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9/yo girl and mom Write complaint to Chuck-E-Cheese and MLB over Sexist Arcade Game. Softball.


I really hate how a story like this 10 years ago, would of been hilarious and ridiculous in equel measure. Nowadays its just the norm.:messenger_pensive:


I'm so tired of people finding minutiae in the world that bothers them personally and they think they're so special that those tiny, insignificant things must change, because how dare they be bothered personally by anything they come across in their lives?
I don’t know what’s more silly.

The girl and her mom, but they trying to get noticed by some marketing head.
Or this person.
there's a lot i want to say but ill hold my tongue, i dont want to get banned here. i mean saying that i would want to dropkick a 9yo and her mom in the fucking mouth is probably not the right thing to say..

edit: and softball is for fucking pussies
I’m going to start writing a bunch of letters. Maybe Steph Curry will buy me a PS5 before it releases on good morning America.


Her problem isnt that she cant throw objects, it is that she is over sensitive little spoiled bastard

I hate these kind of people that have zero self-esteem and sense of humor, then they want to ruin everything because they are crybabies.


Unconfirmed Member
One of my first thoughts while reading the OP was that this is all a storm in a teacup because it's taken 10 years for ONE complaint.

On further thought I've realised that's clearly not the case.

The mother must've played this back in the day and gotten the softball remark from it. Either already had her child, or got pregnant soon after, and decided to play the long game.

And now here we are.


Unconfirmed Member
Kid is 9 and she is already this entitled? Holy fuck America.


God help these kids if they had played the games back in the 8-Bit days, half the time if you lost the game (died) it didn't just cruely mock your ass, you had to start over from scratch.


Was there even any indication that connects softball to girls in there? Or did she just assume it's a girls sport?


To all the people buying into what the OP is selling - read the little girl's letter.

It's NY Post that twisted this into a sexist thing, which obviously that outlet would do, because they're just a dirty tabloid who wants attention no matter how they get it (we are currently giving it to them).

The original ESPN article, as well as the letter that the little girl wrote (here), say nothing about the game being sexist - just that it made her feel bad for failing.

It's still silly - but it's not the same issue that the OP, and the NY Post article are making it out to be - they are just trying to get you riled up when you don't really need to be riled.


This was definitly a teachable moment and SHOULD have been one.

Because holy insecurities Batman, if you live your life caring that much about about what others think, especially a programmed machine, you will never be truly happy with what you have or who you are.

To be presice: Its the first step on your road to Snowflaketown
Let me see if I have the facts down;

- she plays softball
- tried an MLB thing
- failed at the MLB thing
- the game suggested she play softball
- she started throwing a tantrum
- a letter writing campaign began
- the CEO of the manufacturer didn't tell them to fuck off
- the game has been muted at every location



Unconfirmed Member
getting violently mad at a video game? sounds like toxic masculinity to me.

yes, she got violently mad at a video game then demanded the manufacturer change things to satisfy her desires. totally unlike those toxic gamers everyone hates. you should be proud. /s

Yeah that's the bit I really don't get. Like if I'd behaved like that in an arcade my parents would have done the sensible thing and given me a clip round the ear and told me not to be a spoilt little shit. The fact that mum is proud tells us all we need to know, mum has indoctrinated her child with this stuff and is enabling this misbehaviour. I honestly worry for the next generation when this kind of shit is going on.


there's a lot i want to say but ill hold my tongue, i dont want to get banned here. i mean saying that i would want to dropkick a 9yo and her mom in the fucking mouth is probably not the right thing to say..

edit: and softball is for fucking pussies

After reading this post, my faith in humanity has been restored.


I will stay silent over this absolute shitshow. I'll just shake my head in disbelief. Your life must be so amazing if this shit is all you have to worry about


To bring this back to gaming somehow, is't this actually pretty good game design?

The girl admits that she tried to throw really hard after being taunted so it's like... isn't that the developers intent?

In the Arkham games when Batman gets taken down you always have a scene of the main villains taunting and gloating etc. It's supposed to be mildly infuriating right?

So you throw the ball at a target and the target says "haha you suck" or, in this case, the far tamer "how about softball".

I don't get how this could in any way be seen as the views of the developers or how the MLB could be seen as "supporting" that view.

Fuckin, Waluigi called me a cheater!
Is Nintendo saying I am a dishonest person? This will not stand!

Surely people would understand the concept of "beating the game" and so would get that game developers might choose to put some form of taunting or ribbing or gloating into the game to reinforce that concept?
Isn't that even part of the fun and/or immersion in videogames?

It's SO daft. I kind of also feel sad that the kids mother is "proud" of her over this.
Is that the new thing for American kids growing up?
You have to be involved in some minor activism against a corporation before the age of 10?

