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10-year study still denies any link between violent games and violent behavior


Tag, you're it.

Once again, a study states that there is no link between violent games played during adolescence and violent behavior in adulthood.
If this one, called "Growing Up with Grand Theft Auto: A 10-Year Study of Longitudinal Growth of Violent Video Game Play in Adolescents" attracts attention, it is because it began 10 years ago, with a large group of 500 participants, whose average age at the time was 14 years.


The study conducted in a "large city in the northwest" of the United States was published by Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, a scientific journal with a referee. It is based on "a person-centered approach"; The conclusion being drawn from the subjects' own assertions, let us retain that a margin of error can be taken into account according to their honesty.

Those who played violent games for a long time during adolescence did not see a noticeable increase in their aggressiveness, nor did those who played them in very small quantities.
Conversely, researchers believe that some children may have used these titles as a way to manage anxiety. According to the responses obtained via questionnaires, three major groups appear: The first played many violent games when he was young before decreasing the practice as he got older (4%); the second played these games moderately before starting a more sustained practice (23%); finally, the last group played very little there, before there too, to increase the practice by aging (73%). As a result, it is group 2 which seems to display the highest level of aggression, while the other two show no noticeable difference.

"There was no difference in prosocial behavior at the end point between the three groups, but individuals in the moderate group showed the highest levels of aggressive behavior in the last wave."



Isn't this the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result?

I guess maybe if they are working under the assumption that they law of probability may one day favor them. Granted all they need is one study to say that there is a link and all other studies will be treated as if they don't/never exist/existed.


Gold Member
I hope this research gets sent out to all those teachers and health professionals who are already teaching their students that it does. I remember back in college the teacher was trying to tell everyone that GTA and violent video games were causing people to be violent. I’ve been playing violent video games since I’ve been in kindergarten and no one asked me if it ever caused me to be violent. I was never a violent kid. I’ve seen more violence from kids and teens who don’t play video games. The only way video games were ever in their lives was due to how mainstream some of them are. That doesn’t mean the video game told them to be that way or act in a certain way. A lot of it is ignorance by healthcare professionals and teachers who are short-sighted. That doesn’t even touch upon the amount of criticism from religious groups, who find problems with just about everything under the sun.


It’s why I never liked gta. Violence is one thing but when you build a game entirely around mindless violence and degenerate behavior it isn’t a good thing for society.
Or, like novels and movies with the same subject matter, it allows for an outlet and escapism which would prevent some from carrying out the misdeeds in real life.


There have been massacres before games and even movies existed.

There is no connection. And if there is, its awfully ineffective. How many people played GTA V, over 100 million?


There have been massacres before games and even movies existed.

There is no connection. And if there is, its awfully ineffective. How many people played GTA V, over 100 million?
It is hard to say at this point, as not a single one of these studies have tried to look into the possible variations across geography, culture and possible disruptive event spikes between the two. All these studies have been conducted in more or less stable western environments with little to no focus on how gaming habits manifests when these environments break down for either society or the individual.

For this reason, it is also a common held belief that violent movies doesn't make people more violent. Yet, we have clear examples of organiations like the Daesh using western gore movies (Saw, Hostel, Human Centipede etc.) as instruction videos on how to torture their prisoners - so to say that violent movies doesn't have a direct connection to the violent behaviour of at least 'some' individuals, is clearly false.


Or, like novels and movies with the same subject matter, it allows for an outlet and escapism which would prevent some from carrying out the misdeeds in real life.

Film and movies are a different medium, but if there was a film or movie with no point or purpose other than to display non stop acts of gruesome violence and little else, it would be rightfully panned and criticized.

Video games are toys. Yeah a lot of adults play them but they are marketed to younger people, and if kids who are already awkward and socially stunted are doing nothing but playing violent games all day it is NOT a good thing for society. It’s just common sense.


Ok grandma

Nah fatso, these are just facts.

The kids who I knew growing up who played GTA all day and never went outside were all losers and are still losers, only more angry.

This is no different from those kids you knew growing up who liked to harm or torture animals and insects. There is something mentally wrong with those people.

If you are one of those people who get “excited” and giddy at the opportunity to see blood and guts everywhere in your video games there is something wrong with you, straight up.


I hope this research gets sent out to all those teachers and health professionals who are already teaching their students that it does. I remember back in college the teacher was trying to tell everyone that GTA and violent video games were causing people to be violent. I’ve been playing violent video games since I’ve been in kindergarten and no one asked me if it ever caused me to be violent. I was never a violent kid. I’ve seen more violence from kids and teens who don’t play video games. The only way video games were ever in their lives was due to how mainstream some of them are. That doesn’t mean the video game told them to be that way or act in a certain way. A lot of it is ignorance by healthcare professionals and teachers who are short-sighted. That doesn’t even touch upon the amount of criticism from religious groups, who find problems with just about everything under the sun.

