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2015 Australian Budget |OT| "Joe Hockey's last chance, it's only fair."

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Hello, and welcome to the Australian Budget 2015 thread!


This year promises to be fair for all, a budget that's (probably) likely to actually pass this time around - some of the measures which are known currently are -

1. Childcare

The government couldn’t wait till tonight to announce its $3.5 billion cash splash on childcare, choosing instead to announce the changes on Mother’s Day. Families earning between $65,000 and $170,000 per annum will be $1500 better off each year from July 2017. The changes, which mean childcare centres receive a single payment to reduce parents’ upfront costs, are designed to encourage mothers to re-enter the workforce sooner.

2. Paid parental leave crackdown

Parents will no longer be allowed to access the taxpayer-funded paid parental leave scheme if their employer offers its own paid leave scheme. This means that almost 80,000 new parents will lose some or all of their parental leave payments. Parents who will miss out on the 18-week minimum wage scheme will be $11,538 worse off. Treasurer Joe Hockey said yesterday that government modelling showed higher-income earners were “double dipping” into parental leave schemes, which he said was “just plainly unfair”.

3. The Netflix Steam tax

People who buy movies, music, games and e-books online will be slugged an extra 10 per cent, with the government vowing to extend the goods and services tax to these “intangible” digital products. So, Netflix binge-watchers, be prepared to pay a little more. Mr Hockey said he would introduce draft legislation with the Budget, aimed at “levelling the playing field”. “It’s plainly unfair that a supplier of digital products into Australia is not charging the GST while some locally are charging the GST,” he told reporters in Canberra yesterday. This measure is expected to raise $350 million over the next four years, all of which will go to the states.

4. Pensions

Eligibility rules for the age pension will be tightened, which is expected to push 91,000 people off the pension and see another 235,000 people’s payments reduced. The part-pension assets test will be cut to $820,000 for couples.

5. Multinational companies on notice

Mr Hockey has plans to crack down on multinational companies that dodge their tax obligations in Australia, announcing plans to recover “billions” in unpaid taxes and harsh new anti-avoidance fines. The treasurer said the government had in its sights 30 companies that divert their profits offshore to avoid paying tax in Australia. Companies that are caught doing the wrong thing will be forced to cough up their unpaid taxes and be could pay 100 per cent of that amount again in fines. “Obviously, they have not been paying their fair share of tax in Australia. In fact, they’ve been paying no tax in Australia,” Mr Hockey said. “Have no doubt the rest of the world is looking at this legislation.”

Here’s what else you can expect from tonight’s Budget:

● No surplus: Falling iron ore prices have put a Budget surplus out of reach

● Big spending on infrastructure: Western Australia will be among the biggest winners, with a one-off $499 million payment for nine infrastructure programs already on the record

● Medical research: Health savings will help fund a Medical Research Future Fund, which will have an initial injection of $10 billion.

And our main players for tonight:

Tony Abbott


Joe "Greg Bird" Hockey


And Scott "I mean't Jack Bird" Morrison


You can find the budget here after 7:30pm AEST here - http://www.budget.gov.au/
And the ABC live blog is here - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-12/budget-2015-live-blog/6461142
The livestream with video is here - http://www.abc.net.au/news/abcnews24/ Dunno if it works outside of Australia though...

And last years Budget thread is here - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=111740779


They will try to get it right to save their jobs the useless fucks

Better late than never I suppose... I'm more interested in the cuts though

Remember they aren't new taxes people.. They're financial readjustments


But we recognise that small business, in order to succeed, needs better cash flow and better tools for innovation as well.

So I announce, that from 7:30pm tonight, small business can claim an immediate tax deduction for each and every item they purchase up to $20,000.

From tonight, it can be instantly written off to reduce your tax liability.


brb starting small business - professional game streaming :)

If you’re a tradie, it might be new tools or a computer for the home office.

Cars and vans, kitchens or machinery … anything under $20,000 is immediately 100 per cent tax deductible from tonight.
Funny how Joe moans about the price of exported gas, wishes it was higher, strange he doesn't mention the fact the cost of living has taken a large hit domestically due to the huge price rise.

Oh god now he's doing his small business is god spiel.
I've heard a few times today that 2 million small businesses in Australia will benefit. That's a much, much higher number of small businesses than I would have thought existed. Equivalent to 1 in 11 (to 12) people own a small business?

