I keep trying to respond to this and I can't find the right words. Something combo of time machines, what decade is it, is this real life, etc

I keep trying to respond to this and I can't find the right words. Something combo of time machines, what decade is it, is this real life, etc
Sales says the opposite.
Most titles bombed and even the big franchise saw big drops.
Hope 2017 could do better.
Well TLG you can argue against as it is very poor on player feedback and mechanically the controls are broken at times and the game at that point turns into more of a patience simulator then anything else.Sales are not the greatest indicator of quality. I mean, if that was the case FIFA would be the game of the year.
It's hard to argue against titles like The Last Guardian, Doom, Titanfall 2, Forza Horizon 3, Hitman, Thumper, Inside, Overwatch, The Witness and many others.
2017 looks great as well.
Games I bought with a quick yes/no
Overwatch / No
The Witness / YAY
Hyper Light Drifter / YAY
Uncharted 4 / YAY
Forza Horizon 3 / YAY
Titanfall 2 / YAY
Inside / YAY
Pokemon Go / No
Final Fantasy XV / YAY
Firewatch / No
Stardew Valley / YAY
Games I plan to buy:
The Last Guardian
Dishonored 2
Watch Dogs 2
Hitman Season 1
Quantum Break
Good but not as good as last year.
Bloodborne trumps all
Well TLG you can argue against as it is very poor on player feedback and mechanically the controls are broken at times and the game at that point turns into more of a patience simulator then anything else.
Sales says the opposite.
Most titles bombed and even the big franchise saw big drops.
Hope 2017 could do better.
Well TLG you can argue against as it is very poor on player feedback and mechanically the controls are broken at times and the game at that point turns into more of a patience simulator then anything else.
Well TLG you can argue against as it is very poor on player feedback and mechanically the controls are broken at times and the game at that point turns into more of a patience simulator then anything else.
Sales says the opposite.
Most titles bombed and even the big franchise saw big drops.
Hope 2017 could do better.
Yup great year. This gen has finally hit it's stride. Smooth sailing from here on out. Now if I can just find a way to buy battlefield 1 + Watchdogs 2 each for 30 bucks or under all my desired 2016 gaming purchases will be complete.
There was some good games that came out this year but sales and interest in non-phone gaming is apparent. The industry is going into a decline. We might look back at 2016 as spectacular in comparison to a dreary 2017. Publishers are going to release less games than they did this year.
salt and sanctuary got robbed
Nintendo will save video games in 2017, bet
the titles i got that you listed op
Overwatch - Meh, I found this game very unfriendly to a beginner like me.
Uncharted 4 -- pretty game with nice set pieces felt like a movie sometimes, but this isn't a goty, it had its boring times as well, lots of it.
Tittyfall 2 - I had fun with this game,
Pokemon Go (c'mon now, it deserves a spot) -- I liked it I admit, nice experiement but never playing again lol
Final Fantasy XV - Could of been best game of the year, but so much frustrating elements that made me agitated
Pokemon Sun and Moon - Its pokemon average title
Doom - meh, not a fan of this type of shooter
Battlefield 1 - awful multiplayer as usual with a big ass map
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - was fun for a second, then I just didnt feel like picking it up again
The Division - got boring real fast
Steep - had potential but got boring with how tame the game is
2016, you ain't all bad.
I mean, you just listed pretty much every relevant video game. How games like Deus Ex: Manking Divided, Infinite Warfare, Far Cry Primal, MLB, ReCore, Final Fantasy XV and a ton of different games you listed make this "one of the best years ever" escapes me.
This year has nothing on 2017. I mean the next year kicks off with Ni-Oh, Persona 5 and possibly Nier Automata and Mass Effect Andromeda among others. And that's just the first four or five months and games that come to mind immediately.
You guys say this every year.
I guess that's a good thing.
I love how big the list in the OP is and it still missed a ton.
Dragon Quest Builders
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Fire Emblem Fates
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Bravely Second
Rhythm Paradise Megamix
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir