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A racist incident on Myspace...

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I was feeling down enough as it is today..

"Today, at approx. 8:00 PM EST I put up a new picture that I took of myself, on my myspace profile at www.myspace.com/sajed I didn't think it was a bad picture, and it is in color so I thought it would be a nice addition. Within 5 mins of posting this picture, I sent out a few messages to people (as is the usual method on myspace) and recieved the following.. shocking replies...

"no.not into foreigners...leave me the fuck alone.
go help ur uncle osama"

"i dont talk to terrorists..."

Sure, a lot of you may find this humorous.. and I wish it was in jest, but it is not. NEVER have I recieved such replies to any messages I have sent out on myspace. After being appauled and shocked for several moments, I made the connection that APPARENTLY my black and white pictures (which were the only pictures visible on my profile, previously) did not indicate my true skin color. After speaking to a few of my myspace friends, some of them would confirm that in fact they did not know the color of my skin, but it was not of importance to them and our friendship. I thank them for this wisdom. However, the shocking replies I recieved, labeling me as a 'terrorist', upon having posted a picture of myself that is in color is not something that I can completely make sense of. I would like to believe that it is an isolated incident, coincidental and unlikely to occur.. but I am beginning to wonder. For that reason, I ask that anyone who is reading this (now that you are aware of my skin color).. who does not want to be my friend due to my skin color, to remove themselves from my friends list and/or reply to this bulletin.

Thank you,


This is the picture I put up, for those who don't have myspace.

My mom would sometimes talk about being mistreated in the workplace because of her Indian cultural background, but I would always think that young people are more in tune with things and kind of shrug it off. I don't know how to make sense of any of this--it has never happened before. I'm not feeling too well at all.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
GodsTyro said:
I was feeling down enough as it is today..

"Today, at approx. 8:00 PM EST I put up a new picture that I took of myself, on my myspace profile at www.myspace.com/sajed I didn't think it was a bad picture, and it is in color so I thought it would be a nice addition. Within 5 mins of posting this picture, I sent out a few messages to people (as is the usual method on myspace) and recieved the following.. shocking replies...

"no.not into foreigners...leave me the fuck alone.
go help ur uncle osama"

"i dont talk to terrorists..."

Sure, a lot of you may find this humorous.. and I wish it was in jest, but it is not. NEVER have I recieved such replies to any messages I have sent out on myspace. After being appauled and shocked for several moments, I made the connection that APPARENTLY my black and white pictures (which were the only pictures visible on my profile, previously) did not indicate my true skin color. After speaking to a few of my myspace friends, some of them would confirm that in fact they did not know the color of my skin, but it was not of importance to them and our friendship. I thank them for this wisdom. However, the shocking replies I recieved, labeling me as a 'terrorist', upon having posted a picture of myself that is in color is not something that I can completely make sense of. I would like to believe that it is an isolated incident, coincidental and unlikely to occur.. but I am beginning to wonder. For that reason, I ask that anyone who is reading this (now that you are aware of my skin color).. who does not want to be my friend due to my skin color, to remove themselves from my friends list and/or reply to this bulletin.

Thank you,


This is the picture I put up, for those who don't have myspace.

My mom would sometimes talk about being mistreated in the workplace because of her Indian cultural background, but I would always think that young people are more in tune with things and kind of shrug it off. I don't know how to make sense of any of this--it has never happened before. I'm not feeling too well at all.

I fucking hate my fellow Americans. :( Not people like your friends, but the idiots who go around calling every person who happens to look like they're not of European descent "terrorist"


It is all horrible, some people are just fucking jerks online to people they don't know. But just as a funny sidenote, you do resemble the guy from 24 that ran himself into an oncoming truck because he realized he was being tailed this season.


People are really really really ignorant....Myspace has probably the most concentrated amount of fucktards in one place I've ever seen. Bad combination : / Don't feel bad Im mexican and back when 9/11 happened I had a full beard ( It was phase thing I guess) and I got many a weird and hateful look lol..

here's my myspace page if you want another friend http://www.myspace.com/3685492


Feh. People are retards on the Zimbardoesque landscape of the internet even more than in real life.

Sucks, but not much you can do about it.

On a sidenote, my ex roommate (indian, bangalore area) always called himself a "sand nigger." I tried to correct him, not only out of annoyance with the term, but also because that wasn't him.

He kept doing it.

He eventually moved out*.

