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538:The Identity Politics Of The Trump Administration



n his first few months in office, President Trump may have backed off some of his more controversial campaign-trail positions on foreign policy and economic issues, but he has remained firm on his positions on civil rights and immigration policy. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly in particular are aggressively implementing many of Trump's proposals from 2015 and 2016, angering black, Latino and Muslim activists in particular.

It will be months, if not more than a year, before we have comprehensive data on exactly how Trump has changed immigration and civil rights law in the U.S.1 What we can say already, however, is that in its first 100 days, Trump's administration has in some ways redefined who the U.S. government views as facing discrimination or marginalization.

The administration is not proposing less intervention from the federal government, which is the typical Republican approach, but rather it is seeking to wield federal power, just as Obama did. But whereas Obama's policies focused on protecting African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims, people who are gay or transgender, and other groups that most Americans view as marginalized, Trump and his team are focusing on defending different groups: Christians, police officers, victims of crimes by undocumented immigrants, and people who fear Latino immigrants are taking their jobs or redefining U.S. culture, among others.

This approach is akin to civil rights for the Trump coalition, a shift in focus away from groups that Democrats (and the data) view as facing more discrimination and toward groups Republicans believe are more often marginalized. And Thursday could bring the latest example: Trump is expected to sign an executive order on ”religious freedom" that will reportedly include provisions that make it easier for churches and other religious organizations to participate in politics while remaining exempt from federal taxes.

But the early indications are clear. Trump campaigned on a kind of white identity politics, highlighting black crime, Latino immigration and Islamic terrorism as defining issues for the nation. This was not just a break from Obama's approach, but also a shift from the last Republican president. George W. Bush visited a mosque, said ”Islam is peace" in a speech, pushed immigration reform that would grant citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants, signed a renewal of the Voting Rights Act, and put two African-Americans (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice) in powerful roles in his administration from its earliest days.



Christians discriminated almost as much as blacks? Have these people ever opened a history book? I don't recall the section dedicated to how the early US economy was built from Christian slave labor.


Great write up by 538, read it last week. They do some solid evidence-based journalism. There's also a great article they did on r/the_donald that I recommend everyone read.


Christians discriminated almost as much as blacks? Have these people ever opened a history book? I don't recall the section dedicated to how the early US economy was built from Christian slave labor.

Check the chart again...Christians are discriminated against way more than blacks. At least, republicans recognize the discrimination against Christians far more often.
Christians discriminated almost as much as blacks? Have these people ever opened a history book? I don't recall the section dedicated to how the early US economy was built from Christian slave labor.


Great write up by 538, read it last week. They do some solid evidence-based journalism. There's also a great article they did on r/the_donald that I recommend everyone read.

Not just blacks, but Latinos, Gays, Muslims and immigrants in general. The only group they think is close to as discriminated against is Transpeople, but it's like right at the margin. It's such a stark view from actual reality. It's a shame it's not more surprising, but when you have such aggressive right wing media married with fascist Christian groups pounding this rhetoric, it's not I guess.
Check the chart again...Christians are discriminated against way more than blacks. At least, republicans recognize the discrimination against Christians far more often.

Yeah, almost 2 to 1. I can almost understand living in such a state of denial as to not recognize what's happening to people you probably avoid ever interacting with, but thinking that Christians are persecuted, much less *more*, is just beyond the pale.

I'd love to know in what ways they think Christians are being discriminated against that aren't just "They won't let us act like pieces of shit to minorities".
What's kinda interesting to look at in terms of the trend is that roughly similar numbers of Republicans state there's a lot discrimination against all the listed groups (including whites and Christians)... except Black people. In the Republican mindset, black people are less likely to receive discrimination at all. Both points seem... telling.


What's kinda interesting to look at in terms of the trend is that roughly similar numbers of Republicans state there's a lot discrimination against all the listed groups (including whites and Christians)... except Black people. In the Republican mindset, black people are less likely to receive discrimination at all. Both points seem... telling.

