I came across this article just now, it's long but a good read. The author explains why he thinks 2017 is going to be a rough ride. Some quotes below.
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TLDR: Author argues that there is going to be a big crash in 2017 possibly leading to conflicts
URL might be NSFW for language
TLDR: Author argues that there is going to be a big crash in 2017 possibly leading to conflicts
The American people have been punked by their own government and their central bank, the Federal Reserve, for years and the jig is now up. In 2017 both will lose their authority and legitimacy, a very grave matter for the survival of this republic.
The USA ran out of growth capacity around the turn of the millennium because we ran out of affordable energy to run our techno-industrial economy.....By affordable energy I mean energy with a greater-than 30-to-one energy-return-on-investment, which is the ratio you need for the kind of life we lead. Thats what the now-ridiculed Peak Oil story was really about: not running out of oil, but not getting enough bang for our bucks pulling the remaining oil out of the earth to maintain our standard of living
It is still largely unrecognized that America recovered from the financial disorder of the 1970s not because of the charms of Reaganomics but for the simple reason that the last giant finds of oil with greater than 30-to-one energy-return-on-investment came on line in the 1980s: Alaskas North Slope, Britain and Norways North Sea fields, and Siberia. That allowed the USA and the West generally to extend the techno-industrial fiesta another twenty years.
Under the consecutive Grand Vizierships of Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, control fraud (using official authority to cover up misconduct) was perfected by banking executives, eventuating in the mortgage securities fiasco of 2008, which took down the housing market and the economy. (That housing market, by the way, was made up mainly of suburban houses, the sine qua non of the greatest misallocation of resources in the history of the world.)
the Fed is completely full of shit. It is terrified of the conditions it has set up and it has no idea what to do next. The data that it claims to be so dependent on is arrantly fake. The governments official unemployment number at Christmas 2016 was 4.6 percent. Its a compound lie........That 4.6 unemployment figure is the main pillar of the Feds data. They interpret it as meaning the economy is roaring and has their full confidence. Theyre lying about that, of course. They have been touting the recovery (from the crash of 2008) continually and heralding a program of normalizing interest rates upward for two years
A sharply rising interest rate on the ten-year Treasury bond will thunder through the system. A lot of other basic interest costs are keyed to the ten-year bond rate, especially home mortgages, apartment rentals (landlords hold mortgages), and car payments. When the ten year bond rate goes up, so do mortgage payments. When mortgage rates go up, house prices go down, because fewer people are in a position to buy a house at higher mortgage rates, and rents go up (more competition among people who cant buy a house). Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), in force for ten years, has driven house prices back to stratospheric levels. ......Housing starts were already down by a stunning 19 percent in November. Automobile sales are rolling over. Manufacturing and retail sales numbers are down at year end. Whats up: stocks, stocks, stocks......You can wait until January 3, 2017 to sell, and then not have to pay tax on your profits until April of 2018. Will investors start dumping in the first trading days of 2017? I think so.
By the end of Trumps first year in office, there will another, greater, dump in the stock markets after the initial 20 percent drop in the first quarter. America will be great again, all right: well be entering a depression greater than the Great Depression of the 1930s.
ban cash from the scene in order to herd all citizens into a digital banking system that will allow the authorities to track all financial transactions and suck every possible cent of taxes into national coffers. It would also be an opportunity for the bank-and government cabal to impose negative interest rates (NIRP) on bank accounts so that money herded into the digital system could be surreptitiously taxed by charging account holders just for being there (against their will).
That may be the moment when President Trump and his militarily-weighted cabinet appointees opt for martial law. What a goddamned mess that will be. There is no civilized country on earth with as many small arms per capita than the USA