Latest update [7:25 AM BST]
According to numerous twitter accounts, happening now.
Not too many sources yet
Update: manchester police confirms fatalities:
Edit: updated with more info from The Guardian
Stay safe manchestergaf
This is a developing story of a sensitive matter. Post and discuss intelligently, with the proper tact and taste that an issue involving a tragic loss of life deserves.
Please do not give new information with no source.
Please do not give credence to a source that does not appear reliable or credible.
Remember that people, perhaps even ones reading this thread, have loved ones lost or unaccounted for.
At the time of this edit, we know only that there was an explosion in or near the Manchester Arena, leading to a mass exit of the crowds inside. Fatalities and injuries of an unknown number have been recorded, though their cause has not been made official.
According to numerous twitter accounts, happening now.
Not too many sources yet
Update: manchester police confirms fatalities:
Police in Manchester have responded to an ”incident" at the city's arena, amid unconfirmed reports online of an explosion.
Greater Manchester police warned people to stay away from Manchester Arena while they dealt with the issue. Officers did not release any further details on what has happened. A concert by Ariana Grande was being staged at the time.
Hannah, who was at the concert, told the Guardian there was ”quite a loud explosion heard from inside the Manchester arena and it shook, then everyone screamed and tried to get out".
She added: ”As we got outside, lots of police came racing towards the area and the whole of the Victoria train station was surrounded by police." She said there were people were screaming and crying everywhere shouting that there's a bomb and also people were saying there's a shooter so we ran and jumped into a taxi
And we're stuck in traffic as the police are blocking off Many roads. There's sirens zooming everywhere.
Suzy Mitchell, 26, whose flat is opposite the venue, reported a huge bang rocking the neighbourhood.
She told the Press Association: ”(I) just heard a huge bang from my bed, came out to the front of my apartments (we're on the top floor so have perfect view) and everyone was running away in big crowds.
”The bang was so big I heard it from my room which is at the back of the apartment blocks.
”Currently lots of emergency services going to and from. But can't see anything substantial as of yet except fleeing people and lots of cars."
Edit: updated with more info from The Guardian
Stay safe manchestergaf
This is a developing story of a sensitive matter. Post and discuss intelligently, with the proper tact and taste that an issue involving a tragic loss of life deserves.
Please do not give new information with no source.
Please do not give credence to a source that does not appear reliable or credible.
Remember that people, perhaps even ones reading this thread, have loved ones lost or unaccounted for.
At the time of this edit, we know only that there was an explosion in or near the Manchester Arena, leading to a mass exit of the crowds inside. Fatalities and injuries of an unknown number have been recorded, though their cause has not been made official.