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Indie Games [December] Now Voting - Post 741!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Voting thread up!
Link to the Voting Thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=734961

In short:
Rank your top 20 PC Indie Games you played last year (check the previous monthly threads if you want to remember what we played here), feel free to give the same rank to multiple games, like:
1. Game XY
2. Game ÖZ
2. Game GA
2. Game XD
5. Game XT
6. Game HT

Feel free to include a second list with the ranks 21-50 in the same manner, but the second list is not needed for the voting.

Also, make sure to post about why you think certain games deserve the votes, to convince others to try a game or to remind them of a certain game. We covered ~500 games last year, so its easy to miss one or two great ones. I would also suggest subscribing to the voting thread to be informed about others writing up their impressions/why this game was awesome-posts.

Is there any indie game which you are expecting for the first quarter of 2014?

So far, I have only three for sure in my list:
  • Broken Age (Jan 14)
  • Pix the Cat (unknown for now, but pretty cool, and coming to Steam as well)
  • Tengami (preorder already possible)
I would have added Owlboy or Gorogoa or Escape Goat 2, but these games are always postponed. I am not even confident they would be released in 2014.

Or Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Cradle, FaeVerse Solitaire, Mushroom 11, The Witness, etc. At least, the dev of Miegakure has never announced a release date.

I forgot the name of the game again, but there was this comic style story changing game where you exchange character positions to create different outcomes of the story. It was supposed to release in summer 2013....

Oh and Full Bore 2 should be released early 2014.

Other than that, I gave up on anticipating Indies for the reason you named, haha.


I forgot the name of the game again, but there was this comic style story changing game where you exchange character positions to create different outcomes of the story. It was supposed to release in summer 2013...

Let me think. I know this game.

Edit: I don't remember.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

I want it :(

Still probably my most anticipated Indie this year (currently together with Full Bore part 2 I guess). Wasnt it supposed to come out in 2013?


I'll forgot the name of this game in a few minutes again.
Is there any indie game which you are expecting for the first quarter of 2014?

So far, I have only three for sure in my list:
  • Broken Age (Jan 14)
  • Pix the Cat (unknown for now, but pretty cool, and coming to Steam as well)
  • Tengami (preorder already possible)
I would have added Owlboy or Gorogoa or Escape Goat 2, but these games are always postponed. I am not even confident they would be released in 2014.

Or Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Cradle, FaeVerse Solitaire, Mushroom 11, The Witness, etc. At least, the dev of Miegakure has never announced a release date.

Octodad should also be coming out in January as well, and I'm looking forward to that.


Is there any indie game which you are expecting for the first quarter of 2014?

So far, I have only three for sure in my list:
  • Broken Age (Jan 14)
  • Pix the Cat (unknown for now, but pretty cool, and coming to Steam as well)
  • Tengami (preorder already possible)
I would have added Owlboy or Gorogoa or Escape Goat 2, but these games are always postponed. I am not even confident they would be released in 2014.

Or Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Cradle, FaeVerse Solitaire, Mushroom 11, The Witness, etc. At least, the dev of Miegakure has never announced a release date.


I'll forgot the name of this game in a few minutes again.

LOL. How could you forget it. This is your most mentioned upcoming game in these threads:D I'm starting to suspect it's your sneaky way to bump it on every occasion;) Well, nothing wrong with it - it's pretty high on my list, too!

Looks like 2014 is going to be even better than this year. Here's a short list of my most anticipated games:

  • Pavilion
  • The Witness
  • Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
  • Hohokum
  • Rime
  • Kachina
  • Gorogoa
  • KR0
  • NaissanceE
  • Lioness
  • else { Heart.break() }
  • Mirage
  • Memory of a Broken Dimension
  • The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
  • Secrets of Rætikon
  • Cheongsam
  • Aeon
  • Storyteller
  • Tangiers
  • Mutazione
  • Lune
  • Future Unfolding
  • Saturated Dreamers
  • Night in the Woods
  • Framed

So, out of these it's probably Pavilion, Hohokum, Secrets of Rætikon, Ethan Carter and of course KR0 Act III, that are planned for the first quarter.
How To Survive is a flash sale, 70% off!
My impressions. I thought it was a solid game, fun, not going to blow you away or anything or wow you, but a good "b-movie" experience so to speak.

After choosing one of three characters, you find yourself on the corpse littered shores of a remote archipelago. The world of How To Survive is set across four islands, each larger than the last. The islands aren't massive but they're diverse, from the woods of the first one to fellow survivor (and your guide) Kovac's compound and the swampy marshes and jungles of the other two. You'll unlock each island as you progress through the story, as well earn weapons and tools to unlock new areas. For example the machete can chop away path-blocking bushes and you'll learn how to ignite campfires. The atmosphere is wonderful: daylight fades, night descends on the landscape, campfires flicker, the tide rolls in and out, birds fly off and when you approach, deer and tapir roam the underbrush.

