laugh from Avery after that was so good. Do I look like a white guy named Ward!?
story behind this?
From an article I read recently.
"Dont expect any emotional Fresh Prince of Bel Air TV reunions any time soon. Janet Hubert (the shows original Aunt Viv) is not exactly a Will Smith fan. She has called him an egomaniac. In one interview, she said, There will never be a reunion. I will never do anything with an a**hole like Will Smith. On another occasion, Hubert said Smith did heinous, horrible things to me. They were like bad kids, Will and Alfonso [Ribiero]. She went on to claim, He said that I was crazy and nobody wanted to go to lunch with me. Gee, Aunt Viv, well take you out to lunch. Hubert said the feud eventually led to her getting fired and was later replaced by Daphne Maxwell Reid."
Every damn time had me dying....
When will confessed infront of the whole family that the drugs carlton OD'd on were from his locker it was sad as hell.
"I'm sorry man....I'm sorry.......I'm sorry man........"
"I was tryna' be in the video."
From an article I read recently.
"Dont expect any emotional Fresh Prince of Bel Air TV reunions any time soon. Janet Hubert (the shows original Aunt Viv) is not exactly a Will Smith fan. She has called him an egomaniac. In one interview, she said, There will never be a reunion. I will never do anything with an a**hole like Will Smith. On another occasion, Hubert said Smith did heinous, horrible things to me. They were like bad kids, Will and Alfonso [Ribiero]. She went on to claim, He said that I was crazy and nobody wanted to go to lunch with me. Gee, Aunt Viv, well take you out to lunch. Hubert said the feud eventually led to her getting fired and was later replaced by Daphne Maxwell Reid."
Alfonso and Smith seem like they were pranksters on set or ball busters at least. She probably wanted a more professional setting? Either way I need an impartial legit behind the story on this.
One of the greatest of all time
Same here.
The show was incredibly skilled at dealing with social issues.
"When are we going to stop doing this to each other?" -- Uncle Phil
Little Nicky was terrible, though.
Did Jazz have any defining character moments that made him stood out, aside from being Uncle Phil's favourite javelin?Classic Jazz.
He's five you dork.
Terrible as in his character was unnecessary and took away from the show, not terrible as in his acting skills. Come on now.
Yo so it was true? My brother told me this back in the 90's, but I wasn't sure if he was fucking with me. To clarify something else, did Martin really become obsessed with Gina and that made her uncomfortable so that's why in the last few episodes those two were never in the same room together?
Terrible as in his character was unnecessary and took away from the show, not terrible as in his acting skills. Come on now.
The episode where Will assaults Dougie was pretty good though. (otherwise, yeah)
When will this come to a streaming service? Better question, why isn't it already on a streaming service?
As a kid, she was ugly to me but I would do terrible things to Aunt Viv. She's bad!
I laugh my ass off every time I see this scene of Carlton getting pushed.
Did Jazz have any defining character moments that made him stood out, aside from being Uncle Phil's favourite javelin?
That episode where he stood up for Hillary from her emotionally abusive Boss.
Great show. But when I watch it as an adult, I always seem to notice that Will and Hilary had a weird sexual chemistry going on imo.