Yeah, that stuck out to. I bet many would cite Obama being president as the reason why


That chart...especially in regards to Blacks.

It's interesting that Republicans seem to think that everyone is discriminated against roughly equally, except black people, they're the only real outlier. And if I'm seeing the dots right, they think Christians are discriminated against marginally more than even Trans people.
A good portion are uber rich trust fund babies disconnected from the reality of America for the majority of its citizens.

A good portion are uneducated racists disconnected from the reality of America for the majority of its citizens.

A good portion are educated racists trying to create their own vision of America.

The rest just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.



Check the chart again...Christians are discriminated against way more than blacks. At least, republicans recognize the discrimination against Christians far more often.

I was about to edit my post, not sure how I misread the world's most straightforward chart but there you go. It is indeed ridiculous but expected when you have a party that has become focused on the concerns of a single race.
I'd love to know in what ways they think Christians are being discriminated against that aren't just "They won't let us act like pieces of shit to minorities".

The general answers you get are taking prayer out of school and politics and they can no longer discriminate against Gays because of their faith. And the 'war on Christmas,' too.
Legit surprised nearly half of Republicans recognize Trans people deal with a lot of shit.

Well, a common bit of rhetoric among Republican voters is that they, as in they personally, do not care or worry about other people's identities. The problem is, they also do not care to impose this equality by apathy approach upon their representatives. Like how Catholics (in western countries anyway) are often in favour of gay rights, but the Catholic Church is still formally against same sex marriage and such.

Other possibility: They recognise trans people get such discrimination, but do not necessarily view such discrimination as wrong.


Yeah, almost 2 to 1. I can almost understand living in such a state of denial as to not recognize what's happening to people you probably avoid ever interacting with, but thinking that Christians are persecuted, much less *more*, is just beyond the pale.

I'd love to know in what ways they think Christians are being discriminated against that aren't just "They won't let us act like pieces of shit to minorities".

Think of it less in terms of absolute values and more in terms of change. Which groups have changed up or down in the last half century, which groups have been mainstream "discovered?" It actually lines up which what they think because they see the movement but seem to think that everyone started equal.
Whites and Christians are discriminated against more than immigrants, and certainly more than blacks, who are better off than everyone. Got it.


The Autumn Wind
That chart is not surprising in the least.

Also not surprising? Not a single one of our resident "sensible" Republicans will say a fucking peep in this thread.
That chart is not surprising in the least.

Also not surprising? Not a single one of our resident "sensible" Republicans will say a fucking peep in this thread.

But they looooooovvvvve to come out of the woodwork when Obama, Hillary or Democrats in general have a story. Hypocritical assholes.


I find it.... infuriating that after this last election Democrats are the one faced with lots of "you need to better understand these people" quotes, when these charts make it painfully obvious that the gop is basically oblivious to the problems of anyone who isn't white and middle class.

I just hope hope hope that white people (self included) become actual minorities in my lifetime. Although chances are will set things up to ensure we can still fuck over everyone else long before that happens.


These ppl are of the exact mindset that since Obama was President that must mean that racism is over and black folk have absolutely nothing to complain about now!

They are also all probably dumb as fuck too.


Christians discriminated almost as much as blacks? Have these people ever opened a history book? I don't recall the section dedicated to how the early US economy was built from Christian slave labor.


Great write up by 538, read it last week. They do some solid evidence-based journalism. There's also a great article they did on r/the_donald that I recommend everyone read.

To be fair, they aren't talking about historical discrimination. Slavery has nothing to do with it. That doesn't really change the fact that you've got to have some skewed calculus to somehow end up with Christians being persecuted more, but that's where the Fox News bubble works overtime. Talk about people being boycotted for Christian ideals all the time, not about how people with black-sounding names aren't hired at a disproportionate rate as people with whiter names but with the same skills. Worldview entrenched.

