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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I watched several episodes. Uneven production quality but good enough overall. I am not familiar with Tim McGraw's acting work but he's pretty good here. It was weird seeing a wild

Tom Hanks

show up. I am liking it, will stick around to see where it's heading.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
If you've chosen to focus on dental hygiene over all the other absolutely amazing things this show has to offer, it's more a reflection on you than anything. I mean Jesus, why watch anything at all? It's all fake.
The problem is the show just keeps throwing up such improbable scenarios that they have me immediately googling to confirm that yeah they are kinda ridiculous.
Edit: the teeth thing is just funny.
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Gold Member
If you've chosen to focus on dental hygiene over all the other absolutely amazing things this show has to offer, it's more a reflection on you than anything. I mean Jesus, why watch anything at all? It's all fake.
Hey man if you don't take dental hygiene that serious then it actually says more about you.


My wife and I are HOOKED on Yellowstone so when we heard about the prequel series, we were all in.

We're currently 2 episodes into 1883 and we both love it so far. Amazing cast as well.

Love the cameos:
Tom Hanks at the end of episode 1 and Billy Bob Thorton in episode 2
I highly recommend the show.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I didn't know this was a prequel and haven't seen Yellowstone, so now I want to binge through it to get to that show, lol.


So the last episode aired Sunday and Taylor Sheridan said there won't be a second season, it was always just a one season "window" looking at the journey to Montana. I enjoyed it but it got a bit ridiculous,
every damn thing that could happen to homesteaders happened to them. Elsa fucking the cowboy then saying they're going to get married and him dying by the end of the episode, then her hooking up with the Indian on the next? episode was just stupid. They get hit by a fucking tornado, really? Pretty much all the Germans died, can't remember how many there were at the beginning, but that was a lot of people to die on the journey. The amount of bandits was ridiculous, I can't imagine there were nearly so many. Snake bites weren't as deadly as they made them out to be, on the show if you were bit you were pretty much dead. I don't know if the point was to show all the shit that could happen to them on their journey, but I can't imagine any wagon train endured as much as they did on this show.


Snake Oil Salesman
So the last episode aired Sunday and Taylor Sheridan said there won't be a second season...


Good riddance I hated that show.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I enjoy the show, but the main character, the daughter is about the stupidest person on the planet. When she put on the Native vest and started riding the horse, I just shook my head. You would wear that over your shirt, the last thing her fair skin needs is to be exposed to the sun all day while on a horse. I ma glad they made a joke about how fast she falls in love with everyone she meets.

When she first came on, I thought she was about 15. Then they finally said she was 18......I still think she is a character out of time. She is a modern person with modern sensibilities in a world that is not modern. She has a modern mindset in a world that would chew it up and spit it out.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
According to the Oregon California Trails Association, almost one in ten who embarked on the trail didn’t survive. Most people died of diseases such as dysentery, cholera, smallpox or flu, or in accidents caused by inexperience, exhaustion and carelessness.

In the show they reversed the stats, and killed 90% of the people. It is like they based the survival rate on playing the Oregon Trail DOS game.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
In the show they reversed the stats, and killed 90% of the people. It is like they based the survival rate on playing the Oregon Trail DOS game.
Even the Donner party had about 50% survive, and they fucked up so bad that they had to start eating each other.


Gold Member
I'm convinced that the subtext of 1883 is that Sam Elliot is a TERRIBLE leader and is so incompetent he is killing his entire group. I get that there probably weren't really "how to" guides back then to teach folks but sheesh, it's been MONTHS and these germans STILL don't know shit about anything. I no longer blame them, I just blame Sam and his lackey.


Snake Oil Salesman
I'm convinced that the subtext of 1883 is that Sam Elliot is a TERRIBLE leader and is so incompetent he is killing his entire group. I get that there probably weren't really "how to" guides back then to teach folks but sheesh, it's been MONTHS and these germans STILL don't know shit about anything. I no longer blame them, I just blame Sam and his lackey.

Remember when people died in a gentle stream while capable men stood around and watched?

The pretext wasn't even that men were evil or unwilling. The pretext was "Well, what can you do? Obviously you let people slowly drown to death 30 feet away from you in a gentle stream."

All the characters in that show had an IQ of around 60.


Gold Member
Remember when people died in a gentle stream while capable men stood around and watched?

The pretext wasn't even that men were evil or unwilling. The pretext was "Well, what can you do? Obviously you let people slowly drown to death 30 feet away from you in a gentle stream."

All the characters in that show had an IQ of around 60.
Well, I'll give them some slack since this is a TV show with a pretty incredible number of stunts. Just having the principles (or good stunt doubles) riding horses around each other is pretty impressive in this day and age. So I'll allow that the rivers aren't THAT scary given that folks are driving horses across them for real and the gun fights are not super great but after Rust I get that there is a lot of complexity even if it looks like they are just firing blanks at each other. I can go back and watch TV westerns of old and they had nothing on this show for set pieces, it really feels like a movie.

But it's Sam's decisions that get them killed. "Let's cross over there instead" or "Wait till AFTER the rain" or "I'm not gonna inspect the wagons till it's too late to adjust the load" type stuff. I'm sure virtually every incident in this show was pulled from a memoir somewhere but none of it happened all on one trip! Still, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Think I'm down to just a few more episodes but they haven't even hit a mountain yet so maybe I still have a ways to go.


I got really excited thinking this was referring to Kroger’s 1883 sauce. It’s like 57 sauce, but has a bit more kick to it. Now I want a steak.



If they ever make a Horizon tv show Elsa could play the main character if they just dyed her hair red. Amazing and drop dead gorgeous


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Good show.

Elsa’s love affairs did get to be a bit ridiculous as the show went on.

And Sam Elliott’s character did have the worst leadership ever. So many easily avoidable deaths.

But, well worth a watch.
I started watching this a couple of months ago but dropped out when the boyfriend died. Every episode feels the same. Camp somewhere, some of the randoms die and old fart leader threatens someone in the group. Rinse and repeat. The old guy leading the group is annoying as hell and seems to weak/fragile to be acting like a badass to anyone.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
*No one tells the pioneers that you can’t drink the water from the river without boiling it*

*Protagonists see everyone getting sick and dying from drinking the water*

Protagonists: “These morons are never going to survive out here!

*Protagonists walk away*

Repeat for swimming, riding horses, cooking food, getting bitten by snakes and eaten by wolves, shooting guns, etc.

No one bothers to teach them survival basics for the entire trip. And then they get scoffed at for dying!


Simps for Amouranth
*No one tells the pioneers that you can’t drink the water from the river without boiling it*

*Protagonists see everyone getting sick and dying from drinking the water*

Protagonists: “These morons are never going to survive out here!

*Protagonists walk away*

Repeat for swimming, riding horses, cooking food, getting bitten by snakes and eaten by wolves, shooting guns, etc.

No one bothers to teach them survival basics for the entire trip. And then they get scoffed at for dying!
Ack tbf we have to assume they are taught some rudimentary skills or told what not to do but a lot of them don't speak the language and as was pointed out lots of times they weren't a single cohesive group from the same village, they where all strangers to one another, no doubt some where enemies and some just simply assumed they knew more or because of whatever religion they followed believed their god will see them right, but I get what your saying but then again they can't show everything but aye lol @ Elsa, she'd fall in love with a sunset ffs
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