*Because we hated each other--mostly because he kept breaking ground rules and I held his mistakes over his head.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Ryck said:
People are really really really ignorant....Myspace has probably the most concentrated amount of fucktards in one place I've ever seen. Bad combonation : / Don't feel bad Im mexican and back when 9/11 happened I had a full beard ( It was phase thing I guess) and I get many a weird and hateful look lol..

here's my myspace page if you want another friend http://www.myspace.com/3685492
Shit, bad time to be non-caucasian and with a beard, my friend. :lol


well, honestly speaking many white girls here seem to like white boys only, but these arent native new yorkers, rather people that moved here from out of state.
hell i met many snobby asian chicks, that would just stick their nose up at me. so i dont know, you just gotta deal with it i guess.
also met one girl from ohio, who's just fabulous. and of course recently got rejected by a canadian chick.
at the end of the day, i keep telling myself that i can do fourier and laplace transforms, and they cant.
so i win.
and i have better taste in music than all of them combined. yes.


nitewulf said:
well, honestly speaking many white girls here seem to like white boys only, but these arent native new yorkers, rather people that moved here from out of state.
hell i met many snobby asian chicks, that would just stick their nose up at me. so i dont know, you just gotta deal with it i guess.
also met one girl from ohio, who's just fabulous. and of course recently got rejected by a canadian chick.
at the end of the day, i keep telling myself that i can do fourier and laplace transforms, and they cant.
so i win.
and i have better taste in music than all of them combined. yes.

heheh, yeah.. I know.. bad things come and go.. gotta be strong and face them and move on. :) I just hate being too sensitive.


First tragedy, then farce.
I know this isnt the point, but given your name and the black and white photos.. anyone who didnt figure out you were middle eastern and/or Indian is a grade A moron.


StoOgE said:
I know this isnt the point, but given your name and the black and white photos.. anyone who didnt figure out you were middle eastern and/or Indian is a grade A moron.

That's a very good point. :lol
StoOgE said:
I know this isnt the point, but given your name and the black and white photos.. anyone who didnt figure out you were middle eastern and/or Indian is a grade A moron.

I'm gonna name my child Sajed, Abrar, or Dilpreet to break the vicious cycle. We need more multicultural names! Thanks for the inspiration :).

And yeah, racist dicks like those dudes sodomize every orifice society has to offer. Don't feel bad because a few ignorant, intolerant, and insecure fuck heads threw insults your way under the internet's anonymity.


Suerte said:
Urgh, myspace is full of idiots.

Yeah, as terrible as all people are everywhere.. I'd rather expect that to be much more likely at myspace versus livejournal or something. Just like how you'd expect it at gamefaqs instead of gaming-age.


DMczaf said:
Haha terrorist! Yeah, go home foreigner! YOU TOOK ER JOBS!

...wait, I'm half Pakistani :(

I am Desi myself....

To share the same skin color as a Jordaphile....

I always thought "those" people would look different then me. :(

What!? people talking shit on Myspace? What next fanboys on a gaming-age....whats the world coming too.

Serioulsy some of the internets dumbest assholes are on Myspace you should see some of the moronic crap my gf got. One example that makes me laugh "You have nice bobs" Not only did the moron mispell boobs but wow what an ice breaker I'm suprised she didn't dump me right there and then and hunt this romeo down. My gf changed her profile to lesbian cause 10 messages a day of guy cyber hitting on her is a bit annoying.

Oh yeah one thing myspace proves is that even the most decreped trailer parks in the dankest cornes of the world get internet access.

Lil' Dice

Myspace looks like where all of the pompous, uncouth assholes of America hang out.
I don't personally post here, but have seen someone's personal page and it seemed like hanging out inside of a sleazy club's bathroom.


Bowser said:
Bionic and DM are both like me...

I never thought a Laker fan would look like me...ugh :p

bionic77 said:
I am Desi myself....

To share the same skin color as a Jordaphile....

I always thought "those" people would look different then me. :(


WTF! Magic fan vs. Jordan fan , Bucs fan vs. Panthers fan...but we are all look like each other...




well, all middle easterny/brown people have Osama + co to thank for the western world's hatred of them. In Australia, post 9/11 the rednecks/yobs did all sorts of shit to muslims + threatened to bomb churches. I figure its the same all over. I know its not fair but I'm pretty sure the bigotry only got intensified because of 9/11 and the threat of terror to the civilised world.


Odnetnin said:
well, all middle easterny/brown people have Osama + co to thank for the western world's hatred of them. In Australia, post 9/11 the rednecks/yobs did all sorts of shit to muslims + threatened to bomb churches. I figure its the same all over. I know its not fair but I'm pretty sure the bigotry only got intensified because of 9/11 and the threat of terror to the civilised world.
Indeed. It may not be fair but that is how the world is. I remember in 8th grade, in math class when 9/11 happened. Everyone started saying mean things to my friend, she was Indian. Felt sorry for her because it isn't fair how she got treated but that is life. :(


GodsTyro said:
"no.not into foreigners...leave me the fuck alone.
go help ur uncle osama"

"i dont talk to terrorists..."

