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Abandoned Forspoken SteelBooks Found at Dump

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I’m sure it will be easy to find port begging posts for Forspoken on GP or Xbox then?

Truth is there was never any hype for this game aside from 4-5 people pushing the « AAA Square Enix game » narrative. You can look at the old threads whenever a new video was posted trying to hype it up.

Like, guys, you do realize you cannot always objectively determine a game‘s popularity and sales by what everyone says on Gaf, right? Pokémon sales would be in the toilet if that were the case, and yet the series continues to sell by the bucketload.

I’m not saying the game didn’t probably underperform, but this steelbooks found in the trash shit? Like, steelbooks rarely contain the game itself, they’re usually an extra bonus while the disc is in the standard case. And, you know, it’s RATHER CONVENIENT how the video doesn’t have him opening the steelbook to show if there’s a disc in there or not.

Thinking Reaction GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA
Will Smith Reaction GIF
Meme Think GIF

Like, wake me up when some hard data sales are shown, not some 15 second video with barely any context. And I’ll be glad to admit if the game underperformed (doesn’t mean I didn’t have a good time with it, and fuck any shitlord who has a problem with that) when that comes out, but here’s the thing: let’s not sit here and pretend that hypothetically if sales were revealed to be surprisingly high, that a good deal of people (not necessarily you) here would commence all the mental gymnastics to come up with excuses or bullshit to twist the narrative away from the hard facts.


Gold Member
The game is barely a month old. Anyone who believes they are being binned by retailers need to smell the real life air and get outside from their little hovels.

What you are talking about is extremely old stock that has absolute proof of not being moved and there is literally no other option than to dispose of the product
I can totally see empty steelbooks being tossed a month out. They have no value. The people who wanted the game at release have it. With the reviews it received physical sales will have cooled by now with people waiting for a price cut or a used copy. Retailers aren't inclined to just give stuff away, so instead of doing a "free, take as many as you want" they'll toss the steelbooks because they are worthless and are taking up space.

When Cyberpunk shit the bed on console and Best Buy was selling their overstock copies for $10 (why didn't they just send them back to the publisher If that's a thing they can do?) they tossed in 4 empty steelbooks with the two copies I bought.

Retailers these days do not wait until stock gets old and dusty to send it back or dispose of it. If it's taking up space it's costing them money.


Like, guys, you do realize you cannot always objectively determine a game‘s popularity and sales by what everyone says on Gaf, right? Pokémon sales would be in the toilet if that were the case, and yet the series continues to sell by the bucketload.

I’m not saying the game didn’t probably underperform, but this steelbooks found in the trash shit? Like, steelbooks rarely contain the game itself, they’re usually an extra bonus while the disc is in the standard case. And, you know, it’s RATHER CONVENIENT how the video doesn’t have him opening the steelbook to show if there’s a disc in there or not.

Thinking Reaction GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA
Will Smith Reaction GIF
Meme Think GIF

Like, wake me up when some hard data sales are shown, not some 15 second video with barely any context. And I’ll be glad to admit if the game underperformed (doesn’t mean I didn’t have a good time with it, and fuck any shitlord who has a problem with that) when that comes out, but here’s the thing: let’s not sit here and pretend that hypothetically if sales were revealed to be surprisingly high, that a good deal of people (not necessarily you) here would commence all the mental gymnastics to come up with excuses or bullshit to twist the narrative away from the hard facts.
There’s no mental gymnastics, SE themselves said sales were « lackluster ». But I don’t care about how it sold - I’m saying there was no hype for it and it has nothing to do with console wars, exclusivity, GP or anything else.

Look at the demo thread and tell me if you think the demo was well received. Or the thread about the marketing videos published before release. Or the review thread. In fact, the more the game was shown, the more negative the response to it became.
This game has to be the worst release of 2023 at this point. Thank god, hopefully this is a wake up call to SE to stop making shit games and using shitty old outdated engines.

Twitter user maiacelio shared a video in which a number of Forspoken SteelBooks had been found in the garbage. While it was not disclosed where precisely the items were found, it is still surprising to see such a new game treated this way. Seeing merchandise such as this show up in disposal bins and dumpsters isn't quite new. In similar news, Funko is disposing of $36 million worth of figurines following lackluster sales in 2022. While that product line seems to be dealing with more volume than Forspoken, the fact that this video game has only been out for a couple of months really doesn't seem like a good sign.

