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2016 NFL Week 5 - Guess Who's Back?


Hello friends. Who do I root for today? I want to do my part of being a great citizen of earth so I shall root against evil.

Hello friends. Who do I root for today? I want to do my part of being a great citizen of earth so I shall root against evil.

Hawks aren't playing, so I'm rooting for the Broncos and Lynch today. I just want Elway to prove that he has two QBs better than Brock on his roster.

Bengals would be a runner up, but I just can't bring myself to do it.


Can the Lions please select one shade of blue and just fucking stick with it? Our home jerseys and hats all look horrible with these random off-tint sections.Goddamn why does all our gear look so shit.

Alright Jets have my blessing! Beat those Bumble Bee fuckers!

Luck has my blessing too. We need to bring Squirtle back into the mix now that Charmander has died, and PIkachu is just running in circles. Bulbasaur needs a worthy adversary.

Whoever buys eye glasses for the refs.

Who is that?

Today, we are all Falcons fans!


Yes but next week we are enemies!
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