Anyone else just notice that the "stats" page was messed up for a minute?
Interesting... Killing Floor 2? Super Secret Project 1? Hickory? Waffles???? Ninja Gaiden Z???????
And Project Muffin. Don't forget Project Muffin.
Anyone else just notice that the "stats" page was messed up for a minute?
Interesting... Killing Floor 2? Super Secret Project 1? Hickory? Waffles???? Ninja Gaiden Z???????
You got something against people with facial hair?
Anyone else just notice that the "stats" page was messed up for a minute?
Interesting... Killing Floor 2? Super Secret Project 1? Hickory? Waffles???? Ninja Gaiden Z???????
Arkham Origins Blackgate HD? Awesome. Also, I searched high and low for a retail copy of FM 2010 Korean but couldn't find one.2011 was as far back as I could get.
I can't say I'm surprised to see Blackgate coming to PC, too bad that the game itself is pretty awful.
Wow did we get a peak into the developers stats page or something?
A lot of those entries are beta or development subs.
If that information is publicly accessible like that then you may be our only hope to access that on a regular basis Jshacks.
I've had dead island epidwmic on my steam for months but never played it. Should I try it? Does anyone here play it?Blackgate HD and Dead Island: Epidemic sure sound interesting to me from that list.
Arkham Origins Blackgate HD. hahah, we (bus/stall) knew this shit would happen.
About 10 hours late to this discussion, but I had emailed the Avernum devs back when they did a humble weekly sale to ask about this. Avernum 4/5/6 are on Steam, and the remake of Avernum 1 (Escape from the Pit) is on Steam, and they're working on remakes of Avernum 2 & 3 (instead of putting the original version on Steam).Although I'm pretty sure all Avernum games are on gog. Will check later. I didn't know 4-6 are on steam too, though.
Just an imposter.
Nice find, i didn't know they were making killing floor 2. :OAnyone else just notice that the "stats" page was messed up for a minute?
Interesting... Killing Floor 2? Super Secret Project 1? Hickory? Waffles???? Ninja Gaiden Z???????
Looks like a moba, but i'm not sure. HD and Dead Island: Epidemic sure sound interesting to me from that list.
I've had dead island epidwmic on my steam for months but never played it. Should I try it? Does anyone here play it?
shouldn't halo be here soon, is it jan or feb where the H2 servers get taken down?
Try shaving it.The stache is supposed to cover that.
The retail version of X-Plane 10 comes on 8 DVDs. Downloading it on Steam should be fun.
Interesting... Killing Floor 2? Super Secret Project 1? Hickory? Waffles???? Ninja Gaiden Z???????
I like my fish heads.Is dead beat the bastard twin of modbit that lives in the attic?
Christ, how many clones are there now anyway? I'm going to have to stick my head in the Suarez appreciation thread one day.
Are the Steam download speeds really bad for anyone else right now?
In addition to me there's:
- Chobel
- ClassyPenguin
- drgambit
- Iku-Turso
- Kirosia
- OldAsUrSock
- PandaPedinte
(No, I don't keep a list, I'm just very good at remembering Saoirse-related things!)
Not bad looking considering the game is low budget. I wonder if Sweet FX might do good to the game.
I'm already one down... Anyone got a link to MRORANGE's 52 thread? I'll play.
Eh, that's probably only about 30 gigs of data, so Max Payne 3 download size.
I thought it was July.
I was just focusing on the download sizeComplete installation is 75 GB.
July is when GFWL gets put out to pasture. Halo 2 MP servers were given yet another stay of execution until an as-yet-undetermined date in the opening portion of this year.
You forgot Copons. I find it strange seeing people with Saoirse avatars and not posting in Steam threads.
The Saorise avatars from people not you is confusing. I thought you were into the console warrior stuff for a while!
So I'm getting my new GTX 770 tomorrow. I can't decide what game to try out first to see the sheer beauty.
Steam Games, anyone got any recommendations?
July is when GFWL gets put out to pasture. Halo 2 MP servers were given yet another stay of execution until an as-yet-undetermined date in the opening portion of this year.
Copons' avatar lass is Yvonne Strahovski. She's an Aussie!
Looks more like Yvonne Strahovski.
In addition to me there's:
- Chobel
- ClassyPenguin
- drgambit
- Iku-Turso
- Kirosia
- OldAsUrSock
- PandaPedinte
(No, I don't keep a list, I'm just very good at remembering Saoirse-related things!)
What game?
So I'm getting my new GTX 770 tomorrow. I can't decide what game to try out first to see the sheer beauty.
Steam Games, anyone got any recommendations?
Is it about time to start spamming them and see whats going on?
Should I buy Brothers?
Claire isn't new as it was greenlit not too long ago (and releases sometime this year), thought I might bring it to the attention of a few as its had my attention for the last few months.
The way its been described and looks is essentially a 2D horror game that takes inspiration from Haunting Ground, Alan Wake, and Silent Hill. You play as a girl named Claire, who has a dog companion, who finds herself in a reality that is a nightmarish reflection of our own. Here there are shadowy monsters that must be fought off with light. All through this, Claire herself seems to be changing ages. Of course, no explanation right now, the game isn't out.
Game is confirmed to have branching story paths and endings, multiple difficulties and New Game+, and a panic system (ala Clock Tower or Haunting Ground) that causes visual and audio effects when panicking.
Game was delayed a bit recently as they decided to add more detail to the art, add a few sections they had previously thought to cut to release it sooner, and polish it up more. Hoping it comes out good, but excited~
I meant to ask you this the other day but why 52 games fellow GAFfer? It gives you an average of 4-5 games each month. Any other reason?