Worst thing I've seen this year. My goodness.It's absolutely horrible. These normal maps are an abomination.
Late to the party but I just got this gem.
I need to play Puzzle Agent already. I startet PA2 but then I realized that I need to play PA1 first (and everyone told me it's much better anyway).
It was my 2011 GOTY, amazing game. One of the best in the franchise to be sure.
I found it really amazing as well, until I had to micro manage the transport routes across different islands. Maybe I did something wrong :S
Your syndicate shots make me want to buy it, corky. Need to stay strong.
Your syndicate shots make me want to buy it, corky. Need to stay strong.
It's terribad. Stay strong.
It's terribad. Stay strong.
You and me are going to have an mma fight and/or chess-game to decide which one of us gets to keep doing the syndicate marketing.
Get back to me once you've beaten it.
If you have already finished it and still actually like it... well then I dunno what to tell you other then that you're wrong, a terrible person and you smell funny.
Heros 6, of the might and magic kind.
Ive never played HOMM what kind of game is it? It looks awesome.