emotionally in this project would be upset to lose a like minded individual or friend.

His "Only Puella Magi can criticize each other" is some serious bullshit, though. I shouldn't have to sell my soul to you, Kyube, to say that the people who work for you suck. His "My time here is ogre" is transparently manipulative, too. I mean, I could see having no time to spare with people unwilling to commit to your goals, but you threw these girls into this and made them watch someone die. Take a moment's responsibility, you sadistic, manipulative demon.


Meanwhile Kyube has been waiting for exactly this kind of moment of weakness. And Madoka, rather than restrain her friend, is content to watch her skip to her suicide. Madoka is a terrible friend. This whole scene is "Attack of the Living Moe". Madoka exploding in a gory fashion was a surprise. Kid making a fist out of his hand was kinda creepy.

seeing that banner always gets me excited. hehe.

I thought this was a pretty weak episode when I watched it.


School Days - 3

Yeesh! Kotonoha is making Nagisa from Clannad seem like a chatterbox! For crying out loud, speak in longer sentences! But other than that those two are adorable together.

Sekai, will you just admit that you are secretly a mean witch and the only thing you want is for Makoto to break up? Get it through your head bitch, you ain't getting him.

HNNNNG that scene with the little sister and them. Too :Cajun.

LOOOOOL What a little troll Kotonoha is on the inside! Telling him to
close his eyes only to kiss him on the cheek.
Thankfully our main character can take a-

You what.


No. You can't. You can't possibly be that stupid! YOU CAN'T!

Oh but he can.


Jewelpet Kira Deco 51-52 - END

Considering what the show has produced on a few occasions in the past, I thought there might be more impressive action for the final battle. The animation and chereography didn't really rise above average. Also, it's a shame that the burdens of wrapping up the plot didn't allow this to be as delightfully wacky as the mid-series climax, which is not to say it didn't have its moments.

With that out of the way, this was very successful as a finale. All the main characters got their chance to shine, and any subplots they had been working through as individuals were closed off. The KiraDeco 5 worked together as a smoothly operating team for the first time in the entire show. There were many callbacks to characters and settings from earlier episodes, including a killer callback to a throwaway gag from the very first episode. It allowed enough downtime after the denoument to give a proper sendoff to all the characters. And it did all this without feeling forced or contrived, fitting all the little moments into a natural and exciting dramatic structure. The more I think about it, the more I'm impressed with how the finale managed to tie together a show that's at times been nonsensically random into a cohesive whole. It's intelligent writing that leaves me with a good aftertaste.

Jewelpet Kira Deco Summary

Jewelpet Kira Deco has become one of my favorite anime comedies. It doesn't rely exclusively on a limited repertoire of gags until they're driven into the ground, but instead has a good variety of scenarios and kinds of humor, keeping things fresh. The willingness of the creators to do whatever they felt like whenever they felt like it allowed for creativity to run rampant. Strong energy and good comedic timing propelled things forward most of the time; only in a small number of episodes did I feel the pacing drag. What surprised me the most is how attached I grew to the characters. The KiraDeco 5 are flawed, and the unpleasant sides of their personalities are not shied away from. But their good nature shines through and they eventually work through and come to terms with their individual issues. They are likable people who, despite the caricature comedy demands, feel like real characters. Many of the Jewelpets are charming in their own way, but it is with the KiraDeco 5 where the character work really shines.

Jewelpet Kira Deco is an excellent example of how talented people who care about what they do, when given enough freedom, can create great things out of humble material.
Thanks for all the reviews, they have been very informative.


No Scrubs
School Days - 3

Yeesh! Kotonoha is making Nagisa from Clannad seem like a chatterbox! For crying out loud, speak in longer sentences! But other than that those two are adorable together.

Sekai, will you just admit that you are secretly a mean witch and the only thing you want is for Makoto to break up? Get it through your head bitch, you ain't getting him.

HNNNNG that scene with the little sister and them. Too :Cajun.

LOOOOOL What a little troll Kotonoha is on the inside! Telling him to
close his eyes only to kiss him on the cheek.
Thankfully our main character can take a-

You what.


No. You can't. You can't possibly be that stupid! YOU CAN'T!

Oh man, this is good.


Glass Fleet 18

Oh hey, the maid lady got a job as Michel's personal maid. Again. Somehow. I don't know how that possibly could have happened. Did she apply for a job there and they just went all, "Sure. You can be the maid to our most valuable prisoner right now." without vetting her or anything? How can they not know this was Michel's old maid/accomplice? She's been literally everywhere with her. Oh well. Never underestimate the stupidity of people in this show.

