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So--stupid question--when you do an online battle that forces all pokemon to level 50, are all EVs applied? Or is it really only at lv 100?
There is no such thing as a stupid question. :)

Everything is cut in half at lv. 50. At lv. 50, you have half the HP you'd have at lv. 100. Same for EVs -- the points from whatever EVs you invested would be half at lv. 50 what they would be at lv. 100.

In other words, if you invest the full 252 EVs in, say, your Pokémon's HP, you'd have 63 extra hit points at lv. 100, and 31 extra hit points (rounding down) at lv. 50. :)


I started to work on a protean froakie. I was working on a breeding plan for the IVs. Now that I have it layed it, it is going to be a real pain in the ass to get perfect/near perfect with protean & timid. Lol.


Finally got my 5v Larvesta holy fuck yes!!!

2/6 complete for perfect iv's. Can't wait until I can finally level my whole team and fuck shit up.

Larvesta and Honedge are complete. Now time for abra! luckily my buddy gave me 2 4v abras, let's go to work!


What sets are you guys running for Carbink?

I haven't looked too much into it, but if it is fun like Klefki, consider me a believer.
I'm raising a Bold Sturdy Carbink, with an EV spread of 252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp. Def, whose default set will be Reflect, Light Screen, Stealth Rock and either Moonblast or Explosion. The idea is to tank a hit and immediately set up Reflect or Light Screen, whichever your sweepers need. If you're tanking hits well or the enemy is setting up, you can set up the second screen or Stealth Rock. He can endure a LOT with his base 150 Defense and base 150 Sp. Defense, and with full EV investment and perfect IVs, his health maxes out at ~303, which is plenty solid given those sky-high defenses. So you can last a long time, as many a Battle Video have proven (see Busaiku and HypnoDarkrai).

However, know your limits. If you are faced with a powerhouse packing Meteor Mash or Flash Cannon (4X Steel weakness), or if you anticipate a Taunt lead, you should switch out to a wall that can shut down those threats and save the screen-setting for mid-game.

In the other 95% of circumstances, though, you'll be golden. If you're wondering why I might entertain Explosion over Moonblast, it's not to do damage with his paltry Attack stat -- in fact, it doesn't matter if it hits at all (which would be the case against a Ghost-type, since they're immune to Normal-type moves like Explosion). Rather, it's so I can switch in my sweeper at the start of a turn so they take full advantage of the screens Carbink set up. For example, sending in Mega Mawile with Reflect and Light Screen up makes it far easier to Swords Dance once or twice for a sweep. I'd set the screens as Carbink, then explode, then Mega Mawile comes out and he still has six turns to enjoy the screens. (If Carbink holds Light Clay, screens last eight turns instead of five!)

Defog users can shut down Carbink. We'll see more Defog users this gen, but not enough to invalidate Carbink's existence, especially since many teams will still opt for entry hazards and Defog would remove their own hazards, as well.

This set isn't the only thing that works for Carbink. Other cool sets involve stalling an opponent's death with Toxic and Protect, or constantly healing with Rest and spreading Toxic and attacks with Sleep Talk. One fellow at Smogon said the latter worked well in uber scenarios on Pokémon Showdown, flat-out walling Yveltal and others. Sleep Talk is always a gamble, of course, since it randomly chooses one of your other moves as you sleep.

If you lead with this guy against the super-common Talonflame lead, you'll probably also get a free turn as they switch out at the sight of a Rock-type and move in something they think can hit you harder.


I love how the Battle Institute does everything to test your strength. I had to fight a Virizion, Regigigas and a Heatran. Also a Perish Song Lapras.

I did get the maximum rating though. Pretty cool and an easy way to get BP

EDIT: Also Greninja witg U-Turn and Rotom-W with Volt Switch are fun to use
Looks like the trading post thread is dying so I'll just ask here, anybody have a decent IV (prefeably having attack and speed) male pokemon that belongs in the human-like egg group?
In other words, if you invest the full 252 EVs in, say, your Pokémon's HP, you'd have 63 extra hit points at lv. 100, and 31 extra hit points (rounding down) at lv. 50. :)
Actually, if the IVs you're investing in are odd then you'll get 32 extra hit points, not 31, due to how the formula works.


Any kind pokegaffer with ability capsule who can help me? I'm grinding my way to 200bp but it's taking too long and my team is getting mauled by electric attacks, so I'd need to change my Marowak's ability to Lightingrod.