Some people are just STUPID.

It's the trend with racists on the internet. You always find out they're dumb.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
suupabuu said:
Some people are just STUPID.

It's the trend with racists on the internet. You always find out they're dumb.

The real life racist are much smarter.......
It's the internet. People are allowed to be as smart or as dumb as they like. Once you realize that, you can stop being offended by it.
Odnetnin said:
well, all middle easterny/brown people have Osama + co to thank for the western world's hatred of them. In Australia, post 9/11 the rednecks/yobs did all sorts of shit to muslims + threatened to bomb churches. I figure its the same all over. I know its not fair but I'm pretty sure the bigotry only got intensified because of 9/11 and the threat of terror to the civilised world.

Or how about I blame the ignorant fucktards who make blanket generalizations about people and their beliefs on the basis of a shared skin color, one characteristic of thousands.

Oh wait, it's just easier to be a good old boy and blame Osama for it, rather than the fucked up minds of the people perpetuating it. I don't care if its fair or not, that has nothing to do with RIGHT OR WRONG.
I'm sorry to hear this, Sajed. For what it is worth, one needs to look no further than the replies to this thread to see that this sort of crap is almost omnipresent on the net. These people are a minority but gleefully vocal given some degree of anonymity.

I would try to remember that they are the lost and ignorant ones – they are not attacking you personally because they are too blind and angry/dumb and frightened to truly see you.


GodsTyro said:
I was feeling down enough as it is today..

"Today, at approx. 8:00 PM EST I put up a new picture that I took of myself, on my myspace profile at www.myspace.com/sajed I didn't think it was a bad picture, and it is in color so I thought it would be a nice addition. Within 5 mins of posting this picture, I sent out a few messages to people (as is the usual method on myspace) and recieved the following.. shocking replies...

"no.not into foreigners...leave me the fuck alone.
go help ur uncle osama"

"i dont talk to terrorists..."

Sure, a lot of you may find this humorous.. and I wish it was in jest, but it is not. NEVER have I recieved such replies to any messages I have sent out on myspace. After being appauled and shocked for several moments, I made the connection that APPARENTLY my black and white pictures (which were the only pictures visible on my profile, previously) did not indicate my true skin color. After speaking to a few of my myspace friends, some of them would confirm that in fact they did not know the color of my skin, but it was not of importance to them and our friendship. I thank them for this wisdom. However, the shocking replies I recieved, labeling me as a 'terrorist', upon having posted a picture of myself that is in color is not something that I can completely make sense of. I would like to believe that it is an isolated incident, coincidental and unlikely to occur.. but I am beginning to wonder. For that reason, I ask that anyone who is reading this (now that you are aware of my skin color).. who does not want to be my friend due to my skin color, to remove themselves from my friends list and/or reply to this bulletin.

Thank you,


This is the picture I put up, for those who don't have myspace.

My mom would sometimes talk about being mistreated in the workplace because of her Indian cultural background, but I would always think that young people are more in tune with things and kind of shrug it off. I don't know how to make sense of any of this--it has never happened before. I'm not feeling too well at all.

If I saw that pic, I would just tell you to stop making bad films like The Village, or Unbreakable. Only because I think you look like M. Night Shamalan. I think its fucked up that people still use racial slurs to make themselves feel better.


masud said:
You don't look arab at all. People are so fucking stupid.
Hell, he doesn't even look "white" in the black and white picture. So I have no idea how they would've thought that in the first place.

I feel bad for the guy but once you accept that assholes, racists and general idiots mixed in with the good people the better your life is. I learned to shrug this and similar things off a long time ago.

Plus there's always the silver lining that you wouldn't want those people as friends anyway.


They are arseholes. You haven't lost anything coz you wouldn't want to be friends with a such shallow people anyway.


GodsTyro said:
My mom would sometimes talk about being mistreated in the workplace because of her Indian cultural background, but I would always think that young people are more in tune with things and kind of shrug it off. I don't know how to make sense of any of this--it has never happened before. I'm not feeling too well at all.
Unfortunately, I side with your mother on this one. Ignorance is not something that will go away with generations if the ignorant parents raise their children in their stupidity. Racism is a problem that I do not see going away in this generation or the next.

If it means anything, their comments are the window to their lack of knowledge and general ignorance.
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