Cant wait for the lefties to preach to us how he was just 'missunderstood', and how we need to 'understand his motives'
Fuck him, string him up and hang him on the border as an example to the other illegal trash.
Every single crime committed by an illegal was 100 percent preventable. It's fucking sickening what the traitors in charge have allowed to happen to this country and other nations in the West.
As sick as the story is it was actually one of the linked stories about a gay couple and what they done to their two adopted sons that almost made me throw up. WTF.
Toronto subways are safe (I think). Used to take it in the 90s all the time going to school downtown. And it was fine back then.
Rarely saw any troublemakers. In fact never saw one incident. But even then you always keep an eye on the random drunk drooling on himself half asleep on a seat. You know nothing is going to happen but just in case you keep an eye on that guy and not a lady with a baby carriage. Or some university students with backpacks talking about class. Or some business casual people going to work downtown or shoppers with bags of stuff they bought. Nothing bad will happen from them. And everyone knows it.
As dad always told us as kids…. Stay away from odd people. In a subway you can’t avoid everyone being enclosed in a tin can, but at least keep an eye on the people most probable to do dumb shit. And it’s always the sketchy thuggish looking people.
As sick as the story is it was actually one of the linked stories about a gay couple and what they done to their two adopted sons that almost made me throw up. WTF.