Pretty pleaaaaaaaaaase?
I'm raising a Bold Sturdy Carbink, with an EV spread of 252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp. Def, whose default set will be Reflect, Light Screen, Stealth Rock and either Moonblast or Explosion. The idea is to tank a hit and immediately set up Reflect or Light Screen, whichever your sweepers need. If you're tanking hits well or the enemy is setting up, you can set up the second screen or Stealth Rock. He can endure a LOT with his base 150 Defense and base 150 Sp. Defense, and with full EV investment and perfect IVs, his health maxes out at ~303, which is plenty solid given those sky-high defenses. So you can last a long time, as many a Battle Video have proven (see Busaiku and HypnoDarkrai).

However, know your limits. If you are faced with a powerhouse packing Meteor Mash or Flash Cannon (4X Steel weakness), or if you anticipate a Taunt lead, you should switch out to a wall that can shut down those threats and save the screen-setting for mid-game.

In the other 95% of circumstances, though, you'll be golden. If you're wondering why I might entertain Explosion over Moonblast, it's not to do damage with his paltry Attack stat -- in fact, it doesn't matter if it hits at all (which would be the case against a Ghost-type, since they're immune to Normal-type moves like Explosion). Rather, it's so I can switch in my sweeper at the start of a turn so they take full advantage of the screens Carbink set up. For example, sending in Mega Mawile with Reflect and Light Screen up makes it far easier to Swords Dance once or twice for a sweep. I'd set the screens as Carbink, then explode, then Mega Mawile comes out and he still has six turns to enjoy the screens. (If Carbink holds Light Clay, screens last eight turns instead of five!)

Defog users can shut down Carbink. We'll see more Defog users this gen, but not enough to invalidate Carbink's existence, especially since many teams will still opt for entry hazards and Defog would remove their own hazards, as well.

This set isn't the only thing that works for Carbink. Other cool sets involve stalling an opponent's death with Toxic and Protect, or constantly healing with Rest and spreading Toxic and attacks with Sleep Talk. One fellow at Smogon said the latter worked well in uber scenarios on Pokémon Showdown, flat-out walling Yveltal and others. Sleep Talk is always a gamble, of course, since it randomly chooses one of your other moves as you sleep.

If you lead with this guy against the super-common Talonflame lead, you'll probably also get a free turn as they switch out at the sight of a Rock-type and move in something they think can hit you harder.
You've sold me. Thank you. He's officially on my team and I haven't even caught one yet.
I should really get some Synchonisers before continuing my friend safari saga...

Though maybe when it comes to some of these competitive movesets I should hold off for egg moves to be found...


Finally got my 5v Larvesta holy fuck yes!!!

2/6 complete for perfect iv's. Can't wait until I can finally level my whole team and fuck shit up.

Larvesta and Honedge are complete. Now time for abra! luckily my buddy gave me 2 4v abras, let's go to work!

That's awesome, sounds like a monstrous party is forming.

Ugggghhh, I fear I'm going to fall into this hole as soon as I hit post-game as well.

It seems like the breeding is what takes the longest these days. With hordes, EV training is a piece of cake with the right tools.


You've sold me. Thank you. He's officially on my team and I haven't even caught one yet.
Yay! Also, I got his max HP wrong -- it's actually 304. So there's an extra point -- bonus! And with base 150 Defense and base 150 Sp. Defense, you'll last a good while against everything except certain exceptions like the rare Meteor Mash Metagross. :)

Any kind pokegaffer with ability capsule who can help me? I'm grinding my way to 200bp but it's taking too long and my team is getting mauled by electric attacks, so I'd need to change my Marowak's ability to Lightingrod.

Pretty pleaaaaaaaaaase?

Isnt Ability capsule a one time use?


So I'm cycling around with two 31/x/31/31/31/31 Froakie from different language games sitting in the daycare. Flawless shiny Froakie, here I come!

Also if anyone wants a 31/x/31/31/31/31 non-shiny one, I'll trade it for other flawless Pokémon. I have both Protean and Torrent (mostly male, though). I suspect I'll end up with quite a few of them by the time I get my shiny.


After playing a bunch of random online battles, I'm impressed by the range of strategies. Can't wait until i can import some of my older games.


So I'm cycling around with two 31/x/31/31/31/31 Froakie from different language games sitting in the daycare. Flawless shiny Froakie, here I come!

Also if anyone wants a 31/x/31/31/31/31 non-shiny one, I'll trade it for other flawless Pokémon. I have both Protean and Torrent (mostly male, though). I suspect I'll end up with quite a few of them by the time I get my shiny.

Holy fuck yes I would love a protean Froakie with 5vs. Would save me a lot of trouble from making one. All I have are 4v Larvestas and abras, I can try to get u 5v ones of either Pokemon if u want them for a Froakie. I can even try to get u a perfect Honedge. Whatever will get me a 5v Froakie, Ill do!

