Even dumber.Expecting teachers to wipe your third-grader's ass is just dumb.
Grew up in a suburban part of town that was just normal public schools. No rich ivy walls, a mix of kids walking or bussing in from mostly just normal homes. Some came from nicer neighbourhoods, and some from lower income apartments or low budget rental townhouse complexes.Talking of Lunch time, in some regions the kids on free school meals will have vouchers provided for meals during school holidays. They are provided for all year round and yet the parents still fail them
At that point schools are going to have to hire dedicated butt wipers who do nothing but change diapers all day. Instead of sending kids to the nurse they'll send them to the butt wiper.Even dumber.
Lets say the trend grows and there's 10 kids that need asswiping at lunch time. A teacher is suppose to act like a butt wiping crossing guard for squirrelly kids for half an hour while the rest of the kids have to wait for class to resume?
Why would parents even want teachers and/or random strangers in a school to even touch their children like that?Expecting teachers to wipe your third-grader's ass is just dumb.
Paying outside parties to care for young children is inherently unworkable and all our structuring of social norms should be built around keeping mothers at home. There is no decent world where childcare is outsourced and at-home motherhood is reduced to an option.More children spend longer in child-care settings, often cared for by early years workers who do not have skills nor experience to support toilet training
A survey conducted in 2018 showed that 72% of eligible 2 year olds and 92% of 3 year olds in England benefited from funded early education, in nurseries, pre-schools and with childminders. Our survey of early years practitioners showed that 70% of staff had received no training in how to potty train and only 53% of respondents said there was a potty training policy in place at their setting.
50 years from now SonofStreetsofBeige will be making the exact same post.Grew up in a suburban part of town that was just normal public schools. No rich ivy walls, a mix of kids walking or bussing in from mostly just normal homes. Some came from nicer neighbourhoods, and some from lower income apartments or low budget rental townhouse complexes.
All 3 schools I went to (elementary, middle and high) had zero free food. Bring your own grub. At best, high school had a small kitchen where you could buy pizza slices or teachers get a coffee. And a pop vending machine. If you wanted it you had to buy it. No real meals like you see on TV or movies with lunchlady Doris spooning full meals onto trays like an assembly line. But maybe it's common in US schools. Elementary and middle schools were basically the same. You could buy small cups of juice or these oddly giant ass cookies for like 35 or 50 cents. Thats it.
We all turned out fine. The kids from the poorer housing complexes figured out how to bring their own lunch. So it cant be that hard why modern day numbnut families cant do the same.
Eric, a children's bowel and bladder charity, said it was concerned parents were being "shamed" for not having toilet trained their children.
If I'm still alive in 50 years, it might even be me again!50 years from now SonofStreetsofBeige will be making the exact same post.
We have a severe shortage of dentists here in the UK. We've been royally screwed over in that regard.Britain and bad teeth has been a think for a while, but if you have a generation of parents that are so lazy they refuse to practice basic hygiene you have some severe problems.
Jesus really? My dentist (private) is 5mins up the road and the wee lad is 5mins down the road... Fuck 300miles!? That's practically halfway to Australia m8We have a severe shortage of dentists here in the UK. We've been royally screwed over in that regard.
I have to drive my kid 300 miles just to get his braces sorted by his orthodontist every couple of months.
I have terrible teeth, from the day my kids could comprehend I constantly reminded them about the state of my teeth because I never cleaned them as a kid and made sure they done it morning and evening and when they got back from their granny ffs I'm now paying to correct mine and I don't want that for my kids who funnily enough have great white teeth the lucky fuckersBritain and bad teeth has been a think for a while, but if you have a generation of parents that are so lazy they refuse to practice basic hygiene you have some severe problems.
Not really surprised at some of this.Yeah, what's unfair is expecting low wage teachers to do this, you can't send someone with no medical conditions into primary school having taught them 0 language or social skills can you, toilet training by then is the bare minimum parenting you can have done
And these are THIRD graders?!
We have a severe shortage of dentists here in the UK. We've been royally screwed over in that regard.
I have to drive my kid 300 miles just to get his braces sorted by his orthodontist every couple of months.
Why do you think that is? Regulation? NHS doesn’t make it worth the time and effort? Lack of demand.We have a severe shortage of dentists here in the UK. We've been royally screwed over in that regard.
I have to drive my kid 300 miles just to get his braces sorted by his orthodontist every couple of months.
Jesus really? My dentist (private) is 5mins up the road and the wee lad is 5mins down the road... Fuck 300miles!? That's practically halfway to Australia m8
Aye Bath to past NE London, 150 miles, each wayThat seems crazy, is it some kind of niche specialist? It's less than 300 miles to drive from Birmingham to Edinburgh!
Well yeah you probably have to get through the Chunnel all the way to France, figure out how to drive on the right side of the road and then barter for basic dental services innit?We have a severe shortage of dentists here in the UK. We've been royally screwed over in that regard.
I have to drive my kid 300 miles just to get his braces sorted by his orthodontist every couple of months.
I would think that by the age of 8 kids can figure this out on their own?WHAT? HOW?
Just for the sake of curiosity, I asked my mum and she told me she started potty training me when I was around 1 to 1 1/2 years old. How are you NOT potty training your kid who is 7 or 8?!
This should be child neglect? Because what are you doing to raise your child? It's YOUR responsibility as a parent to teach them these things.
Is this a thing?I can almost guarantee this is at least partially due to excess screen time. And likely tablets.
My oldest son turned 4 a couple months ago and despite potty training him for a YEAR AND A HALF, he still occasionally has minor pee accidents when we let him watch Disney+ or YouTube. If he really likes what he's watching, he basically loses all sense of self or just can't pull himself away from the screen to go to the potty. But if he's just playing with toys or whatever, he takes himself to the bathroom when he needs to go without us having to ask him if he needs to go.
So I think parents are trying to potty train, but their kids get so much screen time (and they likely have tablets, which our son DOES NOT) that they have frequent accidents at home, so the parents just kinda give up. Then they end up school-aged and are still somewhat or completely incontinent because their parents put them back in diapers because they're tired of dealing with the mess.
I'd rather pull em with pliers than go to FranceWell yeah you probably have to get through the Chunnel all the way to France, figure out how to drive on the right side of the road and then barter for basic dental services innit?