Oh wait, they're driving through snow now? Weren't they just in the desert? Uhh...okay. Wait, they were on Orleans this whole time? Umm...whatevs, that doesn't make much sense but alright. Did the oracle know that there was a hatch in her place whose handle could be revealed by pushing aside a bit of snow, which hides a fucking spaceship? You'd think more would collect over it seeing as how this is the first time in...how many years that the Admiral has been there. Wait...when he closed the hatch...where'd all the snow go?!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, that's the dumbest fucking thing I've seen in a looooooonnnng time. What, did the solay inside Cleo just magically fucking sense a propulsion mechanism nearby that it could power? Or did it just choose that hilariously convenient moment to explode out of his body?

I'm gonna assume at this point that the two-headed eagle the oracle refers to is Cleo and Vetti, since they have the solay and the doctor mentioned their bodies "uniting" as potentially stabilizing the solay inside them. The writers really should have used a better choice of words there if that's the case. "Unite" kinda sends up some red flags there. But hey, I'll reserve judgment. This show has surprised me before, though not in a good way.

Oh, I never tire of hearing that fat prisoner say "OH, SWEET YOUTH!!!!!" Haha, Ralph sucks. And now he's their hostage.

Ah, the ol' laundry cart trick. Never seems to fail. No matter how many times I see it. Pretty nice kick from that maid.

Hahahahahaha, Isaac's running animation into Vetti's palace. Imma need a gif of that, stat! He's the best. "NEVER SELL THE ROYAL FAMILY SECRET DASHING ABILITY SHORT!" This show should just be about him. It would be sooooo much better.

Easiest fucking escape from a Palace of a Royal Emperor ever.

Uhh...the Royal Army doesn't sound that concerned that Michel has escaped, and that the Glass Battleship is gone. "Sir, the deck is on fire. Also, the Glass Battleship has been stolen". "Get him back within the hour." Way to sound like you give a shit, buddy. Also, they still think Michel is a dude?

Every time I hear Rachel drone on and on about how she has fallen deeply in love with Vetti...I still can't help but think something is up. I mean...how? You had him figured out from the beginning. And don't say that you're "the only one who can understand him" when you won't stop asking how he can be so cruel to you when he's the same cruel person he's been this WHOLE FUCKING TIME! I...something has to be up. Even this show has to realize that her development is the stupidest, most contrived piece of drivel in recent memory.

Wait...they were on the ship...how could they hear the guy yelling from outside the oracle house place? And why was he going out to sacrifice himself? Just....WHY? Why would you do that? Did you know that the other dude would pussy out? Speaking of which, why...that? Just...that whole sequence...that episode...my head hurts.
Where are you guys watching Love Lab? Do you watch fansubs for shows that aren't licensed yet? Waiting patiently for CR or somebody to grab it.

Hang on...

Has anyone mentioned that Oguie seems to own a UK import of Bo Selecta!? Man, that's even weirder than the Yorkie in Noein...

And several seasons of Torchwood, which is probably more understandable.


I'm surprised Trigger needed a kickstarter for Little Witch Academia, I'm not an expert, but it seems the kind of project Japan would love immediately.

Kill La Kill seems much riskier.

Oh, and Happy Birthday UltimaDrago.
I'm surprised Trigger needed a kickstarter for Little Witch Academia, I'm not an expert, but it seems the kind of project Japan would love immediately.

Kill La Kill seems much riskier.

Oh, and Happy Birthday UltimaDrago.

With the names on their projects they could pretty much do anything and people would lap it up.


Futari wa Precure Splash Star 45

Christmas episode~! Everybody is dressed up in Santa costumes (yes, even the villains).

There's a big Christmas sale going on at Pan Paka Pan, which means time for everyone to come round and help out at the shop again. That means we get to see how much Michiru and Kaoru have grown since the last time they helped out at the store - this time round they're proactively enjoying the opportunity to make others happy, smiling and helping Saki and Mai in any way they can.

Saki, on the other hand, isn't in such great spirits. She was all in the mood for a romantic Christmas, even making a special cake for Kazuya the night before, but not only does it turn out he can't make it to the Christmas party, he actually shows up at the shop with a girl in tow!

