Azih said:
Alright why do Arab Shia people get to have all the fun?
First, it's Shia in general and not just Arab shia. Second, it's sunnis that deprive themselves from said "fun", since Sunnis stopped practicing pleasure marriages after the khalifah Omar banned it. There is a specific hadith about Omar himself saying that it was one of two pleasures that the Prophet approved of while he banned.
Shia only follow teachings that came from the prophet; either directly or through his 12 disciples/descendants (afterall the belief is that he was a prophet chosen by god and anything he does or approves of is automatically legitimate), so they consider a ruling like that to be wrong since not only did it not come from the prophets teachings, but it directly opposes them as it banned something that the prophet approved of.
Also, what the article fails to mention is more details about those pleasure marriages, and how they differ from, say, prostituion. It has been said that married women cannot practice it, much like how women cannot have more than 1 husband (pleasure marriage IS marriage but one that ends after a set time).
It hasn't been mentioned that after a temporary marriage ends, the woman has to wait for a period of (40 days? forgot how many exactly) which covers at least one or 2 "periods" to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. Just like the case after a woman gets divorced or widdowed. This helps preserve offspring as it's the way to identify kids with their fathers. This is one side pleasure marriage is different from plain-old adultry.
I think pleasure marriages for married men are generally discouraged though, and in some cases men have to get permission from their wives if they want to do it! (like if they are in a trip by themselves or something?). And unmarried girls HAVE to get permission from their fathers/grandfathers if they wanted to do it, and unless that family is leading a really tough life, there is no reason why the father would approve a temporary marriage for his unmarried daughter when she could get a permanent husband to live with and start a family.
That doesn't mean it cannot be exploited and abused though. But, followed right, it certainly is better than adultry. Remember that after a woman goes out from a pleasure marriage, she is "on-hold" for some time before marrying another man (she can renew the contract with the same man though as has been mentioned). It's also a legal way for men who cannot commit to permanent marriages (eg for financial issues) to not have to resort to adultry. The same goes for widdowed/divorced women who either couldn't find new permanent husbands (and those temporary ones might become permament, who knows).
Pellham said:
The fact is, if Iraq goes back to being an islamic government, with sharia as the law, eventually women will lose all their freedoms, be forced to wear burqas, not be given an education, be treated like slaves, etc.
75%, eh, I have a feeling that women aren't being allowed to chip their opinion in on this.
if you'd rather live in a non-democratic, sharia-run country, go move to Saudi Arabia and tell us how much better it is than the US or whatever country you're currently living in.
WTF? Iran IS an Islamic country, you know, and they have a woman vice-president, and they have women cops, and they don't wear retarded burgas like the poor sods in Saudi or Afghanistan. Just because the fucked-up Saudi Arabia claims to be the right Islamic way doesn't mean that Iraq would turn out to be like it.
Now if you also think the situation about women and slavery and crap is like that in Iran then go fuck yourself, as it would be clear that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
GSG Flash said:
Plus the only people that are abusing it are the Wahabis (another "sect" of Islam) and Wahabi influenced Sunni's. I don't consider Wahabi's muslims, they are animals. They have killed more people than any other religion/group/sect whatever and i'd say 95% of the people they killed are Shia muslims. Oh and for the record, I'm a shia muslim and no I'm not a radical muslim or anything, peace is first on my list and war/fighting/killing isn't even on my list.
Those mother-fucking wahabis (and their likes) are the source of Islam's troubles I tell you. And I don't think it's fair for animals to be compared to those freaks. We've been hearing reports though that they have been very active in Iraq trying to convert simple folks there without them knowing. They bring in money and aid and try to draw those poor folks who have been living under oppression for more than 30 years to their sides. You can guess where they get their funds from.
I don't think they will succeed much in Iraq though since most Iraqis seem to have a strong Shia faith. But still their fucking strategies are scary, and they are apparently doing it in Sudan and other places too.