While avid collectors place a lot of value on PlayStation 5 SteelBooks, the added cost versus the regular packaging of the game could really affect the decision-making when buying items such as these. Understandably, while most SteelBook editions include other additional freebies or content, most consumers will tend to focus on purchasing games which they hold to a higher regard. In line with Forspoken's mixed reviews and continuous criticisms, it seems the trend for the game is downward. While it wasn't confirmed whether the steel cases had the discs inside, just seeing them thrown out for disposal does put a more negative light on the game.

Michael Jordan Lol GIF

Montage Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Ben Stiller Film GIF

Never go full retard, uh woke I mean. No surprises here. Doesn’t look like they really did it though and that this is someone who “put the evidence here themselves”. Game is bad but it’s no ET.


There’s no mental gymnastics, SE themselves said sales were « lackluster ». But I don’t care about how it sold - I’m saying there was no hype for it and it has nothing to do with console wars, exclusivity, GP or anything else.

Look at the demo thread and tell me if you think the demo was well received. Or the thread about the marketing videos published before release. Or the review thread. In fact, the more the game was shown, the more negative the response to it became.

You’re not getting what I’m saying at all. Everything I said about steelbooks you didn’t touch upon. Also, a hypothetical situation doesn’t care what reality is. So again, the actual sales being listed (technically not, just that they were lackluster, but anyone who knows game companies knows that can mean anywhere from a few hundred thousand to a few million and still be “lackluster”) do not affect my hypothetical situation and theory about what would follow it.

Essentially, I said, “what would people be doing if hypothetically aliens arrived on Earth yesterday?” and you responded with, “aliens didn’t arrive yesterday.” You hopefully understand why I would be looking at you like this now:

are you serious tyron woodley GIF


You’re not getting what I’m saying at all. Everything I said about steelbooks you didn’t touch upon. Also, a hypothetical situation doesn’t care what reality is. So again, the actual sales being listed (technically not, just that they were lackluster, but anyone who knows game companies knows that can mean anywhere from a few hundred thousand to a few million and still be “lackluster”) do not affect my hypothetical situation and theory about what would follow it.

Essentially, I said, “what would people be doing if hypothetically aliens arrived on Earth yesterday?” and you responded with, “aliens didn’t arrive yesterday.” You hopefully understand why I would be looking at you like this now:

are you serious tyron woodley GIF
Honestly, if I learned the game actually sold well, it wouldn’t change my opinion of it at all, which is based on playing the demo. There are lots of games which sell really well and I fundamentally dislike.

It wouldn’t even disappoint me based on what kind of games are popular those days.


Honestly, if I learned the game actually sold well, it wouldn’t change my opinion of it at all, which is based on playing the demo. There are lots of games which sell really well and I fundamentally dislike.

It wouldn’t even disappoint me based on what kind of games are popular those days.

Right, I said it may not apply to you, just a few other people here seem really intent on proving the game was a failure. Mind you, this is even worse on gamefaqs, three people in particular cannot seem to resist going after anyone who says anything even mildly positive about the game.

I mean, Atomic Heart is probably not for me, but I’m not looking into sales of it all. If people like it, more power to them. If it did well, cool, hope you all get a sequel you enjoy.

Hell, if Forspoken sales are already stated to be lackluster, why did this steelbook video even need to be made? This is like a voting campaign being decided, and then the winner, “okay, I know we already won, but let’s do a recount, maybe we won ever more!” Like, guys, you got the election, you can chill now.


I can totally see empty steelbooks being tossed a month out. They have no value. The people who wanted the game at release have it. With the reviews it received physical sales will have cooled by now with people waiting for a price cut or a used copy. Retailers aren't inclined to just give stuff away, so instead of doing a "free, take as many as you want" they'll toss the steelbooks because they are worthless and are taking up space.

When Cyberpunk shit the bed on console and Best Buy was selling their overstock copies for $10 (why didn't they just send them back to the publisher If that's a thing they can do?) they tossed in 4 empty steelbooks with the two copies I bought.

Retailers these days do not wait until stock gets old and dusty to send it back or dispose of it. If it's taking up space it's costing them money.
Amazon isn't your everyday game retailer.

Do you have any actual proof that all retailers dump their merch within a month of release?

Knocking down the price or just giving it away makes sense and definitely happens. Buy this and stand a chance to win that. Buy this and get that for free

But retailers aren't just throwing away games or stock that doesnt sell within a month. That is some serious reaching.

You only toss stock if the cost benefit makes sense to do so. And that's it...

The only scenario where this is happening is if steelbooks > number of disc's given... that's the only time where financially it would make sense to bin it.

