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2nd jobs


Hello Gaf

I have been thinking about getting a 2nd job for awhile

I currently work an 8-4:30 M-F for my main job

I kind of want to maybe find something in the evenings, so I can still have my weekends free, but not opposed to a weekend gig

If you have 2nd job, what do you do?

What jobs do you recommend?

After thinking for awhile, I have currently ruled out...

Uber/Lyft - don’t want to drive for work and put more miles on my car

Retail - did that as a full time job for 8 years and I’m done with that
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I have my full time job Mon-Fri and do Graphic Design & Editing usually 3-4 days during the week after I get home.


So you already work full time and want to do even more work? Maybe do something like uber or doordash for some side money.


I worked three jobs for about 2.5 years to get a head while figuring out what to do with my life. I worked part time at night at best buy doing IT before the geek squad was a thing as i made $10/hr for 20 hours a week. I then worked at local carpet store making 7.25/hr full time for benefits. I also had a casual season job with the state doing IT work replacing isdn modems and some basic windows 9x troubleshooting. I made 15/hr but only got about 15-20 hours a week.

it was the busy time of my life. My manager at the carpet store sold coke out of the building and punched me in the stomach once for mouthing off. I didn’t quit because i needed benefits. Literally an undercover cop worked there and arrested him for his third strike. I learn alot and was mentally and physically exhausted. I didn’t hang with friends much but was able to save some money for certificates in IT. People wouldn’t put up with shit today and there was no twitter to complain about life being tough.

two jobs should be good OP. Thanks for taking me down memory lane OP. I can’t believe that was 20 years ago.
Go to yard sales or Goodwill and flip stuff on eBay/Facebook. During the summer I mainly focus on neighborhood/community yard sales. It's a fun way to make money and get cool stuff, if you don't mind getting up early.
So you wake up every morning and go to work until evening time almost every day of the week, and you want to work more.
This man gets it. My second job is online marketing, which consumes less then 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Incidentally I can usually get it done on Job #1's dime. And job #2 is why I can't attach my real name to my online persona.
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Hello Gaf

I have been thinking about getting a 2nd job for awhile

I currently work an 8-4:30 M-F for my main job

I kind of want to maybe find something in the evenings, so I can still have my weekends free, but not opposed to a weekend gig

If you have 2nd job, what do you do?

What jobs do you recommend?

After thinking for awhile, I have currently ruled out...

Uber/Lyft - don’t want to drive for work and put more miles on my car

Retail - did that as a full time job for 8 years and I’m done with that
Whats your main job?


Go to yard sales or Goodwill and flip stuff on eBay/Facebook. During the summer I mainly focus on neighborhood/community yard sales. It's a fun way to make money and get cool stuff, if you don't mind getting up early.

That's what I did, was easy extra work that fit in around my life and mostly ran itself once I'd uploaded the auctions. I finished paying off my mortgage with that extra money.


HR admin assistant
Build websites for small businesses or managing sites ,orders ,accounts etc thats outside of accounting or book keeping etc.
Dont know what to say i am all hands on.
Currently hired someone to build a ecommerce site for me and shit is expensive. Maybe something like that or social media marketing.
Dont know.

Just dont work like a bitch for 10 bucks an hour on your second job.


Fingerlickin' Good!
This man gets it. My second job is online marketing, which consumes less then 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Incidentally I can usually get it done on Job #1's dime. And job #2 is why I can't attach my real name to my online persona.
What’s online marketing?


What can you do OP?

Im also looking for a second job. I can write pretty well, but it’s hard to find a job like that in these times. I’d do delivery but I’m not so confident in the language where I live. Wouldn’t want to make a bunch of mistakes.

if you can find something to fit your skills it could eventually become your main job.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Have you considered learning a new set of skills before going for another job? What would be your ideal job?


This man gets it. My second job is online marketing, which consumes less then 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Incidentally I can usually get it done on Job #1's dime. And job #2 is why I can't attach my real name to my online persona.
If you did that while working for me we would be having a long talk.


Gold Member
What do you do with your free time now? Find something along that line. I had a friend who loved to golf, so he picked up some side work at the course and got free green fees as an extra bonus.

I did some side jobs in my early days fixing electronics out of my apartment, helping people setup their printers, setting up small networks for some small businesses, general geek squad type stuff on nights weekends. Got me past the lean years until my career finally started to get some legs.