Fire and illumination is important, because when night falls, creatures besides zombies roam the islands, and your precious torches, campfires, and flashlight can keep them at bay. The zombies themselves are varied as well, from simple shamblers to helmet-wearing armored undead. Thankfully your character is more than able to hold his own, thanks to a large assortment of melee weapons, projectiles, equipable armor (visible on your character), stat boosting items, and skills that allow you to craft distractions or incidenary arrows. Combat isn't the most complex mechanic but it's certainly fun. Blades lop off heads and limbs, heavy weapons explode heads, guns blow zombies apart, and melee finishers on staggered enemies are always satisfying. A crafting system allows you to swap out weapon parts to add attributes like rapid fire or make special weapons like a bone boomerang.

And that's not all! You need to watch your hunger, thirst, and exhaustion; hunting deer, fishing, filling water bottles, and sleeping in designated safehouses will keep you at peak levels. I did feel that too many missions just fell into fetch quest territory and bosses were more frustrating than anything else. The survival elements seem tacked on, just more meters to worry about rather than an deep organic feature. There's also a huge amount of ammo lying around; it was rare that I didn't have 500 rounds or more for my weapons.

Besides a single player campaign (which features co-operative play as well), there's a challenge mode to test you zombie killing skills as well as an iron man difficulty that severely limits your supplies and health. How To Survive doesn't reinvent the genre and nothing really blew me away, but its mix of satisfying zombie killing and RPG elements create a fun solid experience that's worth playing.
  • Risk of Rain
  • Mr. Bree+
  • Westerado
  • One Way Heroics - surprise of the month, has more depth than it may look in a first sight.
  • Lilly Looking Through

Still have some more games to play so the list may grow soon.


Stormy Grey
Do we have some impressions about 140 for this GAFfer?

It's the best Autechre music video ever made, super short
though apparently there's a set of "mirror world" stages
and the third boss is a huge dick. I love how everything is connected to the music and each obstacle providing a new layer for you to monitor. For $2 you're getting some pretty great music (if you're into the track that plays during the trailer) and some fun but not particularly difficult platforming.


It's the best Autechre music video ever made, super short
though apparently there's a set of "mirror world" stages
and the third boss is a huge dick. I love how everything is connected to the music and each obstacle providing a new layer for you to monitor. For $2 you're getting some pretty great music (if you're into the track that plays during the trailer) and some fun but not particularly difficult platforming.

Thanks. I have forwarded your feedback.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Do we have some impressions about 140 for this GAFfer?

Ironclad tactics is worth it for the SP alone. Very lengthy and lots of unlockable content in the form of cards and many challenges.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Last OP impressions:


This is actually really cool and you guys should give it a look. It basically feels like you are diving into a surrealistic painting and then swing from one geometric form to the next. Extremely relaxing and pretty even though the actual gameplay seems a bit too easy for the puzzle nature its implying. I kind of got the impression that it might have been better off by being less of a "game" and more of an explorative experiment. Still, free and really cool. Recommended to try.


This is surprisingly cool. The basic gameplay revolves around finding chains of cards and making them as big as possible. This might seem rather easy, but after playing it for ~1 hour, there is a LOT I need to figure out how to properly do. Its becoming really important to not only make big chains, but also set up the next chains, which is harder than it might sound. I also like how the game has a non-traditional progress structure. Its not "level 1 - done" - "leve 2 - done", but it basically has a main mode in which you endlessly play (or you use the nightmare mode) and just unlock random cards that appear on screen, which correspond to new ingame items or story fragments. I can definitely see myself firing this up once in a while to zone out and play for a few minutes just to chill. It is also rather challenging if you want it to, as the challenge mode means you need to constantly balance the 4 card colors and your highscore which is constantly rotting away if you dont make enough points.

Seriously, cool little and inexpensive thing. Thumbs up.

The Consuming Shadow

A story adventure game with random events, decisions gun fights and investigations. Its really quite bizarre, yet equally fascinating to play. It seems rather simple at first but its actually quite engaging (at least it was in my first run, it might not hold up as well on the second). You drive around England and hear that evil is starting to take over the world and you have 72 hours to ... do whatever you do. You take on jobs to earn money, find items and ammunition to buy, escape from the police, get almost shot by... them or just shoot yourself before this whole thing even starts.
If you arent well prepared, you'll die soon, so you want to prepare better the next time, use your time more wisely and focus on things you know you need. In that regard it has that "roguelike" permadeath formula down which requires you to learn about the game better in each subsequent playthrough. The game will also require you to actually go into dungeons to explore them and fight the undead and manage your inventory.

Its bizarre! But interesting. And free.