That's awesome, sounds like a monstrous party is forming.

Ugggghhh, I fear I'm going to fall into this hole as soon as I hit post-game as well.

It seems like the breeding is what takes the longest these days. With hordes, EV training is a piece of cake with the right tools.

Ya I hope it turns out awesome!

Breeding is probably the hardest thing you gotta do in this game, it's kinda fun actually though cause it's your Pokemon your making which just makes u feel good lol. I can give u a 4v Larvesta or abra if you'd like if you're planning on using any of those pokes. Then all you'd have to do is breed for the last iv (if it matters for you)

Also, does abra really need 31 iv for Hp? I don't wanna work for this 5V if all I need is iv's in def, sp.atk, sp.def and speed lol.


So I'm cycling around with two 31/x/31/31/31/31 Froakie from different language games sitting in the daycare. Flawless shiny Froakie, here I come!

Also if anyone wants a 31/x/31/31/31/31 non-shiny one, I'll trade it for other flawless Pokémon. I have both Protean and Torrent (mostly male, though). I suspect I'll end up with quite a few of them by the time I get my shiny.

I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Chlorophyll Modest Bulbasaur if you are interested.
I want a perfect protean one
Btw, what nature for your frogs?


Does anyone know what happends if you complete your national dex in x/y? Of course it's not possible yet but if someone has a guidebook or something...? Just curious. :)


Possibly a stupid question but can Toxic and thunder wave stack?

Meaning i use toxic first and then thunder wave the next turn.

So far Thunder wave has failed every single time i've tried using it after toxic.
joke post right, Mega Kangaskhan has so much attack it'll just shatter it in one hit (well technically two, but that Parental Bond)

My Malamar survived a Return from Mega Kangaskhan a couple of nights ago before taking it down in one hit with a +1 Superpower, so no, it's not a joke post.


Possibly a stupid question but can Toxic and thunder wave stack?

Meaning i use toxic first and then thunder wave the next turn.

So far Thunder wave has failed every single time i've tried using it after toxic.

It makes it so you have to commit to one status effect. Poisoning a mon by chance is one of the worst thing when your only chance to turn the match is to paralyze/sleep. Then again I'm a noob.


My Malamar survived a Return from Mega Kangaskhan a couple of nights ago before taking it down in one hit with a +1 Superpower, so no, it's not a joke post.
Scrafty, I want to thank you again for providing that Inkay I lovingly raised into Malamar. I seriously love this Pokémon so much. :)
My Malamar survived a Return from Mega Kangaskhan a couple of nights ago before taking it down in one hit with a +1 Superpower, so no, it's not a joke post.

uh huh a boosted Pokemon takes care of an unboosted one
Mega Kangashkan has a 99% chance of taking down unboosted Malamar with Return


I don't understand why almost all of your posts have to be aggressive (or passively aggressive).
Prodigy criticizes everything but never suggests anything to be critiqued himself. If he has any knowledge to share, perhaps he could offer some constructive criticism rather than destructive putdowns that impress no one and prove nothing other than a lack of imagination. He's the one voice running counter to what otherwise is a very friendly and supportive community.

And that's not meant as a personal slight against you, Prodigy -- just a concern about the tone you often take. It does no one any favors. I'm sure there are good points you could contribute, but constantly doubting unconventional Pokémon (and ones that have actually proven themselves when given a chance, as Scrafty's Malamar shows, or the ongoing success stories with Klefki and Carbink) is doing no one any favors.

If you're going to doubt, by all means doubt, but at least offer up a viable alternative, either to better improve that Pokémon's prospects or to fulfill a similar role on the team.


Ya I hope it turns out awesome!

Breeding is probably the hardest thing you gotta do in this game, it's kinda fun actually though cause it's your Pokemon your making which just makes u feel good lol. I can give u a 4v Larvesta or abra if you'd like if you're planning on using any of those pokes. Then all you'd have to do is breed for the last iv (if it matters for you)

Haha, I'm not going to use those, so no thank you. I appreciate it though.


Prodigy criticizes everything but never suggests anything to be critiqued himself. If he has any knowledge to share, perhaps he could offer some constructive criticism rather than destructive putdowns that impress no one and prove nothing other than a lack of imagination. He's the one voice running counter to what otherwise is a very friendly and supportive community.

And that's not meant as a personal slight against you, Prodigy -- just a concern about the tone you often take. It does no one any favors. I'm sure there are good points you could contribute, but constantly doubting unconventional Pokémon (and ones that have actually proven themselves when given a chance, as Scrafty's Malamar shows, or the ongoing success stories with Klefki and Carbink) is doing no one any favors.