And if that is the case, that is 100% on the retailer or a clinical error on order. Nothing to do with the game or its quality or how it is selling.. again we are barely a month after release. Games sell for years, especially these days where a patch can dramatically change the game and spike sales
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Can’t Git Gud
Returning it to where they found the dialog.
Steel books are almost always empty shells to put your disk inside, stop panicking, there are no games inside
my forspoken came with normal case and empty steelbook, so you are right here.
but ff XV only came in steelbook


Like, guys, you do realize you cannot always objectively determine a game‘s popularity and sales by what everyone says on Gaf, right? Pokémon sales would be in the toilet if that were the case, and yet the series continues to sell by the bucketload.

I’m not saying the game didn’t probably underperform, but this steelbooks found in the trash shit? Like, steelbooks rarely contain the game itself, they’re usually an extra bonus while the disc is in the standard case. And, you know, it’s RATHER CONVENIENT how the video doesn’t have him opening the steelbook to show if there’s a disc in there or not.

Thinking Reaction GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA
Will Smith Reaction GIF
Meme Think GIF

Like, wake me up when some hard data sales are shown, not some 15 second video with barely any context. And I’ll be glad to admit if the game underperformed (doesn’t mean I didn’t have a good time with it, and fuck any shitlord who has a problem with that) when that comes out, but here’s the thing: let’s not sit here and pretend that hypothetically if sales were revealed to be surprisingly high, that a good deal of people (not necessarily you) here would commence all the mental gymnastics to come up with excuses or bullshit to twist the narrative away from the hard facts.

'GAF' has been wrong about popularity a lot. See, as you mentioned, Pokémon. And the Switch OT is a hilarious read.

But Forspoken hasn't done very well. It dropped down the charts pretty hard, in places the graphics are a major disappointment, the developer got absorbed into Square (which doesn't tend to happen if they do well), and it was mocked online (outside of GAF too) a lot, both pre and post release. I just think not many people were wanting this game.

And the dialogue is unbearably terrible.
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Appears to be a stunt for attention. I'd believe it if the game was dirt cheap already, but it's not. So I'm calling bullshit.
Hell, if Forspoken sales are already stated to be lackluster, why did this steelbook video even need to be made? This is like a voting campaign being decided, and then the winner, “okay, I know we already won, but let’s do a recount, maybe we won ever more!” Like, guys, you got the election, you can chill now.

There's a complete obsession about this game failing.


Oh so it is okay to waste resources by throwing away a bunch of brand new stuff because nobody wants it.
What would you do with it? Storage is money. I've seen my local store trying to sell 20 or so steelbooks (don't remember the game) for 10 Cents and nobody wanted them.
I can totally see empty steelbooks being tossed a month out. They have no value. The people who wanted the game at release have it. With the reviews it received physical sales will have cooled by now with people waiting for a price cut or a used copy. Retailers aren't inclined to just give stuff away, so instead of doing a "free, take as many as you want" they'll toss the steelbooks because they are worthless and are taking up space.

When Cyberpunk shit the bed on console and Best Buy was selling their overstock copies for $10 (why didn't they just send them back to the publisher If that's a thing they can do?) they tossed in 4 empty steelbooks with the two copies I bought.

Retailers these days do not wait until stock gets old and dusty to send it back or dispose of it. If it's taking up space it's costing them money.

Why would retailers need to dispose shit when there are ebay powersellers willing to pay them money to take product off their hands? (I know someone who does this)
Not trying to be a jerk but this is a perfect example of people on a certain team who find pleasure in this game failing.
Forspoken one if the worst releases I've ever seen. You can't really see that because you are so bias. What's really sad is sony paying millions for two year exclusivity.
If there were more reports showing this maybe, but just one guy you can find that for many games. Maybe they could even do it themselves who knows.

I mean Square already said it underperformed so not sure what more salt is going to do.
Forspoken one if the worst releases I've ever seen. You can't really see that because you are so bias. What's really sad is sony paying millions for two year exclusivity.
Haha. More excuses for this terrible game. Just stop.

Embarrassing. I'm not making excuses.......anyway, thanks for your valuable contribution to my ignore list.

If there were more reports showing this maybe, but just one guy you can find that for many games. Maybe they could even do it themselves who knows.

I mean Square already said it underperformed so not sure what more salt is going to do.

I agree with you Eddie. What is this bizarro universe? lol
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Played the demo maybe like me.....
What's your point? That you want to keep dunking on it just because? Most people just move on to the next, better game in their library after voicing their criticisms.
The vast majority of games on the market are considered mediocre. It's not like this is even considered the worst game that ever was.
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Seems like half the hate from this game comes from console wars and the fact that this game is a PS exclusive. If it was multiplatform or dare I say a GamePass exclusive, the story would be totally different.
It is multi-platform, unless you don't count PC as a platform


Gold Member
No retail store is just going to dump stock instead of marking down or sending it back; y'all are some gullible ass fuccbois
Stores dump stock all the time, it is why dumpster diving became a thing.

