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"A Showcase of Decima Engine in Horizon Forbidden West" wins Best in Show award at Siggraph 2022.

Pedro Motta

Can't wait to see this presentation of one of the best looking games released this generation. And to think this is still cross-gen. Curious to see every detail on how they are pushing the tech forward.

EDIT: For those that don't know what SIGGRAPH is, here is and overview of the technical papers submitted this year:

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Welp. At least one award for Forbidden West. Because thanks to Elden Ring there won't be much more...

Closing in on the plat. Yeah it looks quite remarkable( npc fidelity is off the charts , the rolling hills never looked this good and robot dinos are wonderfully animated) however, the settlements in fw pales in comparison to Meridian. That was a godam city and hope Guerilla comes back with something of that scale for next horizon.
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Welp. At least one award for Forbidden West. Because thanks to Elden Ring there won't be much more...

Are we talking about awards for the engine?

Because thats what this topic is about not GoTY awards.

This is going to be interesting for those that are interested on how the Decima Engine works and how they used it with Horizon Forbidden West.

Pedro says it best though.

Siggraph is a yearly event where the top minds of rendering, both realtime and offline, expose their work, findings and developments. It's where research papers are presented with future technologies of rendering tech.
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Actually GOWR has the high chance of going to win GOTY again this time

ER is good but not THAT good tbh (im 90% done with the game).
ER is perfect for getting high review scores, it's at it's best early on and very few reviewer go to the later parts of the game where all the cracks become a lot more obvious.

It's still a great game regardless and could easily win the most GoTYs but I don't think it's as set in stone as some people are pretending it is.
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Welp. At least one award for Forbidden West. Because thanks to Elden Ring there won't be much more...
You dont want to throw Elden Ring's name on a thread about "best tech showcase", do you?

I hated the game, but it sure is a looker. Congrats, GG


Who? Where?
A graphics showcase/competition? What exactly is this?
Siggraph is the most important computer graphics conference in the world, where every year since forever the top tier, cutting edge innovations in visuals are announced and showcased. Basically they show there rendering and simulation stuff that later will be used not only in games, but also in animation, movies, simulations, etc. because some stuff requires too much horsepower so can't be used in real time.

To surprise these folks and receive an award from them with a console game is super hard since they compete against the best researchers in the world who show there tech demos running on NASA PCs.
Shame graphics don’t give you interesting mechanics, interesting shit to do and good mission design 🤷🏻‍♂️
Guess what, Forbidden West also has great mechanics, interesting shit to do and good mission design. It's retarded to assume that if a game has stunning visuals can't have other good things.

Welp. At least one award for Forbidden West. Because thanks to Elden Ring there won't be much more...
This award is about visual tech, where Elden Ring is a joke compared to HFW.

In any case, unlike Elden Ring Forwiden West already won its first GOTY award. In the Develop Conference, the biggest gamedev event in Europe:
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wtf dude...the game isn't even out. No one is saying it'll be better, but you're just outright dismissing a game that's not even out for some reason
I'm talking about the 18 one... from what we've seen there's no reason to believe the sequel will be too different. Anyway, back to topic.

Siggraph is the most important computer graphics conference in the world, where every year since forever the top tier, cutting edge innovations in visuals are announced and showcased. Basically they show there rendering and simulation stuff that later will be used not only in games, but also in animation, movies, simulations, etc. because some stuff requires too much horsepower so can't be used in real time.

To surprise these folks and receive an award from them with a console game is super hard since they compete against the best researchers in the world who show there tech demos running on NASA PCs.
eh, i'm a bit skeptical of these types of events, especially if its a famous/popular one. Its the kind of place where certain cliques within an industry tend to lump together to pat each other in the back. Anyway, at least i now know it exists.


You know what, goons?... You could have just fucking Googled this if you were really interested in engaging in meaningful discussion in good faith.

Clearly, you weren't though, were you?
Its normal to aks thing you don't know about, and of course i googled it but google doesn't give all the answers i might want. No need to for you to act personally offended.
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Kev Kev

You know what, goons?... You could have just fucking Googled this if you were really interested in engaging in meaningful discussion in good faith.

Clearly, you weren't though, were you?
Wtf man, I was genuinely asking…? I’ve never heard of it. Not every user is trolling and/or asking in bad faith. I’m not that kind of Gaffer, at least.

Anyway, thanks to the other posters who actually gave helpful answers.
Siggraph has been around since 1974 and is as respected as a D.I.C.E. award, probs even more so.

BTW why is everyone so hostile :messenger_tears_of_joy: I know some of you can't see anything beyond "cross-gen" when you see Horizon but if you can power thru that thicccc bias barrier, and yes its a bias and that's okay, you'd see that it's actually pretty damn good looking game.
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