I will still do some side development or electronics work for friends or of it is something really interesting, and doesn't conflict with my noncompete. I made a few hundred bucks doing RGB mods to some older consoles recently, even though I didn't really need the money.
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Hello Gaf

I have been thinking about getting a 2nd job for awhile

I currently work an 8-4:30 M-F for my main job

I kind of want to maybe find something in the evenings, so I can still have my weekends free, but not opposed to a weekend gig

If you have 2nd job, what do you do?

What jobs do you recommend?

After thinking for awhile, I have currently ruled out...

Uber/Lyft - don’t want to drive for work and put more miles on my car

Retail - did that as a full time job for 8 years and I’m done with that

My main job is shitposting on gaf and my second job is slaving away in the office.


What’s tax like on a second job where you are?
From memory Australia gets an automatic 35% tax rate on the second job.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I have done some weird oddjobs on the side when I wasn't at a deployable unit. Mostly for friends though. I've don'e translations for friends' weird unlicensed t shirt and merch thing. I've worked for an amateur MMA organization(Spartyka Fight League) doing cage setups and then worked my way up to managing VIPs and shit, just stuff when I have had extra time and for fun and help out friends.

I've always wanted to start streaming, but like I wanna find some way to stream my PC-98 and just do weird 80s and 90s mecha games only, so no one will give a fuck anyways when I am streaming Gundam Advanced operation, lol
Why would you want a second job? The problem maybe lies with your first/primary job if it doesn't pay well. If that's the case, maybe search for a different primary higher paying job?
I used to work 12 hour shifts until recently, now I work from 7 AM to 3 PM. Monday to friday, weekends are free. Most of the time. I don't want a second job because my primary job pays extremely well.

But if you want a second job, I'd get something you can do from your home. Maybe some online marketing, coding, that kinda stuff.
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Not to hijack the thread but I've been wondering the same lately. I'm 33 and a single dad and I feel like I'm getting nowhere in life. My new supervisor got the job I wanted and he's 2 years younger than I am and has zero certs while I've at least got a Network+ and Security+ (but has more formal experience in the IT field than I do). I make $40k a year and live in Podunk, MS but it feels like I can never save money or make my dream purchase...a DDR/ITG/PIU arcade machine. I want one so bad, how the fuck do so many young people save up thousands of dollars to drop on a goddamn arcade dance machine? Even two of my friends bought their own (one was $2,500 and the other was $5,000). I know I've been using DoorDash way too much lately and that shit gets expensiiiiiiiive. I need to cut that out. I also need to stop going to Target because I always go there for one item and leave with bags of shit.

Anyway, I feel like I need a second job so I'm not living paycheck to paycheck or I need to find a new job. If I were doing this work anywhere else, I'd be getting paid at least $10k/yr more, probably more. I don't know. I've already cut back on shit I don't need like Amazon Prime, Netflix, and other such luxuries. I have Sling but I might get rid of that too. I've even split my bills as evenly as I can so that my monthly payments aren't lopsided. I pay half my bills during the beginning of the month and the other half at the end of the month. I even keep a spreadsheet of my budget but I just can't seem to save any substantial amount of money. I already know I'm paying too goddamn much for this second floor, two bedroom apartment. It's $850/month. I should be renting a house instead for that kind of fucking money. Or I should find something cheaper than $850/month. *sigh* This shit is stressful as all hell...

I used to be a web developer for a start-up company (the CEO scammed me over the course of two years and still owes me $30,000. You read that correctly.) and I've thought about doing that on the side but...I don't know, I also need to balance spending time with my 11 year old after I get home from work. Being a parent makes things much more difficult, obviously. Really...if that douchebag paid me the $30,000 he owes me, I'd be able to breathe again. I've tried every avenue short of taking him to court (lawyers are expensive, I already had a couple consultations). Plus the statute of limitations on that shit has probably been reached, I quit working for him in 2016. I sent a collections agency after him, I mailed and emailed him, I alerted the IRS (because he fucked up my taxes on purpose and claimed I wasn't a full-time employee but rather a self-employed contractor so he could get out of paying taxes), I was in contact with the Dept. of Labor for a year, I even teamed up with the former VP of sales from the start-up company who also got scammed...but nothing seemed to ever be able to get done because this dude made sure to make it nearly impossible to go after him. Dept. of Labor told me to contact the Tennessee Dept. of Labor since that's where his company is located (even though he works from Mississippi) and then they told me I had to figure this out with the Mississippi Dept. of Labor but then they said talk to the IRS and back and forth and back and forth....nobody seemed to be able to have any sort of way to enforce a damn thing. They could only simply ask him to pay me, to which he can just claim he didn't owe me a thing. I've got tons of documentation and email conversations, etc, etc. It's fucked. I hope the old asshole gets........let me just stop.

