Gordon Hayward is getting engaged at 23 to a girl who just graduated high school, sounds like a good idea.
oh god.Ira Winderman ‏@IraHeatBeat 55m
Apparently everyone on Heat will be in Christmas green shoes following LeBron's lead.
LOL Chandler salty has fuck.
When you say "graduated high school" you mean she dropped out and then recently got her GRE, right? She wasn't actually IN high school, yes?
Then Perk D'd him up on the other end.even perk is posting against amare ,lol that is how you know you are done.
even perk is posting against amare ,lol that is how you know you are done.
you mean ged
gre is for grad school
Warriors-Rockets will save usFirst 2 games have wonderfully demonstrated basketball.
Warriors-Rockets will save us
The universal NBA disclaimer: Nice game*Westbrook with the quadruple double
13 points,13 rebounds,10 assists, 10 missed feild goals.
Besides the shooting he's played great today. even though it's just the Knicks.
His motto is Why Not or "Y Not"What does YNB stand for
AKA Cole "the only bad pick Presti ever made" AldrichCmon Woody I want to see Aldrich out there.
lol MSG booing the Knicks.
lol MSG booing the Knicks.