(I think liberals and Dems also overestimate discrimination against certain groups as well—what does "a lot" really mean?—but willing to bet in every example they are far closer than the Republican guesstimates.)
That chart...especially in regards to Blacks.
That gif is good, it's damn good.

On topic, somehow by looking at the graph I can just assume Republicans are really the main target audience of PureFlix for their White and/or Christian prosecution-complex films.


Republicans would obviously think they would be discriminated against for being Christian, not for being black.

This. They'll try to hit all the alternatives and refuse to acknowledge it was because the person was black. You could have someone admit why they did the act and they would still spin it.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
The general answers you get are taking prayer out of school and politics and they can no longer discriminate against Gays because of their faith. And the 'war on Christmas,' too.
This is confirmation bias, but for a morning of fun, go to Google and search on "christian persecution".


These ppl are of the exact mindset that since Obama was President that must mean that racism is over and black folk have absolutely nothing to complain about now!

They are also all probably dumb as fuck too.

I've heard that many times, well used to hear it a lot more especially during Ferguson.

What really took the cake though was one of my Brother's friends that said Obama being president shows racism is over, and then further went on to say women are treated equal as well.

But how can that be if there has never been a woman president? Logic fail.

They are so busy spewing the Fox News rhetoric they don't even take the time to listen to the words that come out of their own mouths.
This is obvious to anyone with a brain.

And yet certain "liberals" will continue to let me know how the left lost the election because they played identity politics while Trump eschewed it and talked the economy, and that's why people voted for him. Fucking nonsense. The right has somehow been able to build their entire platform around identity politics while, at the same time, blaming the other side for it when they get called on their bigoted bullshit. They get away with it because people are stupid and elected officials on the left are toothless. You'll have GAFfers come into this very thread and start talking about how identity politics have failed the left. Think about that, these are so-called democrats who still haven't clued themselves into the fact that, whaddya fucking know, republicans are actually the ones playing identity politics while selling the opposite to the public, and now liberals are buying what they're selling too.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I find it.... infuriating that after this last election Democrats are the one faced with lots of "you need to better understand these people" quotes, when these charts make it painfully obvious that the gop is basically oblivious to the problems of anyone who isn't white and middle class.

If every ethnicity views now views politics through the lens of identity-based grievances, then basic math would tell you to pay attention to the statistically largest group. Is that more infuriating than losing lots of elections and being a minority party?


I bet most GOP voters refuse to believe or don't understand structural racism. They think the best candidates are always chosen unless there are regulations like Affirmative Action.

I bet they also refuse to believe that police have any tendency to be worst against black people, which is why digging up the past of victims of police brutality is so effective.

So in short, they refuse to believe the all the bad things black people have to endure, but see things like Affirmative Action and reason they have it pretty good.


I find it.... infuriating that after this last election Democrats are the one faced with lots of "you need to better understand these people" quotes, when these charts make it painfully obvious that the gop is basically oblivious to the problems of anyone who isn't white and middle class.

I just hope hope hope that white people (self included) become actual minorities in my lifetime. Although chances are will set things up to ensure we can still fuck over everyone else long before that happens.

Let us not forget that graph (that I can't find) where Republican's opinion on the state of the economy shot up once Trump took office, as if the economy just sprung forward at the end of January.


If every ethnicity views now views politics through the lens of identity-based grievances, then basic math would tell you to pay attention to the statistically largest group. Is that more infuriating than losing lots of elections and being a minority party?
It makes sense strategically. Its just insulting to have a group of human beings who obviously can't empathize with anyone who isn't exactly like them act like its somehow your fault that you can.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Legit surprised nearly half of Republicans recognize Trans people deal with a lot of shit.

Well I mean they are holding the freshly printed receipts for most of this hate, so it's fresh in their minds. As for the rest, well who can remember what happened yesterday?


Legit surprised nearly half of Republicans recognize Trans people deal with a lot of shit.

It's because they feel like it's openly acceptable to discriminate against trans people that they are willing to recognize that it happens. Because they know they do it and, unlike everything else, they feel like the consensus is that it's okay.
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