Whats the ideal nature for Volcarano, modest?
Wait, has Tyrantrum been confirmed to have Rock Head? It's on Serebii.
How would one go about getting that? I still don't know how Hidden Abilities are acquired.
Remember, it is like Fire Emblem. The AI is not trying to win. It is just trying to make you lose.God, losing streak in Battle Maison is the worst. I had my streak that I had a couple of days ago end around 43 for the dumbest shit. Dude was able to use protect twice in a row. Battle Maison has such BS game breaking luck changing. Being able to use protect twice in a row, confusion that almost always goes for "it hurt itself" and low accuracy moves almost always hitting. It can get really un-fun at times.
Someone in battle mansion had it I would guess. That is how the contrary Surperior and whatever Milotics secret ability were seen.Wait, has Tyrantrum been confirmed to have Rock Head? It's on Serebii.
How would one go about getting that? I still don't know how Hidden Abilities are acquired.
So yeah, Prankster Klefki just took on an entire team by itself.
I have to say, it was frustrating at first, but once I got hold of the specifics IV-breeding had become weirdly addicting and exciting >.>
Whats the ideal nature for Volcarano, modest?
Remember, it is like Fire Emblem. The AI is not trying to win. It is just trying to make you lose.
Im EV training my togepi which has pokerus. Put power anklet on it for speed and take out a wingull horde which should give me 50 EVs per horde if my math is correct. Is this right or do I receive less EVs?
Horde training, especially with PokeRus, is by far the fastest way to go. You're math seems to be right as well. Go for it.
Wow so after only 5 horde encounters I'll be at 250. That is amazing. Thank you
Someone in battle mansion had it I would guess. That is how the contrary Surperior and whatever Milotics secret ability were seen.
Yet another soul converted into the horde training church.Wow so after only 5 horde encounters I'll be at 250. That is amazing. Thank you
Ok, so I'm going for my first ever perfect Pokemon, and have decided on Klefki, can anyone tell me if I've got this right?
1. Catch a Klefki from the Friend Safari with 2+ perfect IVs
2. Catch a Ditto from Friend Safari with 2+ differing perfect IVs
3. Breeding with both holding Destiny Knots until I get one with Bold nature and perfect IVs
4. EV train in HP and Defence
5. Win?
Correct me if I am wrong, but only one Destiny Knot would work at a time?Ok, so I'm going for my first ever perfect Pokemon, and have decided on Klefki, can anyone tell me if I've got this right?
1. Catch a Klefki from the Friend Safari with 2+ perfect IVs
2. Catch a Ditto from Friend Safari with 2+ differing perfect IVs
3. Breeding with both holding Destiny Knots until I get one with Bold nature and perfect IVs
4. EV train in HP and Defence
5. Win?
Multiple destiny knots don't matter afaik, and between steps 3 and 4, you'll need one more ditto with at least the 5th stat perfect (if you want a true 'perfect' kid) depending on how long you take with the RNG of which stats the kid is allocated, but yes, that is right.
Correct me if I am wrong, but only one Destiny Knot would work at a time?
If this was me (and it will be me because I do intend to breed Klefki), I wouldn't even use Ditto if Klefki were available in the friend safari. I'll try to catch one with the nature that I need, first and foremost. It'll make hatching eggs quicker if both parents were of the same species.
You mate the two parents until you have a child with all four perfect IVs of the parents. Then find another Klefki with IVs in the stats you're missing.
If it is not an egg move, you transfer one taught it from from BW (i.e. the answer to your question is you don't). BS I know but at least it isn't Softboiled Clefable or something from Pokemon XD (e.g. follow me Magmar).How would I got about teaching my Electabuzz Ice Punch? I know in B/W there was a move tutor but is it in this game?
Club Klefki awaits, my friend.Thank you both, going to follow your advice now
How would I got about teaching my Electabuzz Ice Punch? I know in B/W there was a move tutor but is it in this game?
what the meaning of the number 29 ?
what the meaning of the number 29 ?
Huh...I just traded a Pidgey for a Charizard in GTS.
I don't know how to react to this.
Yep. You get 1 EV for each of the 5 defeated, 4 EVs more if you're holding a power item. That's 25. PokeRus doubles that to 50 per horde. Just grab someone that knows surf and a sweat scent pokemon and you'll max out a pokemon in like 5 minutes or less.
WTF....Yet another soul converted into the horde training church.
Those days are over.WTF....
WTH is a Pokerus?
You mean I don't have to fight 240 rats like I did for my Togekiss anymore like I did in Pearl?
Gotta get this game.
Huh...I just traded a Pidgey for a Charizard in GTS.
I don't know how to react to this.
WTH is a Pokerus?
You mean I don't have to fight 240 rats like I did for my Togekiss anymore like I did in Pearl?
Gotta get this game.
I don't think you could teach it Ice Punch: You'll have to breed it into an Elekid's moveset.
Breed a female Electabuzz with a male Medicham/Hitmonchan that knows Ice Punch. The child will come out knowing Ice Punch from it's daddy.
Once you have it, it doubles the amount of EVs you get for a certain number of battles.
I thought it continued to double the EVs even after they were cured. Was I misinformed?
Oh... that sucks lol. How would I be able to keep the Nature on my male Electabuzz now then? I guess I have to breed a female Elekid first then try and get a male one afterwards
After going through this thread I'm so glad my ultimate Poké Goal is to "catch them all" (tm). Competitive battling/breeding is not my idea of fun, but I'm glad it's there for those who enjoy it.
On the note of the thrill of the catch I'm only 100 short of regional completion with all legendaries captured thanks to the scyther/metal coat thing. I'll be personally hunting for the rest minus the version exclusives.
Once the bank goes live I'll only need to catch a few from gen 3 to have ALL the (non event only) pokémon!
how to get the reset bag ?
What is this?
People are willing to trade anything for Scizor, including legendaries.What is this?