If you're going to doubt, by all means doubt, but at least offer up a viable alternative, either to better improve that Pokémon's prospects or to fulfill a similar role on the team.

The 2 secrets of success:

1. Never share all you know

But yeah I find his post annoying, even if they are not directed at me.


IVs (Individual Values) and EVs (Effort Values) are separate. A man in the Pokémon Center in Kiloude City (post-game) will tell you whether you have perfect IVs in any given stat category. He'll say those stats "can't be beat." IVs are set from the moment a Pokémon is caught or hatched, and cannot be changed. Their a number between 0 and 31 and determine stat growth. There's an IV for each stat category. 31 is perfect and ensures highest stat growth.

While you can't change them, you can eventually pass them on via breeding. A Pokémon holding Destiny Knot while breeding will ensure five IVs across the two parents will pass onto the child. So you keep hatching until you have a child that gets the good IVs from their parents. Then you breed that with another Pokémon that has the good IVs you're still missing, using Destiny Knot again to pass on five of the parents' IVs. Eventually, you'll get the good IVs you already have plus the ones you didn't.

To get parents with some good IVs as a starting point, the Friend Safari Dittos are excellent -- they each have at least two perfect IVs. Ditto can breed with anything and produce a child of the non-Ditto parent.

EVs, meanwhile are different and can be distributed freely by the player, up to 510 EVs total. You get EVs by Super Training (hit the R button to scroll to the Super Training screen), or by battling Pokémon, each Pokémon giving a certain EV point (one or two EV points, in one of the stat categories). The most efficient way is Horde battling, using Oddish's Sweet Scent to lure out Hordes and then OHKO everyone at once with moves like Surf or Earthquake. The trainee will receive the full EVs via Exp. Share. Equipping the trainee with a Power Item for the stat being raised increases the EVs received by 4 per Pokemon. Having the Pokerus condition ("infected" by putting the Pokémon next to a Pokémon with Pokerus) doubles the EVs received.

For every four EVs in a stat category, that Pokémon gains an extra point in that stat at lv. 100. Super Training stops you at 252 EVs per stat category, since 252 is divisible by 4 and there's no benefit beyond 252. Thus, if you keep doing the Attack minigame in Super Training until it says your Attack is maxed out, or if you keep doing Horde battles for Attack points until your Super Training graph says the same, your Pokémon will have an Attack stat about 63 points higher at lv. 100.

Since 510 total is the limit, and 252 is the most per stat category (where benefit is concerned), most people invest 252 in one category and 252 in another (by training in Super Training until it stops adding points in that category). Then the extra 6 points go in a third category, to add one extra point at lv. 100. Yeah, that means two EVs always go wasted.

You do this in conjunction with nature. Each nature (except the neutral ones) will make one stat grow more, and one stat grow less. So usually you look for a Pokémon with the nature that grows the stat you plan to use a lot. If I'm raising a Pokémon that will only use Special Attacks, but never use Physical Attacks, I'd use a Modest Pokémon (+ Sp. Attack, - Attack). Then I'd invest EVs into his Sp. Attack, most likely, to get the most power out of it. :)

Thanks for the great write up. So It seems that Kiloude City's Postgame Guy is the only sure fire way to calculate a pokemon's IV count?
What other major game-changers (in terms of competitive metagame) are you guys expecting in the future titles, whether it's XYXX or RS remakes or whatever? I'd personally be interested in seeing:

Ability Jade (hold item)
Enables the user's secondary ability.

Ability Jammies (hold item)
Enables the user's Hidden Ability.

Off the top of my head I don't know which Pokemon would benefit the most from having two of their abilities active, but I'm sure some interesting things would come out of it. Just like Megas, they'd lose their item slot, though.

I'd also like to see a fairly exclusive ability called "Duality" or something of the sort where a Pokemon could wield two items, for example Machamp given the whole four arms thing. There'd be some restrictions, of course, for example only one choice item, no life orb + choice band, etc. You'd have the potential for some ridiculous combos, the most obvious (but probably redundant) being Duality + Ability Jade + Ability Jammies for three abilities! You'd have a Machamp with Guts, Steadfast and No Guard, the ultimate flinch hax counter!


So I'm breeding Ninetails with drought, timid nature. I managed to get a 4 perfect in my second batch of eggs. The non-perfect IVs are in attack (which I don't need) and Sp Def (which I might need).

Do you think Not having the 31 in Sp Def might be detrimental enough that I should keep breeding? Or should it be good enough?
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