Wait, Dog Sled Saga was available to play at some point before? Damn it.
EDIT: Oh, early access for $15.
Ah, I should learn to scroll! Didn't see the Deluxe offer. Hmm, I'll hold off for now.
In the meantime, free demos:
Interference: This is obviously in a very early stage, but still I must voice my concerns. The movement is really clunky and a glaring issue not exclusive to the stealth sections. I'm probably alone with this, but I don't like how the character models look or move. Something about the look feels cheap. I did find the puzzle mechanic itself interesting, so I won't write this off completely.
Specter: Very much enjoyed this one. Stylistically, it reminds me of Rogue Legacy, but it's actually an action platformer with some really neat lighting. Your character gains new abilities and perks for finishing levels which is always fun. The only gripe I have with this is, again, the jumping. I constantly had to work against it since I would overshoot every time. This is sort of a make or break matter for me, so I'm hoping that they will tone it down.