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124 games for DS (12 for Jap. launch); DS not for kids; Pokemon Movie 2005 downloads



article highlights:

Nintendo Says 12 DS Games to Debut in Japan

By Yuka Obayashi

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Nintendo Co. Ltd. said on Thursday it will make available 12 software titles for its new "DS" handheld game console when the dual-screen machine debuts in Japan on Dec. 2.

"We can't comment on PSP because its price and game lineup are not clear. Our DS is aimed at attracting everyone regardless age, gender and game experience, not just children like our competitor has apparently described about our handheld console," Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told a news conference.

A total of 124 DS games are now under development by 46 companies. The games that will go on sale on Dec. 2 include five titles Nintendo developed, such as "Super Mario 64 DS," and seven from other developers.

The number of DS games will rise to 14 by the end of the year and the prices of its Nintendo's games will range between 3,800 yen ($34.13) and 4,800 yen each, Iwata said.

To utilize the wireless communication capability of the DS, Nintendo plans to offer a new service enabling users to download extra data such as new characters from the new Pokemon movie, to be released next summer, Iwata said.

"You just need to bring the DS and one of the Pokemon software for Game Boy Advance and you'll be downloading some unique Pokemon data while you watch the movie."

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I think I might have read it in the huge ass thread, but I can't be bothered going through it again, so does anyone know which Nintendo games are launching in Japan other than Mario 64?


Gamefront.de had this too and it struck me as almost more interesting than the games announcements (SHOCK):

Nintendo DS verschmilzt mit Kinofilm

07.10.04 - Nintendo plant wie berichtet den Einstieg ins Anime-Filmgeschäft. Satoru Iwata, Präsident von Nintendo, hat in einem Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg das Vorhaben konkretisiert.

Kinobesucher sollen ihren Nintendo DS mit ins Kino nehmen und den Film schauen. Gleichzeitig würde man ein Spiel zum Film auf dem Handheld spielen, wodurch beide Medien verschmelzen. Weitere Details sollen voraussichtlich Ende des Jahres folgen.

Take your DS to the theatre with you and it'll stream unique information to the DS while you watch. "DS melds with movies". Nintendo's take on media convergence?

Pokemon would be the perfect way to birth this concept.


That is sooooooo cool. Really, DS seems to bring so many new things to the table.

I just wish NOA would release the thing over here with more games than just damn Mario 64 DS (not that I wount be getting it). I want Wario Ware, Advance Wars and Yoshi DAMN IT!

Oh, and by the way: I love and need Ds jap box

To utilize the wireless communication capability of the DS, Nintendo plans to offer a new service enabling users to download extra data such as new characters from the new Pokemon movie, to be released next summer, Iwata said.

Ok this really kicks ass.


"You just need to bring the DS and one of the Pokemon software for Game Boy Advance and you'll be downloading some unique Pokemon data while you watch the movie."

Heh, clever. Even more clever.. what if there were movies or tv shows that changed depending on user interaction in the audience. :eek:mg

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
On IGN they say Band Brothers, Pokemon Dash and Chokkan Hito Fude (that puzzle game) are the other Nintendo games launching.

I'm not that interested in the first two (unless they get glowing impressions), but I might import that puzzle game if it's good, they're usually simple enough to understand.

Having said that, I think I read it can be played multiplayer, so I wouldn't want a Japanese copy to clash with a US one...hmmm....

In fact, there must be another one. IGN only list 11 titles and that's only 4 from Nintendo. Unless they're counting Pictochat of course.


Trav said:
Games are $35-$45? If this is true in the US for DS or PSP, you can count me out.
if you live in Japan, then the exchange rates would dictate you pay those prices...

if you live in the US, then expect $29.99 price points for first party games, and maybe $5 more for third party games...


oh goody. Not content with having chav scum fiddling with their mobile phones during the film, with the constant 'beepbeep - beepbeep' of text messages, now all the littleuns will have their bloody DSs with them, lighting up the entire auditorium..

Still, its only pokemon - for now....


Pricing is exactly the same as GBA in both regions(average 4800 yen in Japan, $29.99 here), though small scale DS games will be cheaper (3800 yen in Japan, likely $19.99 here).


it says GBA pokemon games... does this mean these games can access the DS's wireless capabilities somehow??
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