Space - The Return of the Pixxelfrazer

Sorta run-of-the-mill space shooter with Asteroids graphics. You travel around, mine asteroids, defeat bandits, upgrade your ship, find new planets etcetc. Its actually done quite well but its not particular "new" to me, so I didnt play it much. Kudos for including an alternatve twinstick shooter control scheme on top of the classic Asteroids one, though.


Interesting concept (I Love music games), that still needs a lot of work to be actually "fun". Its really cool to see how you are starting to actually create a melody with your actions by using these blocks, but its not too terribly engaging. I really hope they manage to expand on this idea. Its free too, so if you like music games, thats reason enough to see what this game might end up as.

Secret of Escape

Not enough time to be elaborate, but... meh. Way too simple, "first game project"-style.

Silence in the Mist
I didnt play it but I am curious about Hofmanns opinion on this.


I just made a thread about this, but I feel it's worth cross-posting:

Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok is an adventure / RPG hybrid. Like in many adventure games, you have a world to save, and must use your wit, guile and inventory to puzzle your way through. Like in many roleplaying games, you can customize your character with various classes and skills, and must train yourself in combat to stand a chance against the fierce monsters in your way.

The game is designed in the spirit and atmosphere of the classics, and strives to have the same high quality of art, music, and plot. With multiple character classes and several solutions to many puzzles, the game has excellent replayability.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wgzU3nybN5Y





Download (~400MB): http://www.crystalshard.net/hq.htm

+ Pixel art (<100 backgrounds, >10,000 animation sprites)
+ Full voice acting
+ Multiple paths to victory


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
December Voting:

Fjords - Min. 7$ (PC)
Incredibly rewarding explorative game. Just start, explore your possibilities and then explore the world.
Full impressions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=94456171&postcount=679
One Way Heroics - $1,99 (PC)
Very deep and challenging roguelike with a metric ton of extra features, modes, unlockables and hidden... stuff. You cant get more content for a full price $2 title.
Full impressions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=727834
Paper Sorcerer - Free Demo/ $5 (PC, Mac, Linux)
Very fun dungeon crawler that rewards good preparation and careful exploration. Oh and god DAMN is this thing pretty.
Full impressions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=94612087&postcount=735
Stasis - Free Demo (PC)
Eye-candy isometric scifi-cyberpunk adventure. Oozes with flair, cant wait for the full release.
Westerado - Free (Browser)
More people need to try this. Its an action adventure game in which you are a cowboy trying to revenge the gruesome murder on your family. What makes this game so interesting is how it approaches player choice. You walk around the cities to ask for clues, explore the world and have the freedom to shoot any character in the world. That plus the quite interesting shooting mechanic and seemingly big world, make this a must for everyone reading this thread. I didnt play it too far, but this game would easily be worth money, yet its a free game you can play and check out in the browser. Boggles my mind.
Creeper World 3 - Free Demo/ $13,99 (PC, Mac)
Fun Tower defense game.
Didgery - $2,99 (PC)
Puzzle game that requires you to create big chains of cards while setting up your next chains, which is surprisingly fun.
Full Impressions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=94903405&postcount=769
Risk of Rain - Free Alpha/$9,99 (PC)
Fun and hard action game with rewarding progression and combat system.
Serendipity - Free Demo (PC)
This is actually really cool and you guys should give it a look. It basically feels like you are diving into a surrealistic painting and then swing from one geometric form to the next.
Full Impressions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=94903405&postcount=769
Two Brothers - $15 (PC)
Zelda-style action adventure with lots of charme and heart, that had a few... bugs when I tried it. (The game is supposed to be less buggy now)
Full impressions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=91576288&postcount=807


Silence in the Mist
I didnt play it but I am curious about Hofmanns opinion on this.
I lost my patience and quit after wandering aimlessly for a few minutes not knowing what to do. There's probably more to it, judging from the description, but I couldn't find enough incentive in the game to continue. I will gladly hear impressions of someone who managed to get past the initial stage, too, Maybe there's more to it than meets the eye, but so far getting lost in a glitchy world of Fjords seems to be much more interesting.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I lost my patience and quit after wandering aimlessly for a few minutes not knowing what to do. There's probably more to it, judging from the description, but I couldn't find enough incentive in the game to continue. I will gladly hear impressions of someone who managed to get past the initial stage, too, Maybe there's more to it than meets the eye, but so far getting lost in a glitchy world of Fjords seems to be much more interesting.

Man, such a great game. On a similar note, December had a shit ton of great games. I'll have quite a few nominees for my GOTY voting in december, but only like ...2 from november? Working on my monthly list for the games that I consider for the goty voting now. Lets see..


Man, such a great game. On a similar note, December had a shit ton of great games. I'll have quite a few nominees for my GOTY voting in december, but only like ...2 from november? Working on my monthly list for the games that I consider for the goty voting now. Lets see..

