Not really digging the AA solution on MP3. What is it? FXAA?
How's the performance Sethos?
Yeah, how is the performance? Using DX11? I'm not able to get more than a stuttery 30 in DX11. I'm running 570 sli.
How's the performance Sethos?
scitek, you're on a 6950 as well, right? How does MP3 perform on it?
Quick question, the pictures I take are incredibly dark compared to what I actually see on screen when Im playing. I've been messing around with the Nvidia display settings and not much seems to change it and I've adjusted the brightness/contrast of my monitor and the screenshots are really dark by comparison. Anyway to fix this?
Max Payne 3 - MSAA 8x and FXAA normal
dat low res texture to the right in the 2nd shot
Alright fuck it. Even though I think the game seems kind of boring gameplay and story wise I will have to buy this after seeing those screens. Will try and hold out until my exams are done next month.