You can always slot any A5 or A6 notebook into a Hobonichi cover and fauxbonichi it up.
You should be crazy happy with the thread, or at least moderately satisfied.
I ordered mine a few months ago, and after frantically trying to track it down
order one international package and the whole post office loses its mind
Haven't missed a day yet, I use it as a general daily debriefing, motivation for the next day, and just general musings before bed.
I was using a LAMY fountain pen with a fine tip which was way too heavy. Switched to extra fine which was a definite improvement, but the ink still takes forever to dry. I'm not one to blow on my books in public, but I might have to resort to doing so at this rate.
I'm using the smaller, Japanese version. Two reasons:
1 - it was marginally cheaper
2 - I thought it would be a great motivation to learn some Japanese
Bad decision in retrospect, but hey, live and learn.
Aside from the Techo, I'm trying to set up a pocket sized Moleskine as a bullet journal.
Bullet Journal, Bagels. Look into it.
I basically want two separate writing spaces - one for solid to-do lists, and the other for much more free writing and journal-ling.
I'll try to write in the Techo consistently because
1 - I actually like writing
2 - it was on the pricey side
3 - it's a journal with an expiration date. C'mon...
I'll try and post pics of my setup as soon as possible. Collecting random papers and stuff in it would be cool
and I've still got my Interstellar ticket stub from last week sitting on the counter