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A pointless Mario Kart 64 memory


In my younger days, I used to go to this local Best Buy and play Mario Kart 64. I had the game at home, but I liked trying to show off, as the N64 was set up to display not only on the kiosk, but also on the 9-screen setup they had overhead. I would play a little bit at a time, as to not hog the game when other people wanted to play, but I eventually had everything unlocked. Once that happened, I would go like once a week and beat the game so that the credits rolled. It would just sit at the fin screen and not reset, so someone would have to come and open the kiosk and reset it.

I would also go to their PCs and make scrolling text screensavers that said stuff like "this computer is cheaper at circuit city" and then password protect the screensaver with a password that was like ;fjp;hjwetipghogh and leave.

Good old days...


intangibles, motherfucker
bjork said:
I would also go to their PCs and make scrolling text screensavers that said stuff like "this computer is cheaper at circuit city" and then password protect the screensaver with a password that was like ;fjp;hjwetipghogh and leave.

Good old days...

you've given me a reason to visit the computer section at best buy.


yeah, now. That was like 1996/97 or so. You used to be able to do all kinds of stupid crap then. :)


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Entertainment's pretty easy to come by at your local Best Buy. Just walk up to anyone in the computer department, ask them a remotely technical question, and marvel at the stream of bullshit that pours forth. Do little things like grabbing an old-ass video card and asking "is this a DirectX 9 card". Chance are they'll slowly nod their head...


I had a guy try to sell me a $12,000 alienware computer. I told him that all I needed was a computer to run office and a few other programs for school. He tried to tell me something about office requiring 3D graphics cards and stuff, but I don't remember it all quite clearly... I just remember that I brought my friend with me because he builds computers, and he was like, "this guy doesn't know wtf he's talking about", so I went elsewhere for my computer. :)


intangibles, motherfucker
BeOnEdge said:
the computers are locked at best buy, DORK. did you find burnout 3?
no i check but everyone says tomorrow exept targer. they said they might get it in today so i have to check them out tonight.


works for Gamestop (lol)
At Office Depot or Microcenter, I forget...well anyway, couple years ago I changed their screensaver to say "This store sucks." and passworded it. About 5 people went up to the computer and tried to change it, but they were dumbfounded because they didn't know what the password was to get back to the desktop. Haha fools

When I was little, I made a computer quit Win95 and back to dos mode and started deleting directories. Yeah I'm evil, but I was just a kid and thought it was funny back at the time, but they should at least protect their computers a bit more


Wario64 said:
When I was little, I made a computer quit Win95 and back to dos mode and started deleting directories. Yeah I'm evil, but I was just a kid and thought it was funny back at the time, but they should at least protect their computers a bit more

I went to someones house party once, quit Win 95 to DOS, typed "Format C:", and turned the power off half way through. Then got rotten, broke her dads glasses and fell on a plant pot. Then went home.


Tag of Excellence
I did something horrible in CompUSA once. With a group of my friends (who egged me on) I went to almost every single computer and loaded up the Goatse.cx webpage (fullscreen) and placed the computer in screensaver mode.

Needless to say I didn't hang around for the horrible aftermath.
hahaa I put VeronicaMoser.com wallpapers on all the PCs in college too :p I think you win though! Actually... I'm not sure. Both pretty gross.
Back when N64 came out, Wal-Mart was my favorite place to be. I'd just sit there for hours playing titles like Star Fox and Mario. Never seem to see kids at kiosks anymore though.
i took the salesguy from Best Buy into the back and beat him to death with my shoe, then i put him in the trunk of my car and drove him home and cut him up into little pieces and fed him to his parents.


BeOnEdge said:
the computers are locked at best buy, DORK. did you find burnout 3?

If you haven't figured out how to get past Bestbuy's 'lock', there's a problem.

I go there all the time and set the resolution to 320x240 and go back to their program so they're fucked.


Years back I went to some computer store at my local mall once loaded the Orcirina of Time Rom and the N64 emulator on 3 PC's and just left.
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