I have to admit I've got a bit burned out on games for the last couple of weeks, so it's sad considering how rich the end of the year seems to be. Hopefully, the new year will change this ugly attitude.

Oh, and it looks like someone liked Silence in the Mist: http://indiestatik.com/2012/12/06/silence-in-the-mist-a-dreamers-tragic-journey/.

Protip: If you want to know more about some obscure title, go to IS - they probably wrote about it, already.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I have to admit I've got a bit burned out on games for the last couple of weeks, so it's sad considering how rich the end of the year seems to be. Hopefully, the new year will change this ugly attitude.

Oh, and it looks like someone liked Silence in the Mist: http://indiestatik.com/2012/12/06/silence-in-the-mist-a-dreamers-tragic-journey/.

Protip: If you want to know more about some obscure title, go to IS - they probably wrote about it, already.

Dont worry, I went through that phase in august/september/october or so. Really glad I managed to pick up the slack again though for the end of the year voting, otherwise I'd have missed Fjords, Westerado and Paper Sorcerer which all have good chances to land in the top 40.

Edit: And I still prefer asking you guys, as I know how to "interpret" your answers based on what I know you like/dislike and how you guys write about things if you love it or whether you only "like" it, if that makes any sense.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Finished Evoland. It's a bad game. Solid foundation that is negated by amateurish design.

Yep, figured as much. Props for finishing, I quit after a few minutes because a few issues became apparent right away.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Thanks to MB for ''hyping'' Outdoor Camping for Deboned Poultry in one of the previous threads - little gem would be lost otherwise. A really neat concept, like MirrorMoon had a child with Cyanosis Fever - probably the best way to describe this mindfuck. It's short, so don't postpone it and give it a try.

I dont remember that game, did we even add it to an OP?


Any impressions of Tiny & Big?

The game mechanic is solid and the game is fun. However, I had to quit after the game erased my save (and I am not the only one), after it somehow messed up with the date of the save stored in the Steam Cloud. It would have been okay had I not been getting all the collectibles of the levels prior to this.
The game mechanic is solid and the game is fun. However, I had to quit after the game erased my save (and I am not the only one), after it somehow messed up with the date of the save stored in the Steam Cloud. It would have been okay had I not been getting all the collectibles of the levels prior to this.
Does it get more challenging/have more complex puzzles or is it more sandbox-y, do whatever you want?


Does it get more challenging/have more complex puzzles or is it more sandbox-y, do whatever you want?

The levels are designed so that you have to go through different obstacles, so it is kind of sandboxy but not really. However, it is more an adventure/platformer than a puzzle game.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Does it get more challenging/have more complex puzzles or is it more sandbox-y, do whatever you want?
Sorta both, some of the collectibles arent easy to get, but the overall feel of the game for me was just to play around with it's mechanics. You should definitely give it a try.


Two Brothers is $3.00 @ GMG with GMG20-ZB5D1-93X49

I see that Toma liked it. Anyone else?

edit: not Steam. I'll wait!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Two Brothers is $3.00 @ GMG with GMG20-ZB5D1-93X49

I see that Toma liked it. Anyone else?

edit: not Steam. I'll wait!

Soon steam though, for 3$, I'd recommend picking it up, hoping they indeed worked on the bugs until the steam release.
Just played 9.03M and I have to say I very much liked the way the central mechanic tied in to the theme.
The main mechanic is the water level receding to reveal the next object/destination.
Perhaps too sentimental, but hey, if there's any case where sentimentality is appropriate it's cases like this. It's certainly short (15 min) but with a low price and all proceeds going to charity, I'd say it's worth it. It's also currently in a Groupees bundle.

As for something somewhat related, I recently did foley for Snö for the Holiday Game Jam. It's a bunch of jam games for Pay What You Want with all money going to Child's Play. Though keep in mind they're jam games (i.e. limited development time) so many are... err... quite primitive.

It's a bit like Proteus with a smaller scope.
I have to admit I've got a bit burned out on games for the last couple of weeks, so it's sad considering how rich the end of the year seems to be. Hopefully, the new year will change this ugly attitude.

I think it's a usual thing to happen for people that tend to play lots of games, this month I barely played any games from the December thread in my case it was a mix of a busy month and lack of will to try new things also sometimes I want to buy some of the games that I bought and still haven't touched and it's usually happen during the Steam sales. xD
Thanks to MB for ''hyping'' Outdoor Camping for Deboned Poultry in one of the previous threads - little gem would be lost otherwise. A really neat concept, like MirrorMoon had a child with Cyanosis Fever - probably the best way to describe this mindfuck. It's short, so don't postpone it and give it a try.
Forgot about this too. Was very impressed with it during 7DFPS, although I felt Beyond Perception was the more cohesive and complete mindfuck game between the two


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Goddamnit, ranking these in the goty thread is so hard!
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