It's hilarious that they muted the game in all of their arcades.
Yo Chuck! That damn arcade machine is insulting the customers again!
It said this little girl should try softball!
It could almost be a set up for a crappy 90s horror film.


there's a lot i want to say but ill hold my tongue, i dont want to get banned here. i mean saying that i would want to dropkick a 9yo and her mom in the fucking mouth is probably not the right thing to say..

edit: and softball is for fucking pussies
Lol I miss this place


It's still silly - but it's not the same issue that the OP, and the NY Post article are making it out to be - they are just trying to get you riled up when you don't really need to be riled.
Aw man, New York Post can go fuck itself. Tarnishing people for their clickbait. This gender shit is starting to sucker me in. Time for a break. This is why I need gaming to be an escapism from all the asshats. :messenger_weary:


Gold Member
I played softball the entire time I was in the military. It was coed, and we drank a lot of beer, but the trash talk was sometimes epic.


And we wonder why these kids can't handle being challenged socially, politically, or basically any other way. She needs to grow the fuck up and get a clue... wait'll she sees some of the really nasty shit life throws at you, a harmless statement about her sport of choice is nothing.


You sure like these REEE tier stories, huh V Voost Kain .

As with the last one, it's loonies losing it over an imagined sexist slur that is in reality not at all sexist. Unfortunate that these ones managed to actually ruin some other people's fun, but that's the way of it with crazy people.

I predict that your next thread will be similarly low-hanging, but I suppose we'll see.

And we wonder why these kids can't handle being challenged socially, politically, or basically any other way. She needs to grow the fuck up and get a clue... wait'll she sees some of the really nasty shit life throws at you, a harmless statement about her sport of choice is nothing.
Sounds like a job for Chopper.

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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
You may aswell forbid any form of entertainment, for you may hear or read something that you can twist into a racial, sexual, or discriminatory issue.

This is what happens when as a society you allow people to see boogeymenpeople around every corner and think the world is out there to get you.

Even worse when the president of ICE says ''We need to pay attention to it.''

Like no, no you don't. What should have been done is that people are learning that most spoken things or written things have no ill-intent in them, and that its the person's fault for thinking there is one.

“I’m just so proud of her,” Lisa said. “The one thing I hope she remembers from this is if there is something she feels strongly about in the future, she will remember that people want to hear her. If nothing else, this will encourage her to speak up.”

Yeah, be proud that people listened to a problem that only exists because you want to see a boogeyperson. Well done.



If we go back between the 90s and the 2000's that would be just swell. I feel like i hear more about these SJW problems more than if the game is fun or operational.

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If we go back between the 90s and the 2000's that would be just swell. I feel like i hear more about these SJW problems more than if the game is fun or operational.

So accurate. These days as soon as someone starts finger wagging I just shut them off, down, or tell them I’m not interested in being lectured.
How is this sexist? There are plenty of men's softball leagues.

A.) it’s not sexist

B.) however, on a different note, that’s like comparing the Lingerie Football League to the NFL, as far as prominence, asssuming you’re talking about the international competition that I literally first heard of last night, in this thread.

If you’re talking about beer leagues, that’s like saying I’m a pro Overwatch player because I play competitive mode.

But no, I don’t feel sexism is truly present in the story


This thread just makes me wonder the kind of massive outrage and "severe trauma" a game like Wanted: Weapons of Fate would generate if released today:

And it has only been 10 years

EDIT: Wasn't there also someone on GAF who felt deeply ofended by Wolfenstein The new Order making a "easy is for babies" joke?.
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Gold Member
And we wonder why these kids can't handle being challenged socially, politically, or basically any other way. She needs to grow the fuck up and get a clue... wait'll she sees some of the really nasty shit life throws at you, a harmless statement about her sport of choice is nothing.

Dont worry, when she grow up pick a job and get fired she will do the same and her mother will be proud.
It's still silly - but it's not the same issue that the OP, and the NY Post article are making it out to be - they are just trying to get you riled up when you don't really need to be riled.

Lol, Cut the political shit. Those are direct quotes from the girl and the mom, you're trying to defend poor parenting and a girl who's going to grow up being quite the spoiled annoyance because of ideology.

Not to mention the NYpost got this story late.

It was first reported by ABC: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/living/story/year-girl-calls-chuck-cheeses-mlb-game-taunts-61212959

Then Yahoo: https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/ni...games-degrading-softball-taunt-032010127.html

Same story and quotes, the spin is you pretending there is spin. ;)


Gold Member
Softball can be played by middle aged men who are pounding down a kegger while winded rounding first. She should be proud of her dad's accomplishments.

Man, I remember playing softball one time and I 'barely' hit the ball off a pitch and it went like 3 feet, and far off in the silent stands I heard my wife yell "Hit it with your purse next time!"

If this girl would have been there, we would probably have our own hashtag.


Gold Member
Man, I remember playing softball one time and I 'barely' hit the ball off a pitch and it went like 3 feet, and far off in the silent stands I heard my wife yell "Hit it with your purse next time!"

If this girl would have been there, we would probably have our own hashtag.

Well that's just your wife's "internalized misogyny brought on by generations of the oppressive patriarchy", or some dumb drivel to insult someone and take away their agency of free thought.
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