“All staff have changed their Jobs to ‘Hero'” Clinic in Japan shuts up shop to play Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake released today, prompting RPG fans all over the world to get stuck into the revamp of Enix’s 1988 classic. In Japan, one business’s dramatic response to the game’s release captured the attention of social media users.

Cura chiropractic clinic in Tokyo made the following X post this morning- revealing that all staff are taking a break, purely for the Dragon Quest III remake.

Post translation: Please forgive us. (Photo of handwritten sign): Notice of temporary closure: We can’t open the clinic because all of the staff have changed their Jobs to “Hero”. Head of Cura Chiropractic.

It seems that the clinic’s staff aren’t just playing Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake though. Today, the X account has posted numerous photos of food and drinks from Luida’s Bar- a Dragon Quest-themed bar in Tokyo.

Post translation: Bacon egg burger with the mark of Erdrick! Just right for fortifying yourself before setting off on a journey!

The original post announcing Cura’s holiday blew up on X in Japan- amassing over 2 million views and numerous supportive comments. Considering that the business is named after a spell from Final Fantasy and advertises itself as “The best chiropractor in Japan for otaku to gather and talk about their favorites,” it is likely that their customers fully understand why it was necessary to take time off for Dragon Quest III. Some commenters have even suggested that the clinic should be renamed “Midheal” after the Dragon Quest curative spell.

Source - Automaton West


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