standing ovation for that piece of shit?
I guess it's cool to hate U2 now.
Did they reach part where they show tribute to all actors/film people that passed away in the last year?
You are delusional if you don't think u2 isn't still massively popular.
wow U2 is awful. Never listened to their music before, THIS is a "world-wide sensation"??? *rolls eyes*
Not even remotely in the same artistic universe.Just came home from The Wind Rises. How did it lose? I haven't seen Frozen was it really that good?
Exactly.. look at their last tour. The hate here is just over the top.
Just came home from The Wind Rises. How did it lose? I haven't seen Frozen was it really that good?
Not a fan of the song, but Bono sounded pretty good compared to the last few times i have seen them perform live.
That song better not beat out "Let it Go" just because it was in a Nelson Mandela film...
Not even remotely in the same artistic universe.
Heh, pathetic man, do you know what you're dealing with here? *puts hand over my prized Pichachu gameboy as dark chi energy surrounds me, two demon-infused katanas folded over 1000 times and smelted with the pure iron of Mt Fuji appear in my hands* its time for you to die *slashes the air a billion times in one second* heh now you can suffer in the shadow realm *sheaths katanas into dark aura sheathes that appears from dark matter, the cuts now begin to seperate you into pieces* uhhhh my demon power... i cant control this rage *flashback to childhood friend*
*light piano interlude playing* i love you anon-kun! *shimmering sunset on beach turns into dark clouds and storms, ancient dark matter demons appear* anon-chan help me demons are attacking the playground *she dies* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAKA-CHAN.
*tears stop my demon form from taking over as I sheathe my katana..
n-nothing personal... kid *tips fedora and teleports away*
Super Bowl commercials were so bad this year that I'm actually more entertained by Oscars commercials.