Mike Works
Hey man. It's me, Mike Works. I don't really like using PM's, and I never see you on IRC, so I couldn't really think of anywhere else to put this.
I know that, with what's going on, you're not in the best of spirits. And I'm sorry. I don't want to go into too many details, but I'd like to reaffirm that it wasn't my fault. I wasn't the driving force behind what happened, and as most of you will soon find out, I actually had nothing to do with it at all. Honest to God I didn't.
I was merely a spectator. And yeah, admittedly, I did cheer it on. For that, I apologize.
For those of you that aren't aware of the situation, Batman Begins was just released in theatres tonight, and it kind of makes the Spider-Man movies look.... well, girly. Like really girly. We're all aware of nomoment's allegiance behind the webcrawler, and as of 3 hours ago, it was a just one. I enjoyed both Spider-Man movies, I truly did! There were laughs, there was some great action, the characters were fun, there were morals.. they're good movies!
But Jesus Christ.
He's back, motherfuckers. He just is. He didn't get bitten by some carribean colored super spider. He didn't get sent to Earth in a UFO with nothing but a set of morals and pampers. He's a man with skill and intelligence aided by technology.
I suppose this is technically a Batman Begins thread, so lock it and do whatever, I'll understand. But for me, this isn't a Batman Begins thread. This is a Batman thread. Nolan fucking rescued the franchise from the sloppy hands of Mr. Schumacher, and for that we should all be eternally grateful. Christian Bale didn't make this movie. Neither did Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, nor Gary Oldman. They were all great, they all played their roles great. But it was the men who convinced this cast to do the project and the man who created the movie who should truly be thanked. The script was somewhat over the top, it wasn't as bad as a giant freeze ray or a brain drain, but it wasn't rooted firmly in reality. But with the way it was handled by Nolan, I can't stress enough how great this movie was made, he created something amazing.
I've been a fan of Batman my entire life. I never liked Superman or Spider-Man, they were just so foreign to me.
So I want to thank Christopher Nolan for agreeing to create Batman Begins. The entire cast, every single main character did a great job living their characters. The script was also well done, a little over the top, but it is a superhero movie. But Christopher Nolan deserves my thanks and every other Batman fan on this planet's thanks.
He saved Batman.
And now Peter Parker has nothing left to do but lock himself in his room, pop in the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack, and squeeze his favorite pillow while Dashboard Confessional soothes his ruffled temperment.
I do like the Spider-Man movies. But now, compared to Batman, I'm going to be curious to see if Sam Raimi cuts a little hole inbetween the legs of the spiderman suit to allow that tampon string some breathing room.
I know that, with what's going on, you're not in the best of spirits. And I'm sorry. I don't want to go into too many details, but I'd like to reaffirm that it wasn't my fault. I wasn't the driving force behind what happened, and as most of you will soon find out, I actually had nothing to do with it at all. Honest to God I didn't.
I was merely a spectator. And yeah, admittedly, I did cheer it on. For that, I apologize.
For those of you that aren't aware of the situation, Batman Begins was just released in theatres tonight, and it kind of makes the Spider-Man movies look.... well, girly. Like really girly. We're all aware of nomoment's allegiance behind the webcrawler, and as of 3 hours ago, it was a just one. I enjoyed both Spider-Man movies, I truly did! There were laughs, there was some great action, the characters were fun, there were morals.. they're good movies!
But Jesus Christ.

He's back, motherfuckers. He just is. He didn't get bitten by some carribean colored super spider. He didn't get sent to Earth in a UFO with nothing but a set of morals and pampers. He's a man with skill and intelligence aided by technology.
I suppose this is technically a Batman Begins thread, so lock it and do whatever, I'll understand. But for me, this isn't a Batman Begins thread. This is a Batman thread. Nolan fucking rescued the franchise from the sloppy hands of Mr. Schumacher, and for that we should all be eternally grateful. Christian Bale didn't make this movie. Neither did Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, nor Gary Oldman. They were all great, they all played their roles great. But it was the men who convinced this cast to do the project and the man who created the movie who should truly be thanked. The script was somewhat over the top, it wasn't as bad as a giant freeze ray or a brain drain, but it wasn't rooted firmly in reality. But with the way it was handled by Nolan, I can't stress enough how great this movie was made, he created something amazing.
I've been a fan of Batman my entire life. I never liked Superman or Spider-Man, they were just so foreign to me.
So I want to thank Christopher Nolan for agreeing to create Batman Begins. The entire cast, every single main character did a great job living their characters. The script was also well done, a little over the top, but it is a superhero movie. But Christopher Nolan deserves my thanks and every other Batman fan on this planet's thanks.
He saved Batman.
And now Peter Parker has nothing left to do but lock himself in his room, pop in the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack, and squeeze his favorite pillow while Dashboard Confessional soothes his ruffled temperment.
I do like the Spider-Man movies. But now, compared to Batman, I'm going to be curious to see if Sam Raimi cuts a little hole inbetween the legs of the spiderman suit to allow that tampon string some breathing room.