So basically Saki is hating life and Christmas now. I can understand that feeling. Actually, her attitude was making me think of this Hyadain song even before Mizu Making-people-feel-like-shit-atare showed up to taunt her with the very same "Christmas/kurushimimasu" pun. But of course, depression or no depression, Saki still pulls through when it matters, and the four girls actually take out both remaining revived villains in one go! In their final moments, it looks like Kintoresuki and Mizu Shitatare have actually found romance together! ...Seriously, Kintoresuki, I think you can do better. Well, maybe not now that you've exploded into avocados.

And of course, there's a happy resolution to Saki's Christmas blues. Turns out there was never anything between Kazuya and the girl he was visiting the shop with - in fact, she's already got a boyfriend. And Kazuya stops by especially to give Saki a scarf (shawl?) as a Christmas present, presenting the perfect opportunity for Saki to give him the cake she made. Oh, Big Bro Kazuya, you're such a charmer. Merry Christmas everyone!


Maturity, bitches.
Hang on...
Has anyone mentioned that Oguie seems to own a UK import of Bo Selecta!? Man, that's even weirder than the Yorkie in Noein...
HA HA. I love that they just erased "ta" at the end but didn't shift the exclamation mark.

Can I get a rewind?

But Homepride Fred in Golden Mosaic is my favourite random UK product sighting in a long time.



Episode the Fourth

Well yeah, kiddo. Maybe next time you'll think a minute before making a deal with something so obviously demonic. It's like Japanese school girls have never once seen anything where a wish went wrong. Maybe its just recent events in my own life, but Madoka having a hard time explaining the loss of her friend to others around her is pretty poignant to me.

Also I don't know what Christmas Cake and the Present Participle have to do with one another. Madoka's grammar teacher needs fired like yesterday. Kyube's "Everyone wants to get paid" line is pretty significant if you apply it directly to him. What does Kyube get out of this? I can't believe he's just doing it out of the goodness of his heart, since Kyube seems utterly unaffected by Mami's loss, and I'd think anyone, God or Demon, who actually invested emotionally in this project would be upset to lose a like minded individual or friend.

His "Only Puella Magi can criticize each other" is some serious bullshit, though. I shouldn't have to sell my soul to you, Kyube, to say that the people who work for you suck. His "My time here is ogre" is transparently manipulative, too. I mean, I could see having no time to spare with people unwilling to commit to your goals, but you threw these girls into this and made them watch someone die. Take a moment's responsibility, you sadistic, manipulative demon.


Meanwhile Kyube has been waiting for exactly this kind of moment of weakness. And Madoka, rather than restrain her friend, is content to watch her skip to her suicide. Madoka is a terrible friend. This whole scene is "Attack of the Living Moe". Madoka exploding in a gory fashion was a surprise. Kid making a fist out of his hand was kinda creepy.

This episode put up a lot of scary flags for me. The show became straight up unsettling. Youll be pleased to know the guy doesnt really have a prominent role.


Seeing people enjoying Nichijou brings happiness to my heart.

I managed to get one of my friends to absolutely love the series. Hilariously enough, when us and two other friends bought Borderlands 2, we had to stop at a Starbucks so he could try ordering the drink from this scene.
He was driving us around that day, and he got notably hyper, to the point that his speech sped up. That was fun and scary at the same time.

They've done it! Crunchyroll will simulcast Gatchaman Crowds. And it's a true simulcast too, 11:30am PDT on Fridays.

Sweetness! Now all I need to do is somehow get myself a Crunchyroll subscription. Its not that costly, I'll find a way.


Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou - 01
Okay, this one had some flaws, but it's not a bad start with some interesting ideas going for it.
Poor Akari, though. Only one episode in and people are dying and getting blinked out of existence around her.


I'm a bit sad that the new Little Witch episode(s?) won't arrive until 2015, but maybe that just means they expect to have a good long run with Kill la Kill.

Feels weird to finally be posting here after lurking forever in unapproved-account mode. I haven't had a forum to discuss anime in for a good long while now.


2 hours and 15 pages later....

Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 14
Yep, this series is pretty bad.
One of the (many) things wrong with this series was Athrun in general.
They spend an entire series previously explaining his exact motivations for why he needs to do what he does and with a few vague bullshit sentences he's made to revert to his previous indecisive character until the end of the series where he suddenly realises he should have done what he was doing before

Fuck that show.

Though Ladies vs Butlers is kinda the tipping point of to far for me, I mean did you see those OAV's... not that I've seen them or anything *whistles*
This show was bad. Kanokon was bad. But damn do I love it for producing smut. Plus Ayako Kawasumi and Mamiko Noto voice filth.