Now did it happen in this case, if the steelbooks are empty then yea they're not going to waste time and money sending it somewhere to be processed, it'll go into the trash. i doubt they'll do it with a new game, especially when i go to the target clearance rack and it has like 8000 copies of Race with Ryan sitting there for years.


Eh... seems to be fabricated for internet fame.

The game sucks but I'm sure retailers aren't "dumping their stock". They'd just knock the price down to dirt cheap.
I've worked in retail for a couple years. A lot of people managing digital entertainment have absolutely no clue how much they're supposed to buy-in. And in some cases it's literally cheaper to 'write-off' a certain product than giving it shelf space. Some retailers/publishers are also not allowed to sell games under a certain treshold either because it will inadvertedly be bad PR for the game and/or studio.

I remember one of the managers being stuck with like 500~ physical Forza copies for 3+ years because he didn't know about the arrival of Game Pass and eventually they had to be written off/sent back for termination as well.

That doesn't explain how such a recent game ended up in a bin though. That technically wouldn't be legal over here. Maybe different restrictions in a different country or maybe just a smaller and independent game store.
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What would you do with it? Storage is money. I've seen my local store trying to sell 20 or so steelbooks (don't remember the game) for 10 Cents and nobody wanted them.
The issue is not selling them. Maybe they should have not existed to begin with ?


I've worked in retail for a couple years. A lot of people managing digital entertainment have absolutely no clue how much they're supposed to buy-in. And in some cases it's literally cheaper to 'write-off' a certain product than giving it shelf space. Some retailers/publishers are also not allowed to sell games under a certain treshold either because it will inadvertedly be bad PR for the game and/or studio.

I remember one of the managers being stuck with like 500~ physical Forza copies for 3+ years because he didn't know about the arrival of Game Pass and eventually they had to be written off/sent back for termination as well.

That doesn't explain how such a recent game ended up in a bin though. That technically wouldn't be legal over here. Maybe different restrictions in a different country or maybe just a smaller and independent game store.
Guy that uploaded the video is a massive xbox warrior, he says in the video the game floped so hard Gamestop sent it to trash. Its bullshit. If anything, those are just empty steelbook cases that the store got in excess and since there are only 5 cases in the trash they rather get rid of them than sent them back.


Guy that uploaded the video is a massive xbox warrior, he says in the video the game floped so hard Gamestop sent it to trash. Its bullshit. If anything, those are just empty steelbook cases that the store got in excess and since there are only 5 cases in the trash they rather get rid of them than sent them back.
Ugh, that's gross. I fucking hate these console warriors man.


Just took a look at the profile of the guy that posted the video...

FFS. Too many threads on here based off these low rent morons

People just use them in threads to stir up controversy

I've been subjected to tools like this gimp above / colt / xvault gaming .

Why do people follow these tools?
Truth is there was never any hype for this game aside from 4-5 people pushing the « AAA Square Enix game » narrative
Exactly. When the game was announced we had "PS5 exclusive!", "AAA Square Enix exclusive!" and even when launched close to Hi-Fi Rush "top steam charts", "70$ quality". People were trying to elevate the game simply because it was PS5 exclusive and Square Enix game. That's all to it.

Now suddenly "the hate to the game came from Xbox folks", "because not on Game Pass". Hilarious.

From a foregone conclusion that it would be a banger, it became forsaken after a demo and trailers and it will become forgotten soon.
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Exactly. When the game was announced we had "PS5 exclusive!", "AAA Square Enix exclusive!" and even when launched close to Hi-Fi Rush "top steam charts", "70$ quality". People were trying to elevate the game simply because it was PS5 exclusive and Square Enix game. That's all to it.

Now suddenly "the hate to the game came from Xbox folks", "because not on Game Pass". Hilarious.
Game always looked mediocre, and always had memes because of the cringe and excessive dialog, but Xbox warriors has been doubling down on Forspoken becase Forspoken sold more than Hi-Fi Rush in January in the US or something like that. Its a console warring thing. If the game was multiplatform from day 1 it would be just an average game and ppl had moved on already.
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Just took a look at the profile of the guy that posted the video...


What the fuck is wrong with these people? They have to have an actual mental illness to build up their identities around a game console right? Like people like this dude dont actually act this way offline do they? Does this guy masturbate to npd numbers or something?
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