JareBear: Remastered
Trailer dropped earlier today
Extract my brain from my skull if old
Extract my brain from my skull if old
You might want to visit an opthalmologist. Farahani might not be your cup of tea but ugly she is not.Ugly female character
Checked the trailer again. I don’t find her attractive. You’re right, not my cup of tea at all.You might want to visit an opthalmologist. Farahani might not be your cup of tea but ugly she is not.
I have zero problems with Hemsworth claiming the crown from Neeson in this worn-out subgenre.
Isn't there an entire spectrum in between ugly and "I don't find her attractive."?Checked the trailer again. I don’t find her attractive. You’re right, not my cup of tea at all.
True. I used the wrong word. Happy now?Isn't there an entire spectrum in between ugly and "I don't find her attractive."?
yeah it does have uncharted written all over itAdult/kid duo
Ugly female character
Shooting thugs and taking cover
What is this, a Naughty Dog game?
Looks decent.
This flick was damn sweet. Best Netflix effort I’ve ever seen. Awesome action
Well the tards over at Reese have taken to Extraction for its lack of SJW principles.
Slayven the tards of all tards wrote.
"Rubs me the wrong way that Helmsworth doesn't seem to champion the kid until he starts thinking about his blond haired blue eyed kid. Like the kid isn't worth saving on his own, only through the lens of a replacement for his kid is the kid deemed worth saving"
I mean Extraction is a diversity champion.
Hero white dude gets killed by underprivileged dark skinned kid.
The brown skinned women ends up killing the bad guy.
The brown skinned kid lives.
And the white hero's blonde white child died.
I mean, whats not for them to like?
To be fair, you ain't watching this for the plot....and the film spoils itself in the opening scene IMHO.Yeah, he spoiled it pretty well.
Indian dude took on dozens of fully kitted, armored and helmeted soldiers with an MP5. I get that it’s a cool looking gun but that’s a 9mm brah.
Thor took on fully kitted dudes too. I'd guess it was inspired by John Wick 3's final action scene.
Yah, Hemsworth had an AR-15 though, which can defeat military body armor. The Indian dude's MP5 isn't going through the police kevlar vests, even.
Took me out of the action a little, since when they were using pistols they'd target the neck and other vulnerable points to avoid armored areas (which is cool). Well, those handguns are the same caliber as the MP5.
Community tv show water fights put them on the map.Well dang, guess I have to watch it.
Once upon a time, the Russos were put on the map for making well shot and grounded action scenes in Winter Soldier - not for the disneyfied Avengers films. I'm a bit hopeful now that they're going to return to making those kinds of films.