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A Carol Channing biopic starring Johnny Depp?

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I don't know how anyone could immitate that voice but good luck Johnny :lol


A Carol Channing biopic starring Johnny Depp might seem like an off-the-wall idea, but the unlikely sounding project has two key supporters: Johnny Depp and Carol Channing.

After the Mirror quoted Depp last week saying that playing Channing would be his "dream role," Channing has now announced she'd love to see his handsome mug fill her heels in a big screen version of her life.

"I think he is a gifted performer and I would be very proud, as well as interested in seeing what his vision of me would be," the octogenarian Tony-winning singer and comedienne told Broadway World.

As for that niggling issue of gender, Channing pooh-poohed the idea that a man - a very good looking one to boot - wouldn't be perfectly well-suited to the role of hers truly.

"It is not a new concept to me. Not at all," she said in the same interview. "Men have been imitating me for as long as I can remember. In fact, most of the impersonations I have seen have had a five o'clock shadow."

Depp, for his part, told the Mirror last week, "My dream role would be to play musical legend Carol Channing in a biopic of her life. I love her, I really do. She's amazing."

It's just an all around admiration fest for these two.

"I imagine, when or if Johnny should portray me, he will succeed," Channing said. "Because a true artist, such as himself, is one who loves his or her creation and therefore represents their honest view of that which they are creating."

As The Hollywood Reporter pointed out two days ago, Depp's schedule is littered with possible movie projects, including a fourth installment of "Pirates of the Caribbean," but none are set in stone yet.

So producers, writers, and directors may be scrambling at this very minute to swoop in and get the Carol Channing biopic made, though none of them may love Depp and Channing quite as much as they seem to love each other.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertai...of_her_life_and_johnny_dep.html#ixzz0MCLb2OPI


I was shocked when my mother told me she is half black. My mother always tells me some hard to believe crap and I was like here we go again. Turns out it was true and she reveled it a few years ago. A strange thing to keep secret but never would have guessed.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Carlisle said:
They could have at least tried to not make that sound like a PR line.

coming from him it's actually believable though

Ashhong said:
depp is known to really get into his role right? wonder how he would prepare for this one..

perhaps he's already done that part *wink*wink*


LQX said:
I was shocked when my mother told me she is half black. My mother always tells me some hard to believe crap and I was like here we go again. Turns out it was true and she reveled it a few years ago. A strange thing to keep secret but never would have guessed.
She would have never made it big if people knew she was half black.
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