Thing is they may not directly cause violence, but for people who already have violent tendencies, violent games only desensitizes them further to where killing in games isn’t enough, they need more. I’m not a religious person....Just see shit for what it is. Bottom line is there are too many violent video games. It’s true, it’s a fact, and any mature adult can see that.


Makes sense honestly. Games are a release for that sort of primal energy. I love violent video games but I would never hurt someone in real life except in defense.


No, not "a lot" of adults, the vast majority of people who play games are adults and most big games don't have ratings fitting for kids.

Yeah, adults who act like children.

You guys who post here and talk about how you spent over 150 hours playing some shooter are not normal adults.


It is hard to say at this point, as not a single one of these studies have tried to look into the possible variations across geography, culture and possible disruptive event spikes between the two. All these studies have been conducted in more or less stable western environments with little to no focus on how gaming habits manifests when these environments break down for either society or the individual.

For this reason, it is also a common held belief that violent movies doesn't make people more violent. Yet, we have clear examples of organiations like the Daesh using western gore movies (Saw, Hostel, Human Centipede etc.) as instruction videos on how to torture their prisoners - so to say that violent movies doesn't have a direct connection to the violent behaviour of at least 'some' individuals, is clearly false.

Such atrocities were already comitted in ancient civilization. The Romans also knew a thing or 2.

The question is where those film makers get their ideas from. Probably from documented history.


Such atrocities were already comitted in ancient civilization. The Romans also knew a thing or 2.

The question is where those film makers get their ideas from. Probably from documented history.
I do not think anyone is arguing that movies and games created violence. The problem is about how these things impact the behaviour of groups and individuals - and what I am asking for is a study based on how it impacts people whose lives and behavioral patterns are significantly disrupted (personal tragedies, sudden attainment of 'power', war, a breakdown of norms/society etc.).
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Nah fatso, these are just facts.

The kids who I knew growing up who played GTA all day and never went outside were all losers and are still losers, only more angry.

This is no different from those kids you knew growing up who liked to harm or torture animals and insects. There is something mentally wrong with those people.

If you are one of those people who get “excited” and giddy at the opportunity to see blood and guts everywhere in your video games there is something wrong with you, straight up.

Yeah, adults who act like children.

You guys who post here and talk about how you spent over 150 hours playing some shooter are not normal adults.
You’re very confident about these things you’re wrong about.

A few kids you knew don’t represent all kids.
It’s not “No different” just because you say it.
Who do you know that feels that way about blood and guts? Or did you just make that up? Does the same apply to people who like horror films? Are they as messed up?

You’re very judgemental, and if anything you come across as less stable and normal than everyone else talking about this topic.
That may be the case now, but I truly think that with VR making games more immersive you’re going to see a link.
I dunno. I've played probably the most violent VR game available and I haven't felt the urge to go kill anyone. If anything, VR will be a healthier and safer outlet for people to blow off steam than anything.

Bloodtrail VR:

If it makes you a bit uncomfortable, you're probably human.


You’re very confident about these things you’re wrong about.

A few kids you knew don’t represent all kids.
It’s not “No different” just because you say it.
Who do you know that feels that way about blood and guts? Or did you just make that up? Does the same apply to people who like horror films? Are they as messed up?

You’re very judgemental, and if anything you come across as less stable and normal than everyone else talking about this topic.
This. Also, calling people fatso seems like borderline psychopath behavior alone. Fatass? That's common. Fatty? Kinda funny actually. Fat shit? Eccentric and fun. Fat fuck? Aggressive, little Tony Soprano ish, but acceptable. Fatso? Haven't heard that shit since the 90's. That's grounds for an FBI search of this dude's hard drive.


I dunno. I've played probably the most violent VR game available and I haven't felt the urge to go kill anyone. If anything, VR will be a healthier and safer outlet for people to blow off steam than anything.

Bloodtrail VR:

If it makes you a bit uncomfortable, you're probably human.

Except this is still over the top gore, its cartoon like
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This. Also, calling people fatso seems like borderline psychopath behavior alone. Fatass? That's common. Fatty? Kinda funny actually. Fat shit? Eccentric and fun. Fat fuck? Aggressive, little Tony Soprano ish, but acceptable. Fatso? Haven't heard that shit since the 90's. That's grounds for an FBI search of this dude's hard drive.
It’s in keeping with him being a Jack Thompson imitator. His hateful little crusade of nonsense based on flawed logic didn’t work and nor will this lad’s.
That may be the case now, but I truly think that with VR making games more immersive you’re going to see a link.

Give people enough time and they'll find a link even if they have to fabricate the link.

It seems almost every time video games get blamed for a horrific event the person in the spotlight also played video games which was deemed a potential cause.

Never underestimate how dirt-stupid people who spend every free minute sitting at home watching 8 hours of TV a day can be. They'll happily destroy their lives if the news tells them to do it.

If newegg/best buy/amazon don't restock those goddamn 3080's...


Sweet ill pick it up when its not just a tech demo, or is it more than crackheads running round a single floor still?
I haven't played it in a while. But I assume that it's still probably pretty much that. Last I played there was a short level in a junkyard, but still, not much going for the "game" other than it's gore and physics.


