STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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They're bad? If the gunplay is the same as FEAR 1 I would play them just to use the shotgun a little more.

Extraction Point is excellent, Perseus Mandate is uh... well if you're not tired of the gunplay by then, I guess you'll like it, because that's all there is to it. They're a bit longer than two hours though, PM is the longer one of them.


You should still play both, FO3 first and then FO:NV, there both great RPG's I'd then take some time off to recover and then start playing with mods on both games and complete all the endings for FO:NV.

(The endings for NV games are a bit of a cop-out tbh)

I see what you did and I like it. Props for having good musical taste.

And thanks to everyone else too for the input. I look at FO3, New Vegas and Witcher 2 and just kind of stare blankly at them, I know that they are all good but working up the motivation to play a long rpg like that again is kind of tough. Especially considering how many smaller games I've been knocking out the past few months.


Does not have twelve inches...
I see what you did and I like it. Props for having good musical taste.

And thanks to everyone else too for the input. I look at FO3, New Vegas and Witcher 2 and just kind of stare blankly at them, I know that they are all good but working up the motivation to play a long rpg like that again is kind of tough. Especially considering how many smaller games I've been knocking out the past few months.

FO3 is out of this world, you get immersed in it like nothing I've experienced before, the original ending sucked but if you have the GOTY edition the game is right there on top with the best.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Hot Pursuit - Daily Deal

Actually it looks like all Need for Speed games are on sale. Shift, Shift 2, Undercover, Hot Pursuit.

Also - thanks fantomena for Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2! I didn't play the first one, but I've heard this one is much improved. Thanks!


HL3 was announced.


Seriously, stop making bad HL3 jokes


I really should get around to playing FO3 and New Vegas some time. Too many games and not enough time.

The general consensus is that New Vegas is the better game right? Should I even bother with FO3?

Play Fallout 3 normally, don't bother doing everything and messing around with mods. Then play New Vegas with mods and play for hours and hours on and off throughout next year. The hype surrounding Fallout 4 being announced might motivate you to play them.

FO3 is better than Dark Souls, go play it right now.
Not comparable games really but I just wanted to motivate you to play it.

That ain't true, don't go in expecting that.


So is it impossible to play GTAIV online with Steam version now?
I redeemed key from Amazon on Steam and downloaded game.When it asked for cd-key I entered key that Steam provides with pop up message but it was incorrect.I found in the web that I should enter this key on in redeem code section and then game with correct cd-key should be available on Games for Windows Live Client.I entered key on and it was correct,then I downloaded GFWLC but there is no GTAIV here so I still don't have a key to enter in Steam to play GTAIV online.
I don't know what to do.
I would really appreciate any kind of help.

Email Steam support. Quite often during large discounts on GFWL games, there's an issue with Steam sending out the GFWL keys. They'll sort you out at some point.


Thanks steam bro, sort of strange how 2 had 41 entrants and 1 had 8 -- glad I won.

It must have been something like this with GAFfers:

"Man, I need to choose one of them... going to choose the second. No! That's what everybody is thinking, might go for the first, but wait, not that's what they are really thinking! I'm so for the Number 2, easy choice hahaha"
It must have been something like this with GAFfers:

"Man, I need to choose one of them... going to choose the second. No! That's what everybody is thinking, might go for the first, but wait, not that's what they are really thinking! I'm so for the Number 2, easy choice hahaha"

Which is funny because you don't have to choose for raffles, they could have just submitted for both which is what I did.


How is Hot Pursuit compared to Burnout: Paradise? I've played Burnout on and of, and adding another racing game to play on and off sounds aight, especially if it has the same arcade style.


Thanks steam bro, sort of strange how 1 had 41 entrants and 2 had 8 -- glad I won.

Many people think other people choose the first option. So they take the second one. That's why I took the first. Didn't help me unfortunately but looking at the number of entrants it was the right choice.


For the record, I can't still get a Fable III key. It's been what, two weeks?

Damn. Only had the problem with Fallout 3 on one of the first times it was on sale and it was sorted in 2 days. Think they have to do something with Microsoft and they probably don't give a damn about GFWL stuff anymore.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
It must have been something like this with GAFfers:

"Man, I need to choose one of them... going to choose the second. No! That's what everybody is thinking, might go for the first, but wait, not that's what they are really thinking! I'm so for the Number 2, easy choice hahaha"

I'm just glad I made the right choice.



man that mount & blade 2 blog entry made me so happy

even if it's not real news or anything, it just gives me hope

I'm also for some reason really pleased with them keeping the papyrus font lol, and while the graphics are a lot better, there's some promise of looking as ridiculous as warband

I mean just look at this shit lol


it's godly


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Here are my previous comments on Criterion games way back in July of 2013:

I no longer trust Criterion to treat me like a sentient creature anymore. Their games are fun, but usually require you to sit in front of an unskippable tutorial on breathing, blinking, and the rudimentary concepts of what a videogame is.

If a caveman were thawed out of some ice, I'd plop him in front of a Criterion game as I'm pretty sure it'd bring him up to speed on the last 40,000 years of human endeavor.

Not only do I cover basically all of Totalbiscuits complaints, but I do it in 3 sentences and not 15 minutes.


Which is funny because you don't have to choose for raffles, they could have just submitted for both which is what I did.

i thought that only worked for free for alls...maybe the "if you include more than one game you will be blocked from entering" is referring to the PM itself?


Tempted to buy Civ V: Gods & Kings from GamersGate, but I know Winter Is Coming, and with it another Steam Sale. So - do GamersGate give out Steam keys for DLC, and should I wait for a possibly cheaper deal during the Sales anyway? I'm not going to play Civ V immediately, too preoccupied with Risk Of Rain and Duel Of Champions.


It must have been something like this with GAFfers:

"Man, I need to choose one of them... going to choose the second. No! That's what everybody is thinking, might go for the first, but wait, not that's what they are really thinking! I'm so for the Number 2, easy choice hahaha"

This was my thought process. I figured since #2 was on the top, more people went for it as well.
Criterion really has the worst taste in music. I was thinking about picking up Hot Pursuit but it's such a fucking turn off when you close the first Let's play you find within five seconds after you started watching it because of the annoying shit they call music that plays during the title screen. Every game they make the same shit. And when they finally find a good song they ruin it by overusing it. #whatistheworldcomingto
Oh neat, The Last Express is on Steam now. I was always so close to buying it from [rival video game store]. Has anyone had the chance to play it? If so are the improvements good over the GOG version or just retrofitted from some iPad release?
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