2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur





Yeah, OverDose is a totally free indie title for PC. We spent a good few years being just one coder and one artist, but now we have another artist at last, thank god.

Best way I can describe the game is that its multiplayer, team play objective based. In fact, we took a LOT of inspiration from the original RtCW multiplayer here. Obviously we adde a lot of our own features from modern games, like iron sights etc, plus we have our own movement system which works a lot like Mirrors Edge in that you can climb around, or even have team mates give you boost ups and pull you onto higher ledges. We really wanted to boost the team play idea a bit. Graphics wise, yeah its the Quake TWO engine, id tech 2, but we added per pixel lighting and soft shadows, rim lighting, sub surface scatering, bloom, parallax, ambient occlusion, colour grading and other post processsing... Quite a bit:


If theres enough interest, I can look into making a more indepth topic on it soon.


The title screen (real time in-engine) and theme song:



It definitely sounds and looks awesome. A new topic would be nice for everyone to know more about the game. :)

Also, Mirror's Edge style movement system?! :eek:


I have a post written/saved, but I can't post it in a new topic because the forums are telling me I don't have permission...? I'm guessing Gaf has a X post minimum set in place?

Then again, I have been lurking here for about a year or so, and only JUST had my account approved.


Is that on a downgraded version or with the latest patch, Sethos?

Also, Overdose looks and sounds great. Eager to know more about the project.


Well guys I have the post written and ready, I just need somebody to make a new topic for me and I'll post the first reply with the info/pics :p
Is that the Star Trek game? Just wondering, as I did google that and apparently it was klingon speak.

Sorry, it's Star Trek Online. I've posted screens of it on the last few pages so I was a bit lax with the naming this time, opting for an amusing Klingon phrase instead to commemorate my Klingon character.


one thing i miss about my 30" monitor is the screen real estate, now browsing
everyone's shots stretches the screen =O

sr3 -its amazing


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