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"24" Season One (!!!)

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I didn't start watching "24" until half-way through the second season. So I'm finally getting around to watching both season one and season two....and OMG...this shit is just TOO good.

I just finished watching hour six of season one and I said to myself, "OK, after this one, go to bed!" But they just revealed that
'Allen York' isn't exactly who Terri and Jack think he is. And I wanna find out what the fuck he does with Terri!

Damn, I love this show! :D


Before Season Four started, I watched Seasons One and Two back-to-back on DVD. It was basically a week of staying up to 4:00am every night.

Still need to watch the Season Three set. It's always "just one more disc before sleep..."


haha, I love people who've only seen the later seasons, and then get and watch the Season One DVD. The reaction is hilarious. It's like a condensed version of what those of us who were there at the beginning went through. :D


Boogie said:
haha, I love people who've only seen the later seasons, and then get and watch the Season One DVD. The reaction is hilarious. It's like a condensed version of what those of us who were there at the beginning went through. :D

Where the fuck was I??!! :)

I'm watching hour seven now...

As soon as that guy started untying Allen, I was like, "Aw damn..."

HOW THE FUCK DID THEY KNOW??!! (rhetorical, of course :))


:lol Praise the Lord!

I was holding out that Nina wasn't really dead...that some how, some way, Jack figured out a way to fake her death.

I was just about to ask someone to spoil it for me...whether or not Nina was really dead, then she woke up.


Fuck it...I have to watch hour eight. :)

EDIT: N/M...it'll just leave me inevitably wanting more. I'll pick it up later.


in my opinion, jack being held hostage to smuggle in the gun was one of th best and most exciting plots in 24. Jack was at their mercy!


formerly "chigiri"
The arguably best way to watch 24 is to watch it on DVD, all at once. :D
It's been common practice 'around here', since the show doesn't acually start to air locally until about 2 weeks after the UK dvds arrive on import. :lol

And once bought, one cannot stop watching, period. If you have coffee and that thing you eat to stay alive. Food, yes.

Finished season 1 back in the day in three days, two all nighters plus a straggler session, and then when season 2 got out, turning out IMO even better than season 1, took 2 days to plow through.

Season 3 was watched in one session. Started at 1pm, ended at around 10am the next day, with a failed crawl to bed afterwards. :D

Season 4 on 27th July can't come soon enough (I belive that's the current dvd release date).



shitting in the alley outside your window
chigiri said:
Season 3 was watched in one session. Started at 1pm, ended at around 10am the next day, with a failed crawl to bed afterwards. :D
That is hardcore.


Damn I couldn't do that. I try to only watch a maximum of 4 episodes a day when I first watched a 24 DVD. I don't want to waste the experience all at once.


Good to see another person getting onto the 24 bandwagon. I strongly suggest you watch through season 1 first before watching season 2 (or any other season) as it sounds like you're watching both seasons at once?


hyperbolically metafictive
i watched all of season 1 on dvd in two days instead of studying for finals. that was pretty awesome.

actually i do think it's more fun to watch on dvd than to watch as it's being televised. i watched the first two seasons on dvd, and three and what's been shown of four on tv.


AssMan said:
Why isn't there a syndication yet? I can't afford to shell out $150 for the dvds.

Syndication, on networks like TNT or USA, can only happen after 100 episodes. Thus, 24 is currently at about 86 episodes aired...so four episodes into next season will be the 100th hour of 24, and then it will begin airing in Syndication...if someone bought the rights to do so. There have been some FX Marathons...I think, but in terms of widespread it'll be a wait. The rights might not even get picked up, since it's such a storyline-driven show. Cable networks prefer serial crime dramas like the Law and Orders and CSIs because they stand alone. If the rights were sold, they were likely dirt cheap compared to the rates that the serials get.


My bro got all three box sets so he watched season 1 while I just went ahead into season 2. Season 2 was awesome despite Kimberly's story being boring. Watched it in two days, took a day off then watched season 3. Lord, Kimberly was even more annoying in season 3. Actually, season 3 as a whole left a bad taste, I still have season 1 sitting next to my dvd player for the last month. I need to say this, season 3 sucked.


Asbel said:
My bro got all three box sets so he watched season 1 while I just went ahead into season 2. Season 2 was awesome despite Kimberly's story being boring. Watched it in two days, took a day off then watched season 3. Lord, Kimberly was even more annoying in season 3. Actually, season 3 as a whole left a bad taste, I still have season 1 sitting next to my dvd player for the last month. I need to say this, season 3 sucked.

Kim herself was annoying in season 3, but there is no question in my mind that she was, in fact, not a part of terribly contrived Storylines in Season 3, so it was infinitely better.

1>>>>3>>2...and 4 is looking to be placed closer to 1 than 3.


Tony is about to let Jamie talk to Nina on the phone, when Jamie thinks she is dead!

Shock and awe! :D


Hmmm...I remember seeing this episode when I was randomly flipping through channels one day. I think I watched it for a couple of minutes until it went to a commercial.


Memles said:
1>>>>3>>2...and 4 is looking to be placed closer to 1 than 3.

