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20 Years of NeoGAF coming up

I was thinking of the old days and just realized that NeoGaf's 20 Year Anniversary was coming up - has it already been that long and that fast?

About this time 20 years ago were the final days of the GAF EZ Boards and IIRC they had been glitching on and off before finally going down for good. With everyone pretty much in a panic and wondering where to go NeoGaf thankfully popped up a week or so later and most I think were glad to get off of Opa-Age for that short period.

So anyone want to share stories of that time for those who had been there? Or regale some memories of the many threads that have come and gone in these 20 years?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist

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Sounds about right. Although it wasn't called NEOGAF back then...

Lurked for almost 2 decades I guess.

Time flies.

Happy it's a busy place once more with much less toxicity.



Been a lurker here for most of these 20 years but I'll never forget the E3 conference threads,the console anouncements and rumours,the many many gifs of Kaz,Xbox vs Playstation,all the rumors. Good times GAF

Emoji Laughing GIF by MOODMAN

One of the most memorable threads for me was the Project Beast leaks of Bloodborne. One of the hypest shit ever. Oh and that thread a couple hours before the 2015 conference of dreams from Sony where someone said The Last Guardian and FFVII Remake will make an appearance and no one believed that thread 😂 then it actually came true a few hours later,such insanity.

Love ya GAF, here's to another 20 years
Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony


Lurked for a majority of it... I finally signed up in 2020 but only recently started posting, too. Crazy how fast time goes.
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Time flies when you're having fun!


Boss, out of curiosity was the making of NeoGaf planned from the beginning during those EZ Board years or was it something that you did to simply keep GAF alive when the crash finally came? I can't quite recall but wasn't the board also suffering an attack at that time or am I mixing that up with a later event?


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I’m definitely not on an alt account because the original was banned when the purple people were a part of the site.

No siree.

Been here for a good chunk of those 20. Maybe even all of them…

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Been a faithful lurker since 2007 and a "Pics that make you laugh" addict.
I still enjoy lurking more than posting which explains my recent membership.

The thread which made me laugh the most was the one a year or two ago about people pooping their pants in public.

I also love how this community comes together to support members in need.

Thanks to this thread I know where to go on my next Gafting spree 😊


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Back when the forum had to close down Off-Topic for a few days to lighten the server load and at times it still wasn't enough to keep it from crashing.


I'm all nostalgic watching old E3 videos. You guys remember this guy?


Watching a young Druckmann discuss TLOU is fun too


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I found NeoGAF in 2012 myself through the Build a Gaming PC Thread which helped me to build my first gaming PC since the late 90s.

So many good threads its hard to remember them all. This has to be one of my favorites:



I mean, GAF isn't the Gametrailers.com forums but it's all there's left, really. GameFAQs has turned to shit. 4chan, while still good, can be grating sometimes. Reddit and Twitter are the garbage bin of humanity and I am too fucking old for Discord.


Enjoy this ride, don't skip to the end.



As I’ve said before, my first real GAF memory was as 9/11 unfolded in real time…I lurked for a while before creating an account on the old forum. This account will turn 20 on the 8th, which is over half my lifetime. I lost 100lbs, left my religion, graduated college, started my career, got a dog, got married, bought a house, sold a house, moved out of state, started a business, moved back in state, bought another house, had kids, got a cat, gone through like 4 console gens, 4 presidents, 6 cars…friends and family have passed on, including one in particular here, and life keeps going, and I’m glad I still have this community to come back to after all these years


EviLore EviLore we really.. Well you I guess (?) lol.

Like.. Something with the forum's interface for a week or so. Would be awesome

Not a clue how hard and or possible that would be though.

Just thinking out loud 👊🏽

20+ years has passed.

Aging Matt Damon GIF
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