Nah fatso, these are just facts.

The kids who I knew growing up who played GTA all day and never went outside were all losers and are still losers, only more angry.

This is no different from those kids you knew growing up who liked to harm or torture animals and insects. There is something mentally wrong with those people.

If you are one of those people who get “excited” and giddy at the opportunity to see blood and guts everywhere in your video games there is something wrong with you, straight up.

Maybe you just knew a bunch of submentals as a kid.

I get excited to see "kinetic action" in games, whether the things flying around/apart are bright-colourful objects in a Mario 3D game or a person's head bouncing around after their corpse explodes into pieces, the context doesn't really matter imo.

Do you think most people that play games where they kill others like those games because they can't do it in real life and this is the next best thing?

Normal people don't want to hurt others in real life, even if a game was a 1:1 recreation of ripping someones guts out of their body it still wouldn't be the same as real life, in any way. For instance, films have gotten to the point where they can make a gunshot wound look basically indistinguishable from the real life action and people don't vomit when they see it (as they would the real life thing), why do you think that is?
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I thought we were past games make people violent ideology.

Violent people are violent people regardless of what they watch, read, hear or play. If anything media will give them ideas about how to express that violent urge (although I'd say violence is pretty intuitive).

People thinking games like GTA are more violent than movies have been sheltered from entire genre of movies that focus pretty much on gore and violence. Movies that have existed since the 70's and have only gotten more and more sophisticated over time.

Social Media is filled with violence. TV is filled with violence. Before mass media existed, people were exposed to it through war and a most people were exposed to it during their lives. Most people feel repulsed by violence but even if you are not it doesn't mean you don't know how to differentiate reality from fantasy. Even if you find it entertaining or interesting it doesn't mean you want to live it. Just as you can like shooting weapons at the range and not want to shoot someone in the face.

I never thought I'd find people in GAF that thought violence in games was a problem. As if people offended by ass and tits weren't enough....


I can't wait for them to truly give up on all of this. It's been tried time and time again, and it's always false.

Phobos Base

If video games (or any other media for that matter) makes kids violent, it follows that youth crime should have risen dramatically in the last few decades.


Nah fatso, these are just facts.

The kids who I knew growing up who played GTA all day and never went outside were all losers and are still losers, only more angry.

This is no different from those kids you knew growing up who liked to harm or torture animals and insects. There is something mentally wrong with those people.

If you are one of those people who get “excited” and giddy at the opportunity to see blood and guts everywhere in your video games there is something wrong with you, straight up.
I guess all gamers who don't just only play Nintendo games are sociopaths who want to hurt animals and kill people.

TLOU 2 combat was great because of how great the animations were and visceral.

Gamers being losers? Well what is a socially awkward person gonna do with his free time? Plus gaming is so giant now, its everyone.
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Neo Member
Well it's pretty obious, played games for over 35 years, and violent games ( I mean games like Commando Lybia from the 80s) at that, never realy got the urge to go out f*cking people up. I would almost say it has a reverse effect, take out you anger at the noobs in counterstike or whatever your playing.
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Golden Boy
I keep saying this again whenever a school schooting happens:
Just because they find shooter games at the kids house doesn’t make the shooter games the cause for the shooting at school. These kids often have an affinity for weapons and shooting long before, so having shooter games alongside magazines, movies and saved webpages on the topic is natural.
If you blame games as root cause you might as well blame the websites he visited and the movies he watched. It is just too convenient not to blame the people who raised the kids or the ones who made their live in school hell.
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Neo Member
I keep saying this again whenever a school schooting happens:
Just because they find shooter games at the kids house doesn’t make the shooter games the cause for the shooting at school. These kids often have an affinity for weapons and shooting long before, so having shooter games alongside magazines, movies and saved webpages on the topic is natural.
If you blame games as root cause you might as well blame the websites he visited and the movies he watched. It is just too convenient not to blame the people who raised the kids or the ones who made their live in school hell.
Exactly, people doing this (blaming movies, games you name it) don't believe in mental conditions, be it your born with one, raised in a bad home, I mean seriously many serieal killers for example was abused as a child by their parents. I say how you are treated as a child, adolescent and even adult it is what drives you too do what you do. Can movies and games drive to do for example a mass shooting, nah I don't beleive so, can it give you idea to how to do it once you already made up you mind? Probably.


Gold Member
Thing is they may not directly cause violence, but for people who already have violent tendencies, violent games only desensitizes them further to where killing in games isn’t enough, they need more. I’m not a religious person....Just see shit for what it is. Bottom line is there are too many violent video games. It’s true, it’s a fact, and any mature adult can see that.
Right. Can’t be a defender of the games forever. Maybe it’s just hard to admit it. My boss at work refers to playing games as “killing things”. Which is true. As much as you can justify it with story, graphics, or a puzzle. A lot of the times you are indeed taking something’s life.
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