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A Lesson in Saving Change

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I can never believe my eyes that the change I've garnered in the last three months from various purchases from games to pencils to food equates to $60. After seeing a couple of Fry's dealies, I decided to see how much my 1/3 jar full of coins wielded - $60. Add to the fact it's all made easy by a CoinStar machine at your local Albertsons. So the mere depositing of chump change for 90 days will get me Zelda: FSA and LoZ.

If I had to estimate, I bet over the course of a lifetime, people would lose $1000+ on lost change.

Anyone here save their change?
Anyone here save their change?

Welcome to the club. I am a card-carrying change keeper. I guess it helps having to take the Metro (and sometimes bus) nearly every day, but even then, change is still money....even the pennies. * :)
i've been saving my change for like the last year or two. Its up to $300 now, i've just been lazy to lug it all to the bank (those coin machines at the grocery stores are a ripoff, they take like 10%)


I got 60 bucks in change one time and took it to the store, and it was 10 @ night and the customer service center wasn't open. So I went in the next day to collect my money and they said, "Sorry bitch, but you can only get money on the same day you use the machine."


Chili Con Carnage!
i can see a total of £1.53 scattered across my floor right now, then theres the change on my desk, wish there was somewhere i could get it changed up (i must have about £10 - £15 here) without looking like a ass.


Ghost said:
i can see a total of £1.53 scattered across my floor right now, then theres the change on my desk, wish there was somewhere i could get it changed up (i must have about £10 - £15 here) without looking like a ass.

Don't you have one of those machines nearby that take the change and print a receipt you take to a counter and exchange for proper money?

They're expensive though unfortunately. Get some money bags and count them up and take them along to the bank.


I save change for the bus, and up until a week ago when I changed it all for food money I imagine I had at least $12 lying on the floor in various spots.


Ya know, if coins weren't so prone to being misplaced/dropped/etc., then I would actually like dollar coins...I had 8 of them at once a few weeks ago...aren't they going to try another golden dollar, or did i make that one up in my head?

edit: oh and I saved coins for when I was saving up for GameCube...think I had $40 or so in change...but most of that wasn't mine haha.
I roll quarters and dimes, but just send nickles and pennies to the coinstar machine.

It has probably netted me close to $500 over the past 3 or 4 years.


Queen of Denmark
Hell yes, I save change. The cool thing is, my bank doesn't require that your coins be rolled, as they just put them in a Coinstar-type machine anyhow (so they'd actually prefer that you not roll them), so I essentially get to use Coinstar for free. Which is good, because otherwise I would not use Coinstar. The last time I checked it was up to 10 percent, which is just fucking ridiculous.


Looking for Pants
I have a small change jar, so whenever I get lunch across the street ($4.04 Sweet and Sour Lunch Special) I just grab all the money from the change jar. Almost like a free lunch!


Roll the change and deposit it usually after it collects for a year. The amounts vary a lot (Since I'll often spend rather than save quarters), but it's definitely worth doing. I have about 30 bucks worth right now.
I bought my first Nintendo (NES), back in 1988 with nothing but pennies that I'd been saving since I could remember... True story. (i got them changed over to bills @ the bank first tho.)


Junior Member
StrikerObi said:
You should really just roll the coins yourself. Why on earth would you want to lose 8% of your money via CoinStar?

Cuz it's a bitch. The 8% is the charge to roll them. I'm okay with it since I don't count the change in any type of budget. So it's like finding $60 to me. It shouldn't be but that's what it's like.


I bought my PS2 with about two year's worth of saved change. (I procrastinate a bit.)

I seriously considered bringing a big bag of coins to EB to buy it, you know, just to be a dick. But I decided that saving nearly 10% in sales taxes was the more sensible alternative, so I just ordered it online.
I had a few years worth of saved change, and I ended up with about $300. That was a couple of years ago; I probably have at least $200 in change sitting right here.
xsarien said:
I bought my PS2 with about two year's worth of saved change. (I procrastinate a bit.)

I seriously considered bringing a big bag of coins to EB to buy it, you know, just to be a dick. But I decided that saving nearly 10% in sales taxes was the more sensible alternative, so I just ordered it online.

LOL....I think imma try that out one day...ya know, just to be an asshole.
Sounds fun... Especially the look on the clerk's face as you dump 300 + rolled up coins out on the counter.


JeffDowns said:
LOL....I think imma try that out one day...ya know, just to be an asshole.
Sounds fun... Especially the look on the clerk's face as you dump 300 + rolled up coins out on the counter.

Who said anything about them being rolled up?
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