Still behind on the three series I was watching and Spring and not even started summer but I did throw down £75 ($100) for LWA2 despite not having watched the first one either....

A fool and his money after all.

Oh and Happy Birthday UltimaDrago.

Now I have to go sleep


Gifuu Doudou!!: Kanetsugu to Keiji Episode 2: Yea, this is SO Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Samurai Years, which is a good thing.


Futari wa Precure Splash Star 46

With all the revived villains defeated, it's time to finish things once and for all! ...Realising this, Michiru and Kaoru try to do the stupid thing and head back to Dark Fall alone in a reckless attempt to retrieve the Fairy Carafe without putting the Cures in danger. Naturally, when Mai and Saki realise what they're up to, they are having none of this, and after a little back-and-forth argument that proves everybody has their priorities straight (making Minori happy is the most important thing in the world, trufax), they all agree that heading to Dark Fall together is the right thing to do.

So off to Dark Fall it is, and oh look! The Fairy Carafe is just standing in the middle of nowhere, completely unguarded! Could it be a trap, by any chance? The Cures and friends certainly think so, and unsurprisingly enough, the moment they get near, they are ambushed by both Gohyarn and the great Akudaikaan himself.

There's a fair bit of fighting and impassioned shouting between the two sides, but the part that really gets Akudaikaan heated up is when the Cures point out that, far from his stated objective of destroying all life, he's actually created two beautiful lives of his own accord in Michiru and Kaoru. The very thought that he, Akudaikaan, could be responsible for creating life rather than destroying it is enough to get him so angry that he blows up his entire castle, dark throne and all, and actually stands up. Thaaaaaaat's more like it, now you're really towering over the Cures like a proper final boss!

By the end of the episode, the Cures are all powered up with their Spiral Rings, and combining powers with Michiru and Kaoru to create extra-strong barriers (though still not quite strong enough to keep Akudaikaan's attacks entirely at bay, natch). The final battle is well and truly here! It's okay though, there are still three whole episodes left to win it. You can take your time and beat him slowly, guys!
Dog & Scissors 02

Honestly it was great to see another side of Natsuno and that entire sequence on the bridge was hilarious (up until the
kill him or not
choice). I kind of want to know what "SHINING!" girl's deal is though.

Watamote 01

Well the OP was... something. Tomoko really is pitiable, although I have to ask, are those bags under her eyes genetic? Her brother had them too and he's not in the same position she is.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star 46

With all the revived villains defeated, it's time to finish things once and for all! ...Realising this, Michiru and Kaoru try to do the stupid thing and head back to Dark Fall alone in a reckless attempt to retrieve the Fairy Carafe without putting the Cures in danger. Naturally, when Mai and Saki realise what they're up to, they are having none of this, and after a little back-and-forth argument that proves everybody has their priorities straight (making Minori happy is the most important thing in the world, trufax), they all agree that heading to Dark Fall together is the right thing to do.

So off to Dark Fall it is, and oh look! The Fairy Carafe is just standing in the middle of nowhere, completely unguarded! Could it be a trap, by any chance? The Cures and friends certainly think so, and unsurprisingly enough, the moment they get near, they are ambushed by both Gohyarn and the great Akudaikaan himself.

There's a fair bit of fighting and impassioned shouting between the two sides, but the part that really gets Akudaikaan heated up is when the Cures point out that, far from his stated objective of destroying all life, he's actually created two beautiful lives of his own accord in Michiru and Kaoru. The very thought that he, Akudaikaan, could be responsible for creating life rather than destroying it is enough to get him so angry that he blows up his entire castle, dark throne and all, and actually stands up. Thaaaaaaat's more like it, now you're really towering over the Cures like a proper final boss!

By the end of the episode, the Cures are all powered up with their Spiral Rings, and combining powers with Michiru and Kaoru to create extra-strong barriers (though still not quite strong enough to keep Akudaikaan's attacks entirely at bay, natch). The final battle is well and truly here! It's okay though, there are still three whole episodes left to win it. You can take your time and beat him slowly, guys!

One of the best finales in the franchise for a reason,.


Highschool DxD S2 - 1

I'm so glad this show's back! Holy fuck at Akeno's new design.

More soundtracks should include the harpsichord.

Looks like we're finally gonna learn some more about Kiba's background. And Excalibur is a tired name for magical swords.
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