Republicans have criticized Mr. Obama, who has turned to that law more than any other president, for his expansive use of his authority to preserve sites of ecological, historical or cultural significance.
This is amazing. When he spoke to Sir David Attenborough he mentioned how much he loves nature, but unlike a lot of politicians Obama has actually done stuff to preserve our planet. I'm very, very happy that nature lovers like Obama can actually get into a position of power and do something to try and preserve the last remaining parts of nature left on the planet that gave us life.
Anti-business BHO continues his expansion of government reach into territories that could have easily been used to build a Wal-Mart SuperCenter or as a storage site for nuclear waste. Now those dreams are long gone. Pathetic.
When I read the title, an Obama version of The Argonath is what immediately popped into my heads. This is quite good, though. The more of our country that gets preserved the better!