The Australian Business Counts publication showed there were 2,100,162 actively trading businesses in Australia in June 2014, says David Skutenko from the ABS. [...] The release showed the vast majority (97 per cent) of Australian businesses in June 2014 were small businesses.
Yep, 2 million trading in Australia.


Most these I find highly acceptable and can get behind. Even the 10% for digital downloads.

Sorry guys, its a product and deserves to be taxed.


Most these I find highly acceptable and can get behind. Even the 10% for digital downloads.

Sorry guys, its a product and deserves to be taxed.

From I what I could see most of AusPoliGAF, including myself agree.

EDIT: And as they said no new taxes on Super. One day a government will have to tackle this.
Joe it's still not the largest Medical fund in the world, no matter how many times you say it. Also what happened to the co-payment/value signal/we hate medicare fee that was going to pay for it?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't Joe kill Labor's instant asset write off scheme when he came to power?

It's back with a new name!
I think they just cut the threshold to 1K, but yeah. Probably representative of this budget as a whole.


I'm curious what the Liberal party base thinks of this budget, since both taxation and spending are up.

Arksy get in here and tell us what you think.

EDIT: LOL spending is higher than at any time during the previous government with the exception of the stimulus budget.
Well there looks like there's not gonna be anything bad on the surface level, so I'm sure they're hiding some bullshit :p

Gotta get rid of dem freedoms terrorists.

Yeah this was a happy friendly please don't be mean to us and reelect us budget.

  • Higher Education reforms? No mention whatsoever.
  • Infrastructure spending is still lower than under labor. It's probably about time for Warren Truss to renounce the Majura Bypass in Canberra for about the 14th time this week.
  • Encouraging and helping the unemployed instead of beating up on them. How very un-Liberal of them.
  • Announcing drugs added to the PBS, that is likely to get decimated by the TPP, as if it's not completely routine and has happened at least twice a year since the PBS began! Trollolololo!

Most amount of spending, as percentage of GDP, and equal to 2009 when Labor was desperately trying to stimulate the economy, yet spending was out of control and we've fixed it? I''m confused, Joe's confused, everyone is confused! Joe are you hiding a red tie in your pocket somewhere?

Oh god my sides. Labor had it at 26%, Joe's at 25.9%, emergency over!



My god, this government is the absolute personification of contradictions and blaming everyone for their own fuckups.


Yeah this was a happen friendly please don't be mean to us and reelect us budget.

  • Higher Education reforms? No mention whatsoever.
  • Infrastructure spending is still lower than under labor. It's probably about time for Warren Truss to renounce the Majura Bypass in Canberra for about the 14th time this week.
  • Encouraging and helping the unemployed instead of beating up on them. How very un-Liberal of them.
  • Announcing drugs added to the PBS, that is likely to get decimated by the TPP, as if it's not completely routine and has happened at least twice a year since the PBS began! Trollolololo!

Most amount of spending, as percentage of GDP, and equal to 2009 when Labor was desperately trying to stimulate the economy, yet spending was out of control and we've fixed it? I''m confused, Joe's confused, everyone is confused! Joe are you hiding a red tie in your pocket somewhere?

I suspect they are hoping to take this budget to an election this year.


I'm curious what the Liberal party base thinks of this budget, since both taxation and spending are up.

Arksy get in here and tell us what you think.

EDIT: LOL spending is higher than at any time during the previous government.

Technically it's 25.9% I think to Labor's 26% - Joe was making sure that was the case.

He gave a strong performance on the ABC interview - the interviewer looked REALLY BAD I mean like the interviewer that spoke to Pacquiao post match.

Holy shit, Leigh Sales is not taking any prisoners with the ABC post-budget discussion. She's tearing into Hockey harder than Sarah Furgeson did last time, and it is glorious.

Too strong isn't good. She toned it down towards the end a bit though thankfully.
Holy shit, Leigh Sales is not taking any prisoners. She's tearing into Hockey even harder than Sarah Furgeson did last time (and Furgeson did one hell of a job last time), and it is glorious.
I got my Greens email: "A small-minded budget from a visionless government".

I thought Leigh Sales was good. How she interviews Bowen will be an important other side of the coin, I'm sure she'll be tough as well.


Technically it's 25.9% I think to Labor's 26% - Joe was making sure that was the case.

He gave a strong performance on the ABC interview - the interviewer looked REALLY BAD I mean like the interviewer that spoke to Pacquiao post match.

Yeah fixed that. Still it is higher than any of John Howard's budgets.

Also I disagree on the Leigh Sales interview. She did well.