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I used to work as a technician in a ski shop during late fall -> mid spring

Was a pretty chill and fun gig
  • Mount and test skis
  • Tune up skis and snowboards
  • Repair skis and snowboards
In return, you got heavy discount on equipment and passes. It's customer service, but not retail. During the peak of season, though, it can be pretty busy so from 5-9:30 or so, there were days without breaks.

Still, was a lot of fun, and even with a well paying full time career now, I honestly wouldn't mind working evenings since it was a lot of fun - just that well...Texas and skiing...yeah, I'll just leave it at that.


Still, was a lot of fun, and even with a well paying full time career now, I honestly wouldn't mind working evenings since it was a lot of fun - just that well...Texas and skiing...yeah, I'll just leave it at that.

Water skis don't need tuning... at night? The nighttime water skiing market is a very underserved market!
Depending on what your main job is your 2nd job should compliment that e.g. main job is a desk bound one then go a physical job for your side gig. When I started my company (20 years ago) and before kids I worked 3 jobs, full time own company (desk) and two cleaning jobs (physical) that were 6 nights a week. While many would not want a cleaning job you can get simple corporate or school/factory cleaning jobs at night and just plug in some head phones and be left alone completely to do your work. It's literally getting paid to go to the gym, I don't know why it's looked down on and I miss having that physical balance to my desk work. Plenty of exercise included and a good night's sleep too while taking your mind off things.

If you're motivated or have other skills hit up freelance or fiverr or something and just earn on the side. If you want a regular and calculated second income, perhaps with benefits, then an casual or part time employed role is best. Night work usually pays higher rates for the same menial tasks too.


Unconfirmed Member
Second job!?!? Damn son I'm trying to figure a way out of my first job.
I mean the money's great at 45 an hour but its not Lambo money and I'm tired of answering to dipshits.
I've been bouncing some business ideas off the wall lately. Im hoping to put a plan into action before the end of the year.


Unconfirmed Member
Figure out a side gig/small business. There are a number of well known ways to make money on the side.

You mean like networking the human organs black market and killing the homeless?
That's an awesome idea Haxan.


If you're able to, do night classes or online courses in something instead of a second job, it'll work out way better in the long run (as you can get a job that pays enough that you won't need another one). Programming is probably the easiest and most profitable option. I worked two part times jobs while going to Uni, NEVER EVER doing that again.


Iam trying to find a second job but there is nothing i can do while i do my first job. Everyone wants second jobs to be flexible and stuff but when you work in shifts or only one shift than they cant use u.

I never found a suitable second job in my whole life.

At the moment i dont have a job at all thanks to corona


Whatever works for you. I do web design, graphic design and web administration on the side. I've done stuff like make menus for local restaurants, maintain marketing campaigns for local businesses, etc. A second gig should always be something that allows you to be flexible, IMO, so if you're too busy or tired one week, or one month, or whatever, you can just stop for a bit and re-energize.

Super Mario

I've tossed around the idea before. I even thought maybe I should do Uber since I can do it when I want. In the end, I came to a no for a few reasons:
- I already work 40+ hours. I don't need to dedicate anymore to my life on that
- Working multiple jobs almost always involves a ton of dead-end work
- By managing bills and a few expenses, I could save hundreds per month and not really sacrifice much

If you want to make more money, invest in yourself. Don't work your life away with meangingless work


I had a second job as a process server up until the 'rona hit. Wasn't too bad during the summer (but where I'm at it gets dark early in the winter and taking court docs in the dark to people that don't want them can be stressful). I know you said you don't want to drive, but it's an option if you're desperate. You can set your own hours and it looks good on a resume to cover an gaps in employment. Pay is hit or miss depending on how many serves you complete, but most places nowadays also give you a few bucks anyway if you make a few reasonable attempts and more if you verify the address isn't good. If you go thru a process service company for your business you can pick up between $15-$30 per serve. If you go first party (directly thru a law office, for example) you can easily get $50-$100 or more per serve. Some nights you won't find anyone but some nights you'll get a half dozen people living in the same apartment complex, so you'll typically come out ahead.


got an hr management degree back in 2014 and it took a long ass time to find my current position. The COVID is killing my training at my current job. Will eventually mobe up

mainly just looking for an extra money

I did look at this once place that pays for transcribing audio recordings, but that’s the only thing I’ve really found


i worked electronics and custodial in my twenties

those jobs filled the days, subcontract dev through the nights
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