I agree with these rankings. I still enjoyed Season 2, but 1 and 3 were notably better. Unless 4 becomes downright retarded, it'll rank close to Season 1.
MIMIC you've always seemed like one of the hardcore 24 fans, always making the threads and crap. And you only started watching halfway through Season 2??? Heresy!!!

Although personally, I started watching at the beginning of the 2nd season. I bought the Season 1 DVDs when the set was $15 bucks on Amazon. God, it was so amazing. I really can't rank season to season, it's too hard. All I know is that Season 1 was the best. But that may have been because I watched it in consdensed form.


formerly "chigiri"
LakeEarth said:
Damn I couldn't do that. I try to only watch a maximum of 4 episodes a day when I first watched a 24 DVD. I don't want to waste the experience all at once.

It's become somewhat of a tradition now, that once a year a few of us get together and watch the new season of 24 straight up. :lol
And we're really those people who can simply not stop watching due to those damned clever cliffhangers each ep. :D
When we were watching season 3, we asked ourselves after 4 discs, should we run another one or quit for the night? and we all almost instantly said, another! only 2 more left, get more coffee and such! :)


I recently bought and watched all three of the released seasons. I rank them as follows: Season 2 > Season 1 >> Season 3.

Season 3 was alright, it's just that it really felt like two seasons and they had nothing to do with each other. It was hellaciously slow for the first half... Picked up like crazy in the second.

I am glad I saw all of them on DVD. I lent the first season to my friends and they were all HOOKED.


Only "24" can make a man's conversation with his kidnapped wife and daughter, while under a car, evading the police, a heartfelt moment. :)

:lol Damn...why does the black woman have to be the bitch.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Season 1 was awesome...I feel like encoding them to my PSP to watch on my commute. The first 13 eps. of season 1 is the most awesome shit


That Serbian guy played me like a damn foo' :p

"Allen" trying to shot Jack through the bullet-proof glass, while Jack just smiles at his feeble attempt to kill him



works for Gamestop (lol)
MIMIC said:
That Serbian guy played me like a damn foo' :p

"Allen" trying to shot Jack through the bullet-proof glass, while Jack just smiles at his feeble attempt to kill him


Great moment. Especially the look on Jack's face and the music during the scene

The whole episode was great actually. WET TOWEL


FOX needs to make a deal with the FCC to let him say the f-word at least once every 6 episodes.

Jack totally needs to throw some curse words around. :D
I watched the entire first season in less than a week about 10 days ago, and it just keeps getting better and better.

And a lot of people are saying the second season is even better than the first! Now that my buddy's younger brother is working for Blockbuster, I'm going to get him to take out the entire second season for me (do you know that BB employees get 10 free rentals a week??).

But yeah, I'm loving this thread getting to read your reactions IN REAL TIME

Looking forward to when more plot twists and cool points hit you.


Meier said:
I loved the first season, but for me 2 is untouched.
I absolutley agree. It was great throughout the season, had the best plot I thought (even considering kim's plots) and had quite a few infamous moments.
weird thing is , some 24 fans dont like it much and rate it as one of the lowest. its a love hate thing


Yay! The Bauer Family is re-united. :D

But knowing that Terri is going to die somehow (from the references in the later seasons) kinda ruins it for me. :)


MIMIC said:
Yay! The Bauer Family is re-united. :D

But knowing that Terri is going to die somehow (from the references in the later seasons) kinda ruins it for me. :)
that sucks, but it will still be a good ride. I gave the season 1 dvds to my friend who started watching just this season. One day I was over at his place while he was watching them and he obviously knows from watching this season that he isnt with his wife anymore. However, he thinks it is just because shes a bitch and ugly, so the secret hasnt been ruined for him :).
How many episodes do you have left Mimic?


Just watched season one myself, I can't believe this show is really as good as everyone said it was. I'm debating watching season 2 straight through. Maybe start each episode on the hour beginning at midnight :D I remember a couple years ago someone told me they might do full hours of 24 like without commercials. Did they ever do that? And if so for how long? Maybe it was just a rumor.

MIMIC said:
Only "24" can make a man's conversation with his kidnapped wife and daughter, while under a car, evading the police, a heartfelt moment. :)
The whole time I was thinking "and people give MGS a hard time because Snake has codec conversations during combat" :lol


Not sure this is worth a new thread, so I might as well post it here...




Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
lmao, great comic.

my girlfriend and i started season 4 on the second episode, and got completely hooked after a few weeks.

i bought season 1, which we managed to watch in about 3 or 4 days. she bought season 2, which we wathced in another week, and i picked up season 3, which we just started.

absolutely love it. so many great characters, whether you love them or hate them. and no character is "safe", which always makes for high tension moments...

and 3rd dvd in and i'm loving season 3. though nothing beats the number of cool twists in season 1 :D


If there actually is another mole inside CTU, my guess is

Maybe that's just my on-again, off-again hatred for
talking. :p

EDIT: I changed my mind...just off a hunch, I'm thinking
the woman who wanted Patty to get a bag to Sherry
(and I thought of this BEFORE they started with the sinister music :))


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
it's kind of sad some people just don't know the Ultimate Characther of all shows, Mason.



MIMIC said:
:lol @ the comic

I had a feeling, but now it's been confirmed:
Terri was raped
. :(

umm, duh? What do you think that guy had done with her when he took her into the other room? Play scrabble? :p
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