Yeah fixed that. Still it is higher than any of John Howard's budgets.

Also I disagree on the Leigh Sales interview. She did well.

The butting in while he was not even halfway through speaking wasn't a good look - her questioning was good though.


Speaking of ABC journalists, anybody been keeping up with Ian Verrender's articles on the Drum in recent weeks? He's been very critical of this gov't, so probably won't have a job there when The Australian gets to nominate an ABC chief.
I suspect they are hoping to take this budget to an election this year.

You know I've started to think that too. It was when the PM basically challenged/bullied the Senate and the Labor party to find savings for the Family and Childcare package about 2 weeks ago to offset the cost. My first thought was the Libs were thinking of proposing a series of savings unpalatable to Labor and The Greens and say if you don't pass them there will be no child care, no PPL and it will be your fault and then run a campaign on that. Ballsey play, but it might just work with let's face it, a pretty mediocre Labor leader.

If you see the senate voting reforms pushed through quickly to get rid of all the minor parties, it'll be on like Donkey Kong.


I'm curious what the Liberal party base thinks of this budget, since both taxation and spending are up.

Arksy get in here and tell us what you think.

EDIT: LOL spending is higher than at any time during the previous government with the exception of the stimulus budget.

I'm here, at work still so I'm going to have to get a cliff notes version when I get home.

Ban Puncher

Have they come for the $1000 tax-free personal import limit yet?

I don't want to go back to the $250 maximum dark ages.


Western Australia’s GST take will plummet to historic depths this year with the State to retain just $1.9 billion of the $6.4 billion paid by WA taxpayers.

The Budget locks in WA’s GST share at 30 cents of every dollar of GST raised here for 2015-16, the lowest of any State in the tax’s 16-year existence.

Fucking Colin Barnett, can't even negotiate properly. And dammit, Joseph, now we have to listen to him bitch and moan for another year.


Fucking Colin Barnett, can't even negotiate properly. And dammit, Joseph, now we have to listen to him bitch and moan for another year.

In his defense I'm not sure a different Premier would do a better job. The rest of the states have no interest in giving WA more money.


In his defense I'm not sure a different Premier would do a better job. The rest of the states have no interest in giving WA more money.

I'm operating under the, perhaps naive, assumption that someone else wouldn't have spent us into oblivion like he has.


The small businesses change sounds good.

Indeed - I've been receiving texts all evening from mates about it, mostly facetious. Actually reading the cliffnotes on the SMH one could be forgiven for not knowing which party this budget belonged to (well, at least until you get to the bit about national defence spending and foreign aid cuts).

I missed the Leigh Sales interview, I hope it gets put up YT or similar soon.
The 100% deductible on 'cars, computers, equipment etc' for small businesses seems incredibly easy to exploit. What's to stop someone from starting a 'small business' and immediately claiming a purchase of a van or something?


The liberals actually supporting small business, and in a way that doesn't fuck workers? Genuinely surprised and impressed.


This is a standard Labor budget.

And what insane world are we in where Jackie Lambie makes more sense than the treasurer.


Most of the small business stuff seems to be rebadged version of the Labor initiatives they cut last year. *signs up for abn*

to put the metadata in the folder
"Another $131 million will be provided to help industry cover the costs of the Government's required metadata retention, but this will only cover half of the amount industry will need. So the rest will inevitably have to come from consumers. You can expect your broadband bills to rise as a result."


This is a standard Labor budget.

And what insane world are we in where Jackie Lambie makes more sense than the treasurer.

Jackie Lambie is like flipping a coin. Sometimes she comes up good, sometimes she comes up bad.


The 100% deductible on 'cars, computers, equipment etc' for small businesses seems incredibly easy to exploit. What's to stop someone from starting a 'small business' and immediately claiming a purchase of a van or something?

That's the point. The hope is that for every $1 they give back the equipment purchased creates a multiplier effect on income earned by the business which is then taxed. The money also gets spread around the economy which lifts everyone up. $20K won't buy you a Porsche but it will get you a Van and some tools. IT startups might have a chance in Australia now - $20K in combination with lean startups is perfect! 10K equipment, some fibre, some licenses (not sure about the deductions on that) and a few K left that is now freed up for idea generation and coding will make a difference hopefully, with the Steam tax Aus and Oversea services will be on equal playing field.

And if the LDP is right about the rumors the Labor party has walked away from the Government over the electoral law changes, and the Greens won't budge so it's dead in the water!
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