Gold Member

provisional name is Project Bella (final name will not be Dragon’s Dogma 2 or have the Dragon’s Dogma title at all)
next gen action/tactical third person RPG
It's basically Dragon's Dogma soft rebooted (another universe)
1 starting class (explorer), then 4 main plus 12 subclasses
single player like DA plus 3 players co-op only available at the frontier dungeons (player + pawn)
not open world but vast regions and a fuckton of dungeons
Minae Matsukawa is the lead designer, Itsuno will be on board next month (bear in mind that I don't know how old this leak is)
core team is 90 people plus 40-50 people from internal studios and japan studio
pre-production ended last september, first quality test deadline is set to june
RE engine but heavily tweaked with new in-house middleware (AI, physics)
Ralph Inneson is listed as VA for a character called Lord Benjamin (previous Arisen)