I don't expect it to be any lower than 59,99.What’s the price? Cuz that’s a stupid amount of content.
Well spotted. This is amazing package.It includes 4 and Lost Legacy as well
In before ‘FUCK JIM RYAN’ folks come and poison this topic.![]()
There's one in particular who is going to go apeshit when he finds out:
Bryank75 GET ITT!!!
Some fanboys will 100% enrage over it. But who cares? It's good for all real gamers and for Sony, so fuck those fanatics.Besides, do you really think PlayStation users will mind these games releasing on PC?
A legendary game, I might add.Part 2 is a good game.
This. Not that I would object to this in any way, it's just more revenue at this point. Although I'm sure certain armchair Sony CEOs here will have issues.- 4chan?
Try part 2. Part 4 was like 80% Walk/Talk/Climb/Jeep.Pretty nice bundle for those looking to get into the series.
I've personally only played 4, was super excited for it, and hated it, never been so bored in all my life and dropped it Madagascar.
Huge shame as the characters and dialogue seemed pretty cool, I liked sully a lot.