I think you misspelled disgusting.Is that a redesign of Alyx? It's hilarious (and depressing).
Nah, its been a few years, I just never give up.You must be new here lol
The mod is a mess because the guy just throws huge textures and features at everything, even when it looks godawful, doesn't tile properly, looks janky as hell on the terrible low-poly original HL2 props, and so on. If he spent half the time re-working some of the godawful HL2 basic models as he does on variations of semi-nude Alyx he would be a hero of the community.The last good textures in the mod came from V3 or so, before he started really making everything a 4096^2
Realtime reflections are sexier than Alyx, though...
Alright for real that mod makes the game looks ridiculously stupid.
Alyx looked like a real human being in the original HL2, and that floors look like they're trying to emulate realism in the most unrealistic way.
It just looks super goofy in a really weird way.
The fuck is that thing in the last picture?
Yup.That, my boy, is Japan.
What's up with that HL2 mod and what is up with that Alyx remodelling? That is just about the most vile and disgusting mod I've ever seen.
Also, was the BF3 lens dirt always there or did he think that was a brilliant thing to add as well?
Looks like an elaborate troll job.
I love it!
Also, was the BF3 lens dirt always there or did he think that was a brilliant thing to add as well?
I died inside a little when SOE added this to PS2 :/
At least it's implemented better than in BF3 and the other games that do it, only appears under certain circumstances and only at the peripherals of the screen
I died inside a little when SOE added this to PS2 :/
At least it's implemented better than in BF3 and the other games that do it, only appears under certain circumstances and only at the peripherals of the screen
So because everyone dislikes it, you feel it's a bigger incentive to post a million pictures?
2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread...
(BTW, how did you get that impression from my statement?)
Because usually it's not common tone in the 2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread to plaster an entire page with the same crap - No matter what game it is. It happens when a new game is released or a game gets its 15 minutes and several people post but one guy posting something like 20 screenshots and every time someone talks bad about it, you want to spite them and post 4 pictures in some sort of rebel act.
Everything in here is welcome when it fits the bill, not everyone is going to like it but when most people seem to hate it AND you post like 20 screenshots of that shit, you know you're pushing it.
Well these are a lot cleaner than usual. SweetFX? Did they finally let you remove the FXAA in game?